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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
John A. Dahlgren (relieved June 24, 1863) Commander Henry A. Wise. (By act of Congress of July 5, 1862, Hydrography was transferred to the Bureau of Navigation.) Navigation (established by act of July 5, 1862) Rear-Admiral Charles A. Davis. Equipment and recruiting (established by act of July 5, 1862) Rear-Admiral Andrew H. Foote (relieved June 3, 1863) Commander Albert N. SmithJuly 5, 1862) Rear-Admiral Andrew H. Foote (relieved June 3, 1863) Commander Albert N. Smith. Construction, equipment, and repair. Chief Naval Constructor John Lenthall. (By act of July 5, 1862, the Equipment and recruiting Bureau was organized, and thereafter the old bureau was designaJuly 5, 1862, the Equipment and recruiting Bureau was organized, and thereafter the old bureau was designated as Construction and repair. ) Provisions and clothing Pay-Director Horatio Bridge. Medicine and Surgery Surgeon William Whelan. Steam-engineering (established by act of July 5, 1862) July 5, 1862) Engineer-in-Chief Benjamin F. Isherwood. The Confederate States Government. President: Jefferson Davis (Miss.) Vice-President: Alexander H. Stephens (Ga.) I. Provisional or