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etaries, now joined even with ill livers in behalf of colonial rights. The people had deposed Colleton. His successor 1690. was Seth Sothell, who to pretensions as a proprietary added the choice of the people. His administration is the triumph the council of his province was, at that time, elected directly by the people, that body collectively was constituted his 1690. deputy. Of its members, Thomas Lloyd, from North June 2. Wales, an Oxford scholar, was universally beloved as a bright esler esteemed his own authority to have received the royal sanction. A warrant was soon issued for the apprehension of 1690 Jan. 17. Bayard; and Albany, in the spring, terrified by the calamity of an Indian invasion, and troubled by the Chap XIemen, they have themselves resumed the Trumbull, i. 539. government. In prosecuting its claim in London, Whiting, the 1690. agent of Connecticut, was aided by all the influence which the religious sympathy of the Presbyterians could enlist for N
olved by Frontenac to make a triple descent into the English provinces. From Montreal, a party of one hundred and ten, 1690. Jan. composed of French, and of the Christian Iroquois,— having De Mantet and Sainte Helene as leaders, and D'Iberville, Quebec. Thus did Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Chap. XXI.} York, having, at that time, each a government consti- 1690. tuted by itself, in the spirit of independence, not only provide for order and tranquillity at home, but, unaided by Englays Chap. XXI.} from Piscataqua, had announced the approach of a hostile fleet from Boston. The little colony of Massa- 1690. chusetts had sent forth a fleet of thirty-four sail, under the command of the incompetent Phipps, manned by two thousand ys in a skiff. Sir William Phipps reached home in November. The treasury was empty. Considering the present poverty of 1690 Dec. 10. the country, and, through scarcity of money, the want of an adequate measure of commerce, issues of bills of cred