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Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter XLV: ad Atticum 8.3 (search)
ing some shame upon himself, etc. See Crit. Append. fore: in apposition to and explanatory of periculum. Ne with the subj. would be a more natural construction, but cf. cum subest ille timor, ea (utilitate) neglecta ne dignitatem quidem posse retineri, de Or. 2.334. The statement of one side of the question, which began with 2, comes to an end with this sentence. istum: i.e. Caesarem. ille: i.e. Pompeius. legibus ferendis: i.e. the laws whose passage Caesar effected in his consulship in 59 B.C. For Pompey's attitude toward these laws, cf. Att. 2.16.2. When Caesar's agrarian law, assigning lands to Pompey's veterans, came before the people, Bibulus and Cato, the leaders of the opposition, were treated with great roughness; cf. Plut. Cat. Min. 32; Suet. Iul. 20. contra auspicia: to the many attempts which the Optimates made to postpone the comitia on religious grounds (cf. Dio Cass. 38.6) Caesar paid little heed. Galliae adiunctor: Caesar's third province (cf. Intr. 13) was volunt
Acerro'nia a friend of Agrippina, the mother of Nero, was drowned in B. C. 59, when an unsuccessful attempt was made at the same time to drown Agrippina. (Tac. Ann. 14.4; D. C. 61.13.)
9, Pomp. 34, 36, 39; D. C. 37.5.) On Pompey's return to Rome, he was anxious to obtain the consulship for Afranius, that he might the more easily carry his own plans into effect; and, notwithstanding the opposition of a powerful party, lie obtained the election of Afranius by influence and bribery. During his consulship, however, (B. C. 60), Afranius did not do much for Pompey (D. C. 37.49), but probably more from want of experience in political affairs than from any want of inclination. In B. C. 59 Afranius had the province of Cisalpine Gaul (comp. Cic. Att. 1.19), and it may have been owing to some advantages he had gained over the Gauls, that he obtained the triumph, of which Cicero speaks in his oration against Piso. (c. 24.) When Pompey obtained the provinces of the two Spains in his second consulship (B. C. 55), he sent Afranius and Petreius to govern Spain in his name, while he himself remained in Rome. (Vell. 2.48.) On the breaking out of the civil war, B. C. 49, Afranius was
Q. Ancha'rius 2. Tribune of the plebs in the consulship of Caesar and Bibulus, B. C. 59. He took an active part in opposing the agrarian law of Caesar, and in consequence of his services to the aristocratical party obtained the praetorship in B. C. 56. He succeeded L. Piso in the province of Macedonia in the following year. (Cic. pro Sest. 53, in Pison. 36; Schol. Bob. pro Sest. p. 304, in Vatin. p. 317, ed. Orelli.) One of Cicero's letters is written to him (ad Fam. 13.40).
A'rrius 2. Q. Arrius, a son of the preceding, was an unsuccessful candidate for the consulship, B. C. 59. (Cic. Att. 2.5, 7.) He was an intimate friend of Cicero (in Vatin. 12, pro Mil. 17); but Cicero during his exile complains bitterly of the conduct of Arrius. (Ad Qu. fr. 1.3.)
A'rrius 3. C. Arrius, a neighbour of Cicero at Formiae, who honoured Cicero with more of his company than was convenient to him, B. C. 59. (Cic. Att. 2.14, 15.)
ctavius, and became by him the mother of Augustus Caesar. (Suet. Oct. 4; Vell. 2.59.) She pretended that Augustus was the son of Apollo, who had intercourse with her in the form of a dragon, while she was sleeping on one occasion in the temple of the god. (D. C. 45.1; Suet. Oct. 94.) She carefully attended to the education of her son, and is on this account classed by the author of the Dialogue on Orators (100.29) along with Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi, and Aurelia, the mother of C. Julius Caesar. Her husband died in B. C. 59, when her son was only four years of age, and she afterwards married L. Marcius Philippus, who was consul in B. C. 56. On the death of Julius Caesar, she and her husband tried to dissuade her son from accepting the inheritance which his great-uncle had left him. (Plut. Cic. 44; Suet. Oct. 8; Vell. 2.60 ; Appian, App. BC 3.10.) She died in the first consulship of her son, B. C. 43, and was honoured with a public funeral. (Suet. Oct. 61; Dion. Cass. 47.17.)
a laurel crown and the praetexta in the scenic games. (Vell. 2.40.) He failed in his first attempt to obtain the aedileship, although he was supported by Pompey (Schol. Bob. pro Planc. p. 257, ed. Orelli); but he appears to have been praetor in B. C. 59), as we find that he was governor of Cilicia in the following year. (Comp. Cic. Fam. 1.3.) On the breaking out of the civil war in B. C. 49, he sided with the Pompeian party, and took an active part in the levy of troops at Capua. (Ad Att. 8.11,a, as we learn from the annexed coin (copied from the Thesaur. Morell.), of which the reverse is ATIUS BALBUS PR., with the head of Balbus; and the obverse, SARD. PATER, with the head of Sardus. the father or mythical ancestor of the island. In B. C. 59, Balbus was appointed one of the vigintiviri under the Julian law for the division of the land in Campania; and, as Pompey was a member of the same board, Balbus, who was not a person of any importance, was called by Cicero in joke Pompey's coll
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Bassus, Q. Caeci'lius a Roman knight, and probably quaestor in B. C. 59 (Cic. Att. 2.9), espoused Pompey's party in the civil war, and after the loss of the battle of Pharsalia (48) fled to Tyre. Here he remained concealed for some time ; but being joined by several of his party, he endeavoured to gain over some of the soldiers of Sex. Julius Caesar, who was at that time governor of Syria. In this attempt he was successful; but his designs were discovered by Sextus, who, however, forgave him on his alleging that he wanted to collect troops in order to assist Mithridates of Pergamus. Soon afterwards, however, Bassus spread a report that Caesar had been defeated and killed in Africa, and that he himself had been appointed governor of Syria. He forthwith seized upon Tyre, and marched against Sextus; but being defeated by the latter, he corrupted the soldiers of his opponent, who was accordingly put to death by his own troops. On the death of Sextus, his whole army went over to Bassus,
ffice in the following year, B. C. 62, though he entered upon it, as usual, on the 10th of December, 63. It was agreed among the conspirators, that Bestia should make an attack upon Cicero in the popular assembly, and that this should be the signal for their rising in the following night. The vigilance of Cicero, however, as is well known, prevented this. (Sal. Cat. 17, 43; Appian, App. BC 2.3; Plut. Cic. 23; Schol. Bob. pro Sest. p. 294, pro Sull. p. 366, ed Orelli.) Bestia was aedile in B. C. 59, and was an unsuccessful candidate for the praetorship in 57, notwithstanding his bribery, for which he was brought to trial in the following year and condemned. He was defended by his former enemy, Cicero, who had now become reconciled to him, and speaks of him as his intimate friend in his oration for Caelius. (100.11.) After Caesar's death, Bestia attached himself to Antony, whom he accompanied to Mutina in B. C. 43, in hopes of obtaining the consulship in the place of M. Brutus, althoug
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