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outhern exchanges for intelligence from the army of the Mississippi. We continue our summary from papers received last evening. Southern account of the Second day's fight at Shiloh. The following graphic account of the second day's fight is from the army correspondent of the Mobile Register, who also furnished the interesting narrative of Sunday's battle which we copied recently from the Savannah Republican: Battle-field of Shiloh, (Near the Tennessee River,) Monday Night, April 7th, 1862. We have had another day of battle and blood. The fight was renewed this morning at 8 o'clock by the enemy, who had been reinforced during the night, and with the exception of short breathing spells, it raged with tremendous violence and fury until night separated the combatants. The apprehensions expressed in my letter of last night have been realized. Buell did come up this morning, and with him came large reinforcements — But I am anticipating the events of the day. Let me res
ancy has occurred in the House of Representatives of the Congress of the Confederate States, by the resignation of Roger A. Pryor, the member elected from the District composed of the city of Petersburg and the counties of Dinwiddie. Chesterfield, Powhatan, Amelia, Nottoway, Cumberland, Goochland, and Prince George; Therefore, I, John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do hereby require the Sergeant of the city and Sheriffs of the counties aforesaid to hold an election at the several places of voting prescribed by law in the said city and counties, on the 24th day of the present month, (April,) for a member of Congress to fill the vacancy aforesaid. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this 7th day of April, 1862, and in the year of the Commonwealth the eighty-sixth. John Letcher. By the Governor: George W. Munford, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Petersburg papers please copy. ap 10--swd
Notice. --The partnership exciting between Blair & Harvie having been dissolved, Mr. W. P. Mayo has taken our stand and will continue the business in his own name. We recommend him to our customers and request them to patronize him. april 7, 1862. Blair & Harvie. Wm. P. Mayo, successor to Messrs. Blair & Harvie, will continue at their stand, corner of 11th and Cary streets, the Granary and Produce business, where he will be pleased to serve his friends and those of Messrs. Blair & Harvie. ap 2--ts W. P. Mayo.
Important Disclosure. The following letter from an old Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer, contains important revelations. It was taken from a copy of the Enquirer furnished by a gentleman, recently from the North, to the Atlanta (Ga.) Southern Confederacy Washington April 7, 1862. To the Editor of the Enquirer: The telegraph may advise you of military results. I doubt it, however, as every means to taken to prevent news getting out and so successfully, that more little in known of army operations except what comes through Southern papers, which seem to be early and well posted as to our military movements. Indeed the Confederates know more of the military affairs of the people of the North than they do themselves. I have learned through a source that can be relied on, that the two sections of the Republicans have struck hands and sealed friendship on this bests. The radicals are to go for gradual emancipation — compensation for slaves lib
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