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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers and soldiers who died of wounds. (search)
River, Va., Oct. 10, 1864. Merrill, Benjamin,33d Mass. Inf.,– –Lookout Valley, Tenn., Nov. 3, 1863. Merrill, Charles W.,19th Mass. Inf.,– –Washington, D. C., May 13, 1863. Merrill, Stephen,39th Mass. Inf.,– –March 3, 1865. Merrow, George W.,1st Mass. H. A.,– –Belle Plain, Va., May 24, 1864. Messenger, David J.,15th Mass. Inf., May 14, 1864. Murphy, John,34th Mass. Inf.,Oct. 13, 1864,Winchester, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. Murphy, John C.,11th Mass. Inf.,Cbancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863.May 13, 1863. Murphy, Patrick, Letter, War Dept., July 21, 1893, says discharged, May 31, 1862.19th Mass. Inf.,– –U. S. General Hospital, May 18, 1864. Murray, Hardy Pivan, Cornelius,11th Mass. Inf.,Chancellorsville, Va.,May 6, 1863. Sullivan, Daniel, Corp.,2d Mass. Inf.,Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863.Acquia Creek, Va., May 13, 1863. Sullivan, Daniel J.,58th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865.Fairfax, Va., May 5, 1865. Sullivan, Daniel O.,28th Mass. Inf.,March 25, 186
Washington, D. C. Melvin, Jonas E.,32d Mass. Inf.,– –Washington, D. C., April 6, 1865. Mercer, James P.,32d Mass. Inf.,Bethesda Church,June 22, 1864. Merriam, Joseph H.,22d Mass. Inf.,June 27, 1862,Richmond, Va., July 11, 1862. Merrick, Lucius L., Sergt.,36th Mass. Inf.,Pegram Farm, Va., Sept. 30, 1864.Flag of Truce Boat, James River, Va., Oct. 10, 1864. Merrill, Benjamin,33d Mass. Inf.,– –Lookout Valley, Tenn., Nov. 3, 1863. Merrill, Charles W.,19th Mass. Inf.,– –Washington, D. C., May 13, 1863. Merrill, Stephen,39th Mass. Inf.,– –March 3, 1865. Merrow, George W.,1st Mass. H. A.,– –Belle Plain, Va., May 24, 1864. Messenger, David J.,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va., Oct. 21, 1861.Leesburg, Va. Messinger, Charles W.,39th Mass. Inf.,– –Before Petersburg, Va., Sept. 20, 1864. Midgley, Alfred E., 2d Lieut.,10th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864.May 12, 1864. Miller, Charles A., Corp.,25th Mass. Inf.,June 3, 1864,Hampton, Va., July 9, 1864. Miller, Henr
, Edward,12th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.Washington, D. C., Jan. 3, 1863. Murphy, Hugh,21st Mass. Inf.,Aug. 19, 1864,Petersburg, Va., Aug. 19, 1864. Murphy, James B.,12th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.Frederick, Md., Oct. 25, 1862. Murphy, Jeremiah, Corp.,16th Mass. Inf.,May 11, 1864,Belle Plain, Va., May 14, 1864. Murphy, John,34th Mass. Inf.,Oct. 13, 1864,Winchester, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. Murphy, John C.,11th Mass. Inf.,Cbancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863.May 13, 1863. Murphy, Patrick, Letter, War Dept., July 21, 1893, says discharged, May 31, 1862.19th Mass. Inf.,– –U. S. General Hospital, May 18, 1864. Murray, Hardy P.,12th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863.July 6, 1863. Murtle, John,1st Mass. H. A.,Spotsylvania, Va., May 19, 1864.Spotsylvania, Va., July 2, 1864. Nash, Andrew J.,35th Mass. Inf.,South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862.Antietam, Md., Sept. 18, 1862. Nash, Dennis B.,38th Mass. Inf.,Opequon Creek,Sept. 29, 1864. Nash, George
j. Gen.,U. S. Vols.,Fort Wagner, S. C.,July 18, 1863.New York, N. Y., July 30, 1863. Stropper, Sebastian,30th Mass. Inf.,– –Annapolis, Md., Dec. 4, 1864. Stuart, Joseph H., 1st Lieut.,13th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,Wilderness, Va., May 10, 1864. Sulkoski, Charles,35th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Sullivan, Cornelius,11th Mass. Inf.,Chancellorsville, Va.,May 6, 1863. Sullivan, Daniel, Corp.,2d Mass. Inf.,Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863.Acquia Creek, Va., May 13, 1863. Sullivan, Daniel J.,58th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865.Fairfax, Va., May 5, 1865. Sullivan, Daniel O.,28th Mass. Inf.,March 25, 1865,Washington, D. C., April 26, 1865. Sullivan, Dennis,27th Mass. Inf.,Gum Swamp, Va., May 22, 1863.New Berne, N. C., May 29, 1863. Sullivan, Humphrey,11th Mass. Inf.,– –Boston, Mass., Nov. 25, 1864. Sullivan, James,56th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,1864. Sullivan, John,24th Mass. Inf.,– –Boston, Mass., June 10, 1865. Sullivan, John,59th
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers, and soldiers who died as prisoners. (search)
ed Inaction.58th Mass. Inf.,In hands of the enemy,Sept. 30, 1864 Coney, Charles W.,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 18, 1864. Congdon, E.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Conlan, Garrett,3d Mass. Cav.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec.--, 1864. Conlin, Timothy,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 2, 1864. Connell, J. C.,*9th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,--- Connell, J. O.,*24th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 20, 1864. Connelly, John,24th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,May 13, 1863. Connolly, Patrick,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Nov. 6, 1864. Connor, Dennis,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,June 11, 1864. Connor, John,11th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Connor, Thomas,9th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Oct. 27, 1864. Conroy, James,12th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,Oct. 30, 1863. Converse, William F.,15th Mass. Inf.,Confederate Prison,--- Conway, Patrick,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Jan. 5, 1865. Cook, Barnabas,26th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N
ed Inaction.58th Mass. Inf.,In hands of the enemy,Sept. 30, 1864 Coney, Charles W.,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 18, 1864. Congdon, E.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Conlan, Garrett,3d Mass. Cav.,Salisbury, N. C.,Dec.--, 1864. Conlin, Timothy,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 2, 1864. Connell, J. C.,*9th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,--- Connell, J. O.,*24th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Sept. 20, 1864. Connelly, John,24th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,May 13, 1863. Connolly, Patrick,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Nov. 6, 1864. Connor, Dennis,17th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,June 11, 1864. Connor, John,11th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Connor, Thomas,9th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Oct. 27, 1864. Conroy, James,12th Mass. Inf.,Annapolis, Md.,Oct. 30, 1863. Converse, William F.,15th Mass. Inf.,Confederate Prison,--- Conway, Patrick,39th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N. C.,Jan. 5, 1865. Cook, Barnabas,26th Mass. Inf.,Salisbury, N