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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 3 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. 1 1 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Review of Bates' battle of Gettysburg. (search)
nly 300 (!), a result absurd on its face. In regard to the Confederate losses, we have fuller data than as to their strength. The reports of Generals Longstreet and Ewell have both been published (though Dr. Bates seems unaware of it, as well as of the publication of General Lee's final report of the battle--Southern Magazine, August, 1872). The official report of losses by Longstreet (Southern Magazine, April, 1874) is — total killed, wounded and missing (including loss in artillery attached to the corps), 7,515, General Ewell reports his total losses while in Pennsylvania (Southern Magazine, June, 1873) at 6,094 aggregate. General Hill's report has not been published (so far as I know), but as his corps did not suffer more than the others, the average of the above, or 6,800 men, would be a full allowance. The entire Confederate loss did not exceed 21,000 men. There are many other points deserving notice, but this letter is already too long. Very truly, yours, W. Allan.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gen. Lee's strength and losses at Gettysburg. (search)
an error, into which I was led by the fact that Lieut.-Gen. A. P. Hill's report had not been published at the date of my strictures on Dr. Bates' book. In those strictures the Confederate loss at Gettysburg was estimated at not over 21,000 men. The loss actually was: In Longstreet's corps (see his report in the Southern Magazine, April, 1874), including the losses at Funkstown and Williamsport on the 6th and 10th of July7,659 In Ewell's corps (see Ewell's report in Southern Magazine, June, 1873), while north of the Potomac6,087 In Hill's corps (see Hill's report in Southern Historical Papers, Nov., 1876), including his loss of 500 at the recrossing of the Potomac8,982 Total in the three corps22,728 This was the entire loss, except that in the cavalry. As but a small portion of the Confederate cavalry was engaged at Gettysburg, and that not severely, 100 or 200 added to the above will cover the entire Confederate loss during the battle and the subsequent retreat to the Pot
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Modoc Indians, (search)
nd turbulent. Their tribe complained of them, and in the spring of 1872 they were ordered back to the Klamath reservation. They refused to go, and late in November (1872) United States troops and citizens of Oregon attacked their two camps on opposite sides of a river. The people were repulsed with loss, and the united Modocs, retreating, massacred some white settlers on the way, and took refuge in the Lava Beds, a volcanic region difficult for a foe to enter if moderately defended. In June, 1873, General Wheaton attempted to drive the Modocs from their stronghold, but could not penetrate within 3 miles of them, after the loss of several men. General Gillem made an equally unsuccessful attempt to dislodge them. In the mean time the government had appointed a commission of inquiry, and clothed it with power to adjust all difficulties. It met the Modocs in conference on April 11, 1873, when the Indians killed Gen. Edward R. S. Canby (q. v.) and Dr. Thomas, two of the commissioners,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Totten, Charles A. L. 1851- (search)
Totten, Charles A. L. 1851- Military officer; born in New London, Conn., Feb. 3, 1851; graduated at the United States Military Academy in June, 1873; and was commissioned a second lieutenant of the 4th United States Artillery. In 1889 he was appointed military instructor at the Yale Scientific School, and while there gained notoriety as a chronological investigator. His eccentric speculations as to the length of time that the earth had existed, and his prophecy, which he based on the book of Daniel, that the world would come to an end in 1895, along with many other similar teachings, made him the object of much ridicule and subjected Yale University to severe criticism. He was therefore notified in April, 1892, that he would be relieved of his instructorship on Aug. 1, 1892. He, however, resigned his commission in the army and devoted himself to literary work.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wars of the United States. (search)
l 11, 1783 Northwestern Indian (General St. Clair).Sept. 19 1790Aug. 3, 1795 With France Naval warfare.July 9, 1798Sept. 30, 1800 With Tripoli Naval warfare.June 10, 1801June 4, 1805 Tecumseh Indian (General Harrison)Sept. 11, 1811Nov. 11, 1811 Creek IndianAug. 13, 1813Aug. 9, 1814 1812, with Great BritainJune 19, 1812Feb. 17, 1815 Algerine Naval warfare.May, 1815June 28, 1815 Seminole IndianNov. 20, 1817Oct. 21, 1818 Black Hawk IndianApril 21, 1831Sept. 31, 1832 Cherokee Disturbance or Removal18361837 Creek Indian DisturbanceMay 5, 1836Sept. 30, 1837 Florida IndianDec. 23, 1835Aug. 14, 1843 Aroostook Disturbance18381839 With MexicoApril 24, 1846July 4, 1848 Apache, Navajo, and Utah.18491855 Comanche Indian18541854 Seminole Indian18561858 The Civil, or RebellionApril 21, 1861May 11, 1865 Sioux Indian18621862 Modoc Indian1872June, 1873 Sioux IndianJune 25, 18761876 Nez Perce Indian1877October, 1877 Ute Indian18791879 With SpainApril 21, 1898Aug. 12, 18
Union. The campaign over, the State Committee of the Union Party had the bell for sale, and it was purchased (with their insurance money) by the Trinitarian Parish, and placed in the tower of its new church on High street. The words, Bell and Everett, were chipped from it, otherwise the inscription remains. After the union of that society with the Mystic Church and the remodelling of the latter's house of worship, the bell and clock were moved thereto and still remain in service. In June, 1873, the First Methodist Episcopal Church dedicated its new edifice. In the tower was placed a bell, cast by Hooper & Co., that weighed 1,798 lbs., receiving the impact of 40 lbs. of iron in its tongue, and was of the tone of F natural. There were no historical or sentimental associations connected with it. It was bought and paid for at the market price, in an ordinary business way. On the evening of August 19, 1905, there were three incendiary fires, and this church, with all its contents,
rch, 1871, the subject was referred to the selectmen, and they were authorized to employ an experienced engineer to plan a thorough system of sewerage throughout the whole town, and to make a survey and outline map showing the principal drains and trunk conduits. In accordance with this vote the selectmen employed Mr. Clemens Herschel, who made a study of the problem, with plans and map as instructed. Mr. Herschel's report was submitted to the town at the November meeting in 1872, and in June, 1873, the selectmen were instructed to report a system for the apportionment of cost upon abuttors and upon the town, action upon which was indefinitely postponed when report was submitted to the town. This latter action was taken because our citizens had become convinced that the enterprise was too costly for the town to undertake single-handed, inasmuch as it was strongly opposed to the discharge of sewage into the Mystic river. In February, 1874, the board of health reported to the town as