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with anxiety, but without fear, the dark clouds of war settling upon the face of the nation, which they knew must be met and dispelled, or it would remain no longer a nation to them. Through the long and anxious years of the war, they never hesitated, doubted, or wavered in their faith that the Union would stand the shock which menaced it; and that, through the sacrifice of noble lives and the baptism of precious blood, it would emerge from the smoke and fire of civil war with unsubdued strength, and with garments glittering all over with the rays of Liberty. It was to be a contest between right and wrong, law and anarchy, freedom and despotism. He who could doubt the issue of such a war could have no abiding faith in the immortality of American progress, or the eternal justice of Christian civilization. On the 15th day of April, 1861, Governor Andrew received a telegram from Washington to send forward at once fifteen hundred men. The drum-beat of the long roll had been struck,
at Baltimore end of theThree months' service conclusion. The call for troops, mentioned in the last paragraph of the preceding chapter, came from Washington by telegraph, through Henry Wilson, of the United-States Senate; which was dated April 15, 1861, and asked for twenty companies, to be sent on separately. In the course of the day, formal requisitions were received from the Secretary of War and the Adjutant-General of the Army for two full regiments. By command of Governor Andrew, Spedit to the amount of fifty thousand pounds sterling. Mr. Crowninshield sailed in the next steamer from New York for England. On the day that orders were received to send forward troops, the Governor wrote the following letter:— Boston, April 15, 1861. To Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War. Sir,—I have received telegrams from yourself and Brigadier-General Thomas, admonishing me of a coming requisition for twenty companies of sixty-four privates each; and I have caused orders to be d
utenant-colonel, Feb. 20. Lieutenant-Colonel Harrison Ritchie, of Boston, senior aide-de-camp to the Governor, was promoted to the rank of colonel, May 14. William L. Candler, of Brookline, aide-de-camp, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, June 10. Colonel Candler's appointment was to fill the vacancy on the Governor's personal staff occasioned by the resignation of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Lee, Jr., who had filled the position with distinguished ability and untiring industry from April 15, 1861. Henry Ware, of Cambridge, assistant adjutant-general, with the rank of major, June 20. Major Ware's duties were chiefly those of assistant military secretary to the Governor. Frank E. Howe, of New York, assistant quartermaster-general, with the rank of colonel, Aug. 16. He had been appointed on the staff of the Governor, Aug. 23, 1861, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. His promotion was in recognition of his valuable services rendered to our sick and wounded men, during the e