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ment of his friends, and it was a long time before I heard the last of my first shopping expedition in Washington. To visit the Capitol and public buildings and familiarize myself with the objects of interest which the city contained kept me busy for some time. Congress had adjourned for the holidays before we felt prepared to make our debut, and begin the rounds of calls obligatory upon the wife of a new member, if she expects to hold any place in the social world at the capital. New Year's, 1860, I first witnessed the ceremonies of that day. Going to the White House, upon invitation of Mr. Buchanan, we watched with admiration the President, with all the dignity natural to him, and Miss Lane, with graciousness unsurpassed by any of her predecessors or successors, receive the official calls. The Diplomatic Corps, Cabinet, Supreme Court, Congress, and the whole list of officials then, as now, paid their respects to the President on that day. The music of the Marine Band, under t
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 6: Louisiana. 1859-1861. (search)
mber, Profs. Smith, Vallas, St. Ange, and I, met a committee of the Board of Supervisors, composed of T. C. Manning, G. Mason Graham, and W. W. Whittington, at General Graham's house, and resolved to open the institution to pupils on the 1st day of January, 1860. We adopted a series of bylaws for the government of the institution, which was styled the Louisiana Seminary of Learning and Military Academy. This title grew out of the original grant, by the Congress of the United States, of a certaemy, as explanatory of its general design. On the 17th of November, 1859, the Governor of the State, Wickliffe, issued officially a general circular, prepared by us, giving public notice that the Seminary of Learning would open on the 1st day of January, 1860; containing a description of the locality, and the general regulations for the proposed institution; and authorizing parties to apply for further information to the Superintendent, at Alexandria, Louisiana. The Legislature had appropr
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 1.4, chapter 1.9 (search)
my foggy beliefs, and vague notions, in regard to such high matters, could be laid open with all trust and confidence before one so qualified and tender, before they became too established in my mind, otherwise, as my own intelligence ripened, I might have drifted into atheistical indifference. The substance of my father's sayings, which I have always remembered, illustrate the bent of his mind. I carefully copied them into a beautiful memorandum-book of which he made me a present, New Year's Day, 1860, and which I was so proud of that, during the first few days, I had filled more than half of it with the best words of my father. It must not be supposed that I was at all times deserving of his solicitude, or equal to his expectations. I was one who could not always do the right and proper thing, for I was often erring and perverse, and at various times must have tried him sorely. My temper was quick, which, with an excess of false pride, inspired me to the verge of rebellion.
York, Illinois, and Indiana furnished for three months15,007   Total2,772,408 Number of men who paid commutation86,724   Grand total2,859,132   Aggregate reduced to a three years standard2,320,272 actual strength of the army between Jan. 1, 1860, and May 1, 1865. Date.Regulars.Volunteers.Total. Jan. 1, 186016,435-----16,435 Jan. 1, 186116,367-----16,367 July 1, 186116,422170,329186,751 Jan. 1, 186222,425553,492575,917 March 31, 186223,308613,818637,126 Jan. 1, 186325,463892,728Jan. 1, 186016,435-----16,435 Jan. 1, 186116,367-----16,367 July 1, 186116,422170,329186,751 Jan. 1, 186222,425553,492575,917 March 31, 186223,308613,818637,126 Jan. 1, 186325,463892,728918,191 Jan. 1, 186424,636836,101860,737 Jan. 1, 186522,019937,441959,460 March 31, 186521,669958,417980,086 May 1, 1865  1,000,516 Disbanding of the Union armies. The soldiers of the great armies that confronted Lee and Johnston in Virginia and North Carolina, and conquered them, were marched to the vicinity of the national capital, and during two memorable days (May 22 and 23, 1865), moved through that city, with tens of thousands of moistened eyes gazing upon them, and passed in r
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
Harris, George,--Mass.Oct. 29, 1861.Actg. Master.Katahdin.West Gulf.Dec. 17, 1862.Dismissed.Actg. Master. Harris, George D.,N. H.Mass.Mass.Nov. 12, 1863.Actg. Asst. Surgeon.Magnolia.East Gulf.May 1, 1865.Resigned.Actg. Asst. Surgeon. Harris, Joseph W., In service prior to 1861. Died on Lancaster.N. H.Mass.Mass.—--,‘61.Master.Lancaster.Pacific.Aug. 21, 1861.Deceased.Lieut. Jan. 12, 1861.Lieut. Harris, Thomas, See enlistment June 21, 1864. Credit, Boston, Ward 2.N. Y.Mass.Mass.Jan. 1, 1860.Actg. Master's Mate.Fort Donelson; Miantonomah.North Atlantic.Nov. 2, 1865.Resigned.Actg. Master's Mate. Harris, William H., See Navy Register.Mass.Mass.Mass.Sept. 21, 1861.3d Asst. Engr.Sagamore; Niagara.East Gulf; Special Service.--- July 30, 1863.2d Asst. Engr. Harrison, William H.,Mass.Mass.Mass.July 29, 1861.3d Asst. Engr.Chocura; Shamrock.North Atlantic.Oct. 8, 72.Resigned.1st Asst. Engr. Dec. 18, 1862.2d Asst. Engr.Wasp.Brazil. Jan. 30, 1865.1st Asst. Engr. Hartford, R. F.
rs, Mar. 13, 1865. Keyes, Erasmus Darwin. Born at Brimfield, Mass., May 29, 1810. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1828, to July 1, 1832. Brevet Second Lieutenant, 3d U. S. Artillery, July 1, 1832. Second Lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1833. First Lieutenant, Sept. 16, 1836. Captain, staff, Assistant Adj. General, July 7 to Nov. 16, 1838. Captain, 3d U. S. Artillery, Nov. 30, 1841. Major, 1st Artillery, Oct. 12, 1858. Lieut. Colonel, staff, Military Secretary to the General-in-Chief, Jan. 1, 1860, to Apr. 19, 1861. Organizing an expedition to relieve Fort Pickens, Fla , Apr. 1-20, 1861. Colonel, 11th U. S. Infantry, May 14, 1861. Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, May 17, 1861. On the staff of Governor Morgan of New York, Apr. 21 to June 25, 1861. Recruiting his regiment at Boston, Mass., June 25 to July 3, 1861. In the defences of Washington, July, 1861. In the Manassas campaign of July, 1861; engaged in the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; in the defences of Washington, J
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical: officers of civil and military organizations. (search)
0 he took an active part. Having established the Lexington Valley Star in 1839, he resumed control of it in 1844, and zealously advocated the interests of the South. In 1848 he was a Democratic presidential elector; in 1850 was a member of the constitutional convention; and in 1851 was elected to Congress, where he remained four terms. His peculiar devotion to the public interests earned for him the popular title Honest John Letcher. In 1859 he was elected governor, taking his seat January 1, 1860. He loved the Union sincerely and with a strong hand held back the more impetuous, until no course but separation remained, when his hand was as strong for armed defense. He was a faithful friend of Lee and Jackson. His home was burned at the time of the destruction of the Virginia military institute, and after the war he was confined for some months in the Old Capitol prison. In 1876, while a member of the legislature, he was stricken with paralysis. He died January 26, 1884, at L
motion of Mr. Stanton, of Ohio, the chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, the House adopted a resolution instructing the committee to inquire and report to the House to whom and at what price the public arms, distributed since the 1st January, 1860, had been disposed of, etc., etc. The investigation was deemed of such paramount importance that the House authorized the committee not only to send for persons and papers, but also to report at any time in preference to all other business. Globe, p. 294. Howe Journal, p. 156. With this they presented two tables (Nos. 2 and 3), communicated to them by Mr. Holt, then the Secretary of War, from the Ordnance Bureau, exhibiting the number and description of arms distributed since 1st January, 1860, to the States and Territories, and at what price. Whoever shall examine table No. 2 will discover that the Southern and Southwestern States received much less in the aggregate instead of more than the quota of arms to which they were just
tually such a fanatical raid, should an attempt be made to perpetrate such an act within her borders. * * * Within the past two months the political excitement awakened by the election of a Black Republican to the Presidency being unprecedented and without parallel in this country, * * * companies are organized and have been organizing at the rate of seven or eight per week, numbering from fifty to sixty men. The number of companies organized up to the 16th of January, 1861, dating from January 1, 1860, amounts to 65. * * * The number of commissions issued to officers of volunteer companies approximates 255. Of this number, 65 were issued to captains and 190 to lieutenants. * * * The number of men regularly organized into uniformed companies of volunteers amounts to 2,027, armed. Of the thirty-eight companies unarmed, allowing 50 men for an average of each, we have 1,900 unarmed volunteers, which number added to the number of armed men, gives an aggregate of 3,927 belonging to the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.50 (search)
deserved promotion for gallantry in the field. Editor. Memorandum roster First regiment, Virginia Volunteers. P. T. Moore, colonel, commissioned May 2, 1861. Wm. Munford, major, commissioned May 3, 1861. Samuel P. Mitchell, adjutant, commissioned July 27, 1860. J. S. D. Cullen, surgeon, commissioned May 3, 1861. T. F. Maury, adjutant, commissioned May 17, 1861. F. Miller, captain company K, commissioned May 30, 1859. John Dooley, captain company C, commissioned January 1, 1860. Wm. H. Gordon, captain company G, commissioned May 25, 1860. James K. Lee, captain company B, commissioned April 16, 1861. Joseph G. Griswold, captain company D, commissioned April 12, 1861. Thomas J. Boggs, captain company H, commissioned May 3, 1861. W. O. Taylor, captain company I, commissioned May 18, 1861. David King, first lieutenant, commissioned January I, 1860. F. W. E. Lohmann, first lieutenant, commissioned February 4, 1861. Wm. H. Palmer, first lie
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