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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition.. You can also browse the collection for 1761 AD or search for 1761 AD in all documents.

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The king was eager to renounce the connection 1761. Jan. with Prussia, and to leave that kingdom t conspiring against Pitt and sub- chap. XVII.} 1761. Jan. mitting to every thing; he remained at hince, expressed to his brother-in- chap. XVII.} 1761. March law his desire of the vacant place; butfriend in its coming contest with chap. XVII.} 1761. April. America. Choiseul was, like Pitt, asland of Belle-Isle. This is the chap. XVII.} 1761. April. great stain on the fame of William Pitiseul to Stanley, that your great chap. XVII.} 1761. June. Pitt should be so attached to the acquit these, he would himself decline chap. XVII.} 1761. June. further negotiation. In those days, mae French to relinquish a right of chap. XVII.} 1761. July. fishery? Indeed, he pursued, with good od of the termination of existing chap. XVII.} 1761. Aug. hostilities, France and Spain, in the whod these marks of the royal appro- chap. XVII.} 1761. Oct. bation, very moderate in comparison with [13 more...]
n.—the remodelling of the colonial governments 1761-1762. Lord Barrington, who was but an echo othat the Board of Trade had pro- chap. XVIII.} 1761. posed to annul colonial charters, to reduce allish Court of Exchequer; a colo- chap. XVIII.} 1761. nial law devolves the power of that court on tto British authority. From that chap. XVIII.} 1761. time he declares that he could never read the ssistance, whenever the officers chap. XVIII.} 1761. of the revenue applied for them. Bernard to its foundation. Bernard became chap. XVIII.} 1761. alarmed, and concealing his determined purposeils and the injustice of slavery itself; and in 1761, it was proposed to suppress the importation oftaineers of Carolina, General Amherst, early in 1761, sent a regiment and two companies of light infll the plantations, teeming with chap. XVIII.} 1761. prodigious quantities of corn, were laid wastewith the strawberry and the wild chap. XVIII.} 1761. flowers; but for the men of that region the in[12 more...]
nuary, 1763. Bernard, in 1765, says the new measure had been long determined on. and, as the ministry were all the while promising great things in point of economy, it was designed that the expense should be defrayed by the colonists themselves. On the tenth day of February, 1763, the treaty was ratified; and five days afterwards, at the hunting-castle of Hubertsburg, a definitive treaty closed the war of the empress queen and the Elector of Saxony against the great Frederic. The year of 1761 had ended for Frederic in gloom. Hardly sixty thousand men remained to him to resist the whole circle of his enemies. He has himself described the extremity of his distress, and has proudly bid the world learn from his example, that, in great affairs, perseverance lifts statesmen above perils. Frederic: $CEuvres Posthunmes, i. 273. Hist. de la Guerre de Sept Ans. To the firm man the moment of deliverance assuredly comes. Deserted most unexpectedly by George the Third, the changes in Ru