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Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK III., CHAPTER II. (search)
named, like the river, Tartessus, and that the district was called Tartessis, which the Turduli now inhabit. Eratosthenes likewise tells us that the [country] near to CalpeThe rock of Gibraltar. was called Tartessis, and also Erythia the Fortunate Island. This Artemidorus contradicts, and says that it is as false as his other statements, that the Sacred PromontoryCape St. Vincent. is distant from GadesCadiz. five days' sail, when in fact they are [distant from each other] not more than 1700 stadia.This is exactly the distance from Cadiz to Cape St. Vincent, following the coasts. It is from 48 to 49 leagues. Likewise that the tide ceased at this point, whereas it passes round the whole circuit of the habitable earth. That it is easier to pass from the northern parts of Iberia into Keltica,Gaul. than to proceed thither by sea; with many other things which he asserted on the faith of that charlatan Pytheas. Our poet [Homer] being very explicit, and possessing great experienc
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER II. (search)
hes towards the east, and is washed by the Sea of Sicily, looking towards the Peloponnesus and in the direction of the passage to Crete; the third is Lilybæum,Capo di Marsalla, or Capo Boeo. and is next to Africa, looking towards that region and the setting of the sun in winter.The south-west. Of the sides which these three headlands bound, two are somewhat concave, while the third is slightly convex, it runs from Lilybæum to Pelorias, and is the longest, being, as Posidonius has said, 1700 stadia adding further twenty. Of the others, that extending to Pachynus from Lilybæum is the longer, while the shortest faces the Strait and Italy, extending from Pelorias to Pachynus, being about 1120 or 1130 stadia. Posidonius shows that the circumference is 4400 stadia, but in the Chorography the distances are declared to exceed the above numbers, being severally reckoned in miles. Thus from Cape Pelorias to Mylæ,Milazzo. 25 miles; from Mylæ to Tyndaris,S. Maria di Tindaro. 25;
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VII., CHAPTER VII. (search)
Chaones eastward towards the Gulfs of Ambracia and Corinth, and having the Ausonian Sea on the right, and Epirus on the left, comprises 1300 stadia to the mouth of the Ambracian Gulf. In this interval is Panormus,Panormo. a large port in the middle of the Ceraunian mountains. Next to this is Onchesmus,Santi Quaranta. another harbour, opposite to which are the western extremities of Corcyra,Corfu. and then again another port, Cassiope,Cassiopo. (Cassope?) whence to BrundusiumBrindisi. are 1700 stadia. It is the same distance to Tarentum from another promontory more to the south than Cassiope, which is called Phalacrum. Next after Onchesmus are Posidium, and Buthrotum,Butrinto. (which is situated upon the mouth of the lake Pelodes, in a spot of a peninsula form, and has a Roman colony,) and the Sybota. The SybotaSyvota. are small islands at a little distance from Epirus, lying near Leucimme,C. Bianco. the eastern promontory of Corcyra. There are also other small islands, not