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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 2 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Preface. (search)
sal regret that General Lee never wrote anything concerning his career and campaigns. His statements would have settled conflicting opinions on all subjects contained therein. We know that it was his intention to record the deeds of his soldiers, but not to write his personal memoirs. He waited for a convenient season, and waited too long. In this volume the attempt has been made to imperfectly supply the great desire to have something from Robert E. Lee's pen, by introducing, at the periods referred to, such extracts from his private letters as would be of general interest. He is thus made, for the first time, to give his impressions and opinions on most of the great events with which he was so closely connected. Except in a few instances, the scope of the book has not permitted the tactical details of the battlefield, or the mention by name of many of the officers and organizations whose superb courage contributed to their commander's fame. F. L. Glasgow, Va., August, 1894.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Steam navigation. (search)
nSept. 1-8, 189761014 New York to SouthamptonFurst BismarckHamburg-AmericanOct. 20-27, 189861015 New York to QueenstownAlaskaGuionSept. 12-19, 188261837 Queenstown to New YorkAlaskaGuionSept. 16-22, 188362140 New York to QueenstownTeutonicWhite StarOct. 21-27, 18915213 Queenstown to New YorkTeutonicWhite StarAug. 13-19, 189151631 Glasgow to New YorkCity of RomeAnchorAug. 18-24, 188662035 New York to GlasgowCity of RomeAnchorAug. 13-19, 188561825 New York to AntwerpFrieslandRed StarAugust, 189482213 Approximate Distances: Sandy Hook (Light-ship). New York, to Queenstown (Roche's Point), 2,800 miles; to Plymouth (Eddystone), 2,962 miles; to Southampton (The Needles), 3.100 miles; to Havre, 3,170 miles; to Cherbourg (The Mole), 3,184 knots. The fastest (lay's run was made by the Deutschland, of the Hamburg-American Line, August, 1900—584 knots, or 23.02 knots per hour. the record-breakers in thirty-five years. The following is the succession of steamships which have brok
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
the President, Dec. 8.] House passes the Senate tariff bill by 182 yeas (175 Democrats, seven Populists) to 106 nays (ninety-three Republicans, thirteen Democrats), and passes bills for free coal, iron, barbed wire, and sugar......Aug. 13, 1894 Tariff bill becomes a law without the President's signature......Aug. 27, 1894 Second session (268 days) adjourns......Aug. 28, 1894 Ten towns in Minnesota, six in Wisconsin, and three in Michigan totally destroyed by forest fires......August, 1894 Gen. N. P. Banks, born Jan. 30, 1816, dies at Waltham, Mass.......Sept. 1, 1894 Samuel J. Kirkwood, United States exSenator, ex-Secretary of the Interior, and war governor of Iowa, dies at Des Moines, aged eighty-one......Sept. 1, 1894 Maj.-Gen. George Stoneman, ex-governor of California, born Aug. 8, 1822, dies at Buffalo, N. Y.......Sept. 5, 1894 President Cleveland proclaims amnesty to persons convicted of polygamy under the Edmunds act......Sept. 27, 1894 Proclamation o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
. A. Fulkerson, 127. Raleigh, N. C., Monument to the Confederate Dead at, 81. Randolph, Major Norman V., 387. Records and Relics of the Confederate States— National Repository for—Richmond the place, 387. Revolution, The first, losses in its battles, 40. Reynolds, Gen., Joseph, 68. Richardson, Hon., David Crockett, 353, 355, 358. Richmond, a City of Monuments, 54. Ritter, Capt., Wm. L., 19. Roberts, Gen., Wm. P., 377. Rockbridge Dragoons, Reunion of the Survivors of, August, 1894, 73, Rouss, Charles Broadway, 387. Secession advocated by Massachusetts, 31; by the Northern Press, 34; Horace Greely on, 35. Sharpsburg, Battle of, 287. Sharpshooters of Mahone's Brigade, 98. Skinker, Major Charles K., 348. Slavery and States-Rights considered, 24, 361. Slave Law, Fugitive, D. Webster on the, 27. Slavery, opposed by the South, 26. Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument at Richmond, Unveiling of the, 336; incidents of the occasion, the procession, childr