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Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 5 5 Browse Search
James Russell Lowell, Among my books 3 3 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 2 Browse Search
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Plato, Republic 1 1 Browse Search
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 1 1 Browse Search
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Plato, Laws, Book 3, section 701d (search)
in its mouth, and so “get a toss off the donkey”A play on A)P' O)/NOU=A)PO\ NOU=: “to show oneself a fool”: cr. Artist. Nubes 1274: TI/ DH=TA LHREI=S, W(/SPER A)P' O)/NOU KATAPESW/N. (as the saying goes): consequently, I must once more repeat my question, and ask—“With what object has all this been said?”MegillusVery good.AthenianWhat has now been said bears on the objects previously stated.MegillusWhat were they?AthenianWe saidCp. Plat. Laws 693b. that the lawgiver must aim, in his legislation, at three objectives—to make the State he is legislating for free, and at unity with itself, and possessed of sense. That was so, was it not?Meg
Plato, Republic, Book 10, section 600a (search)
is there any tradition of a war in Homer's time that was well conducted by his command or counsel?” “None.” “Well, then, as might be expected of a man wise in practical affairs, are many and ingenious inventionsOn the literature of “inventions,” EU(RH/MATA, see Newman ii. p. 382 on Aristot.Pol. 1274 b 4. Cf. Virgil, Aen. vi. 663 “inventas aut qui vitam excoluere per artes,” and Symp. 209 A. for the arts and business of life reported of Homer as they are of ThalesDiog. Laert. i. 23-27. the Milesian and AnacharsisDiog. Laert. i. 105 says he was reported to be the inventor of the anchor and the potter's wheel. the Scythian?” “Nothing whatever of the sort.” “Well, then,
Veccus or BECCUS, JOANNES (*Be/kkos, *Be/kos, or *Be/kwn), an ecclesiastic of some celebrity in the latter part of the thirteenth century of our era. From the office of Chartophylax in the great church of Constantinople, he was elevated to the patriarchate of that city, by Michael Palaeologus, in A. D. 1274, on account of his friendly dispositions towards the Latin Church. Veccus had at first been warmly opposed to the Latins, but his feelings towards them were changed by the perusal of the writings of Nicephorus Blemmyda. He continued patriarch of Constantinople until the death of the emperor Michael, in A. D. 1283, when the ultra-Greek party regained their ascendancy, and Veccus found it necessary to resign his episcopate. He spent the remainder of his life in suffering persecution from the now dominant party, sometimes in exile and sometimes in prison, where he died in A. D. 1298. The most virulent of his opponents and persecutors was George of Cyprus. [GEORGIUS, No. 20.] Works
avillas del Orbe, published in 1286. A passage in the Spanish Leyes de las Partidas of the middle of the thirteenth century runs as follows: The needle which guides the mariner in the dark night, and shows him how to direct his course both in good and bad weather, is the intermediary between the loadstone and the North Star. Dante, about 1300, refers to the needle which points to the star. Marco Polo, the great traveler, was in the service of Kublai Khan, the conqueror of China, from 1274 to 1291, and was concerned in the introduction of the compass from China to Europe direct. It had previously arrived by the good old channel, India and Arabia; but Marco Polo did not know that, and his services can hardly be exaggerated. The Arabs sailed by the compass during the Khalifate of Cordova, which lasted till A. D. 1237, when it was subdued by the Moors. An authority states that it was known in Norway previous to 1266. Dr. Gilbert, physician to Queen Elizabeth, states that P
se names) are both derived from feldspar, which consists of silica, alumina, and potash. Kaolin consists of decomposed feldspar, and petuntse is the powder of undecomposed feldspar. The radical difference seems to be that by decomposition and exposure to the air the kaolin has acquired plasticity, has become a clay. This being the case, it is easy to conceive the propriety of keeping the prepared clay in a condition to improve by exposure and age, before working it. Marco Polo, who was from 1274 to 1291 in the service of Kublai Khan, the Conqueror of China, states that the heaps of porcelain clay were exposed in China for thirty to forty years before using; so that men gathered the materials for their children and grandchildren. The other material mentioned is hoache, and probably, as the Pere d'entrecolles remarks, is steatite; which is a compound of silica and magnesia. We cannot go into all the particulars of the history of the art, nor describe the ingredients and compositi
James Russell Lowell, Among my books, Dante. (search)
rld's goods possible only to the rich, and a knowledge of man possible only to the poor. The few well-ascertained facts of Dante's life may be briefly stated. In 1274 occurred what we may call his spiritual birth, the awakening in him of the imaginative faculty, and of that profounder and more intense consciousness which springe in relation to the history of thought, literature, and events, we subjoin a few dates: Dante born, 1265; end of Crusades, death of St. Louis, 1270; Aquinas died, 1274; Bonaventura died, 1274; Giotto born, 1276; Albertus Magnus died, 1280; Sicilian vespers, 1282; death of Ugolino and Francesca da Rimini, 1282; death of Beatrice, 1274; Giotto born, 1276; Albertus Magnus died, 1280; Sicilian vespers, 1282; death of Ugolino and Francesca da Rimini, 1282; death of Beatrice, 1290; Roger Bacon died, 1292; death of Cimabue, 1302; Dante's banishment, 1302; Petrarch born, 1304; Fra Dolcino burned, 1307; Pope Clement V. at Avignon, 1309; Templars suppressed, 1312; Boccaccio born, 1313; Dante died, 1321; Wycliffe born, 1324; Chaucer born, 1328. The range of Dante's influence is not less remarkable than
James. No. 88—(1218) Assignment as above. Lieut.-Col. James Aiken commanding regiment. (1273, 1274) Inspection report gives regiment in Fry's brigade, September 23, 1864. (1309) Archer's and Walk by Gen. J. Chamberlain (Union) as being an attacking party near Hatcher's Run, March 25, 1865., (1274) Moody's brigade, Anderson's corps, Lee's army, April, 1865; Maj. Wm. J. Mims in command. The Hatcher's Run, says: Advance was made with great vigor and boldness, though not in heavy force. (1274) Maj. Lewis H. Crumpler, in Moody's brigade, Johnson's division, Lee's army, April 9, 1865. No wounded. (268) March 28th, mentioned by Gen. J. L. Chamberlain (Union) in report of same fight. (1274) April 9th, Moody's brigade, Johnson's division. No. 96—(1174, 1183, 1273) In Gracie's brigade No. 89—(1190-1368) Gracie's brigade, Johnson's division, October to December, 1864. No. 95—(1274) Moody's brigade, Johnson's division, Lee's army, April 9, 1865. First Confedera