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Plato, Republic 2 2 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 1 1 Browse Search
James Russell Lowell, Among my books 1 1 Browse Search
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Plato, Republic, Book 1, section 330c (search)
And that is generally the case with those who have not earned it themselves.Aristotle makes a similar observation, Eth. Nic. iv. 1.20, Rhet. i. 11. 26, ii. 16. 4. For nouveaux riches, GENNAI=OI E)K BALLANTI/OU, see Starkie on Aristophanes Wasps, 1309. But those who have themselves acquired it have a double reason in comparison with other men for loving it. For just as poets feel complacency about their own poems and fathers about their own sons,Cf. Theaetetus 160 E, Symposium 209 C, Phaedrus 274 E, with Epaminondas' saying, that Leuctra and Mantineia were his children. so men who have made money take this money seriously as their own creation and they also value it for its uses as other people do. So they are hard to talk to s
Plato, Republic, Book 10, section 609c (search)
injustice and licentiousness and cowardice and ignorance.” “Does any one of these things dissolve and destroy it? And reflect, lest we be misled by supposing that when an unjust and foolish man is taken in his injustice he is then destroyed by the injustice, which is the vice of soul. But conceive it thus: Just as the vice of body which is disease wastes and destroys it so that it no longer is a body at all,Cf. Aristot.Pol. 1309 b 28MHDE\ R(I=NA POIH/SEI FAI/NESQAI. in like manner in all the examples of which we spoke it is the specific evil whi
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
Niebuhr, B. G., 171. Nordau, Max, 313. North, Christopher, 169. Northumberland, Duke of, 282. Norton, Andrews, 12. Norton, C. E., 39, 53, 336. O'Brien, Fitzjames, 42. O'Connor, W. D., 163. Oken, Lorenz, 194. on the outskirts of public life, 326-361. O'Shaughnessy, Arthur, 289. Ossoli, see Fuller. Owen, Richard, 194. Palfrey, J. G., 12, 000, 103. Palmer, Edward, 117. Papanti, Lorenzo, 37. Parker, F. E., 53, 62, 63, 64. Parker, Theodore, 69, 97, 98, 100, Zzzi, 112, 113, 1309, 144, 148, 1500, 155, 59, 161, 168, 170, 175, 184, 189, 217, 221, 327. Parkman, Francis, 69, 183. Parsons, Charles, 13, 24, 400. Parsons, Theophilus, 122. Parton, James, 301. Paul, Apostle, 217. Peabody, A. P., 5, 53, 63. Peabody, Elizabeth, 86, 87, 173. Peirce, Benjamin, 17, 49, 50, 51, 52. Pericles, 112. period of the Newness, the, Perkins, C. C., 20, 66, 124. Perkins, H. C., 194. Perkins, S. G., 80, 81, 124. Perkins, S. H., 79, 80, 83, 84. Perkins, T. H., 80. Perry, M
James Russell Lowell, Among my books, Dante. (search)
ace of Dante in relation to the history of thought, literature, and events, we subjoin a few dates: Dante born, 1265; end of Crusades, death of St. Louis, 1270; Aquinas died, 1274; Bonaventura died, 1274; Giotto born, 1276; Albertus Magnus died, 1280; Sicilian vespers, 1282; death of Ugolino and Francesca da Rimini, 1282; death of Beatrice, 1290; Roger Bacon died, 1292; death of Cimabue, 1302; Dante's banishment, 1302; Petrarch born, 1304; Fra Dolcino burned, 1307; Pope Clement V. at Avignon, 1309; Templars suppressed, 1312; Boccaccio born, 1313; Dante died, 1321; Wycliffe born, 1324; Chaucer born, 1328. The range of Dante's influence is not less remarkable than its intensity. Minds, the antipodes of each other in temper and endowment, alike feel the force of his attraction, the pervasive comfort of his light and warmth. Boccaccio and Lamennais are touched with the same reverential enthusiasm. The imaginative Ruskin is rapt by him, as we have seen, perhaps beyond the limit wher
, 1863. No.67—(1025) Assignment as above, May, 1864, Rapidan to the James. No. 88—(1218) Assignment as above. Lieut.-Col. James Aiken commanding regiment. (1273, 1274) Inspection report gives regiment in Fry's brigade, September 23, 1864. (1309) Archer's and Walker's brigades, commanded by General Archer, Heth's division, September 30th. No. 89—( 1189, 1240) Archer's brigade (consolidated under command of Col. R. M. Mayo), Lee's army, October and November, 1864. No. 95—(1273) Fornel Smith, Company I, Fort Pillow, Corinth, Port Hudson, Grand Gulf, Baker's Creek, Jackson, Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, Liberty Mills, Cold Harbor. No. 88—(1218) Capt. J. M. Johnson, Davis' brigade, Heth's division, August 31, 1864. (1309) Lieut.-Col. Francis B. McClung, September 30, 1864. No. 89—(1189, 1240, 1366) Assignment as above, December 31, 1864. No. 95—(1272) Capt. Anthony B. Bartlett, assignment as above, the Appomattox campaign. No. 96