Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 5, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for April, 2 AD or search for April, 2 AD in all documents.

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the 2d Auditor to receive State bonds in payment of interest due the Commonwealth; to incorporate the Farmers' and Mechanics' Insurance Company of the City of Richmond; to exempt employees of telegraph companies from military duty; and asking the Governor for information relative to the State muskets sold Joseph R. Anderson & Co. Joint resolutions of the Kentucky Legislature, in response to the Virginia invitation to all the States to appoint Commissioners to meet in Washington, on the 4th of February, to attempt an adjustment of the present difficulties, were read and ordered to be printed; a second series of resolutions, adopted by the legislature of the same State, favoring a Convention of all the States, were referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. Joint resolutions on the state of the Union, adopted by the Legislature of Minnesota, were also read and laid on the table. These resolutions, which are framed after the most straightlaced Back Republican pattern, will be foun
The election in the State. We have received the following election returns: [Special Dispatches to the Richmond Dispatch.]Pittslyvania. Danville, Va., Feb. 4. --The vote here stands, W. T. Sutherlin (Union) 338; Tredway (Union) 322; Carrington (Secession) 159; Witcher (Secession) 128, Majority for reference, 147. . Chesterfield. Graves' Precinct, 1 o'clock.--Cox 174; Burfoot 3. Manchester.--Cox 292; Burfoot 144. Polls closed. Petersburg. Petersburg, Feb. 4.--The following is the result of the election here; Branch (Union) 739; Lyon (Union) 427; Wallace (Secession) 427. The counties. Petersburg, Feb. 4.--In DFeb. 4.--In Dinwiddle, Prince George, Sussex, Greenville and Surry, Union men are elected. Norfolk. Norfolk--Gen. George Blow (Union) has a majority of 484. The majority for reference is 425. Portsmouth. Portsmouth.--J. G. Holliday (Union) has a majority of 767. The majority for reference is 804. Amelia and Nottoway.,
The Daily Dispatch: February 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], The secession question to be Tested in Court. (search)
Congressional. Washington, Feb. 4. --Senate.--Mr. Hale introduced a resolution inquiring as to the seizure of the Mint, Custom-House, &c., at New Orleans. Messrs. Slidell and Benjamin, after well timed remarks, withdrew from the Senate; their State having seceded. Mr. Clingman sustained the claims of the South to the elements of a powerful nation.--He read from English journals to prove her independence would be recognized by England. He denounced coercion. He alluded feelingly to the vacant seats of the Southern members. Mr. Hale said if war came, the North would have to take care of the traitors in their midst. Mr. Lane inquired who Hale meant? Mr. Hale replied those alluded to by Mr. Clingman as intending to fight against the Republicans. Mr. Lane said those men would fight against Republicanism in behalf of the Constitution and State's-Rights and should not be called traitors. The bill organizing Pike's Peak as the Territory of Colora
From Washington. Washington, Feb. 4. --Col. Hayne intended to leave to-day, but has delayed his departure until Wednesday, having been informed that the President is preparing a reply to his communication. Senator Wigfall and others have telegraphed to Montgomery, urging Alex. H. Stephens for President of the Southern Confederacy, in order to conciliate the conservatives. Secretary Black will be nominated for Associate Judge of the Supreme Court, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Daniel.
Naval. New York, Feb. 4. --The U. S. Storeship Supply arrived to-day from Pensacola with Lieut Slemmer and the officers, troops, employees, &c., from Warrington Navy-Yard, who were released on parol. They were taken off a tender under a flag of truce. The above dispatch is obviously incorrect as regards Lieut Sleminer. The persons on board were probably the late officers and employees in the Navy-Yard.]
The Daily Dispatch: February 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Southern Sympathizer shot dead in Ohio. (search)
The Border State Convention. Washington, Feb. 4. --The Border State Convention met to-day. It commenced with closed doors. It is stated that Ex-President Tyler will be elected President.
Surrender of a Revenue cutter. Mobile, Feb. 4. --The United States Revenue cutter, Case, has been surrendered to the Alabama authorities.
From Texas. ,Orleans Feb. 4. --The Texas House of Delegates has legalized the Convention of that State, under the Bill of Rights.
Northern markets, Baltimore Feb. 4, --Flour active and firm — Howard $5.14@$5.31; City Mills nominal, at $5.25. Wheat steady — red $1.30@$1.22; white $1.40@$1.50, Corn steady — yellow 60@61; new white 66@69; old 75 Provisions active and unchanged. Coffee firm — Rio 121@121 Whiskey firm at 18@18 ½c. New York, Feb. 4.--Cotton, Flour, and Wheat unchanged, Corn heavy--Southern white 72@77, new yellow 65@69. Lard heavy at 9 ½@10 ½c. Whiskey firm at 18 ½c. Other articles unchanged. d $5.14@$5.31; City Mills nominal, at $5.25. Wheat steady — red $1.30@$1.22; white $1.40@$1.50, Corn steady — yellow 60@61; new white 66@69; old 75 Provisions active and unchanged. Coffee firm — Rio 121@121 Whiskey firm at 18@18 ½c. New York, Feb. 4.--Cotton, Flour, and Wheat unchanged, Corn heavy--Southern white 72@77, new yellow 65@69. Lard heavy at 9 ½@10 ½c. Whiskey firm at 18 ½c. Other articles unchanged. Stocks buoyant. New York Centrals 7c@2c, Virginia 6's