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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 18: Dana in the War Department (search)
ne to Nashville on the 18th for the purpose of completing arrangements for pushing the campaign in east Tennessee. Rawlins had gone North to be married. On December 21, 1863, at 6 P. M., Dana telegraphed General Grant in substance that after a detailed explanation the President, the Secretary of War, and General Halleck had fullyt, but it seems to me necessary that you should know all these particulars. I leave for New York to-night to remain until after New Year's. Dana to Grant, December 21, 1863-6 P. M. This was one of the most interesting despatches Dana ever sent, for it not only shows that the President, the Secretary of War, tie General-in-Ch is important because it also shows, when taken with Halleck's despatch of the next day to Grant, Official Records, Serial No. 56, p. 458, Halleck to Grant, December 21, 1863. that Halleck would not permit Grant to carry out his plan for a campaign in Alabama till Longstreet was driven entirely from east Tennessee. As Longstreet