Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 27 AD or search for 27 AD in all documents.

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Phillips, for Richmond, cl'd at Baltimore 18th inst. Schr. M. H. Read, Kelley, from Norfolk for New Bedford, arrived at New York 18th inst. Schr. Sailie Mears (of Yorktown, Va.), Richardson, Antigua, Dec. 23, via St. Martins 28th, with salt, arrived at New York 18th inst. Schr. Frances, O'Dounell, for Norfolk, cleared at New York 19th inst. Schrs. Crenshaw, Moss, Richmond; S. C. Jones, Bedell, Norfolk; and Margaret, Henson, City Point, arrived at do. same day. Schr. Problem, Jones, from Richmond, arrived at Norfolk 18th inst. Ocean Breeze, Leighton, from Alexandria, arrived at Gibraltar 21st ult. New York, Cooper, from Richmond, arrived at Marseilles 27th ult. Disaseer. Br. bark Jane Brown, Broose, 8 days from Richmond, Va., bound to Liverpool, with a cargo of wheat and flour, experienced a heavy gale on the 26th Dec., was thrown on her beam ends and became very leaky, and was obliged to bear up for Bermuda, where she arrived about the 1st inst.