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To be resumed. --The publication of the Petersburg (Va.) Bulletin will be resumed on the 11th of March. It is to be published by an association of gentlemen, with Captain Henry Clay Pate as editor.
The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], Condition of the Federal Army in Texas. (search)
Extending the Corporation limits. --Williams C. Wickham, Esq., Senator from Henrico and Hanover, under date of March 11th, (yesterday,) writes as follows to the editors of the Dispatch, in reference to the bill recently passed for amending the charter of this city: "In your report of the Saturday's proceedings of the House of Delegates, the bill passed 'amending the charter of the city of Richmond,' is spoken of as 'extending the corporate limits.' This is an error; the bill contains no such provision. A proposition to extend the corporate limits has been before the Committee of Propositions of the House, and they have asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject, thus defeating the effort to extend the limits. As my constituents are deeply interested in this subject, you will oblige me by inserting this communication."
Extra session of the U. S. Senate. Washington, March 11. --The expulsion of Senator Wigfall, of Texas, was taken up. Mr. Foster advocated the adoption of his motion to that effect — not as a personal matter, but as a duty — the Senator having announced himself a foreigner, not owing allegiance to this Government. He made a long speech, containing no particular argument, except anti- secession. Mr. Clingman followed. He thought Mr. Foster had made a bad point. If the resolution was adopted, it would acknowledge Texas as out of the Union. Why not expel Jefferson Davis, the head of the Sovereign Republic? Why should the Senator from Texas be singled out? If Texas was not out of the Union, he is still entitled to a seat here. Mr. Mason remarked that the resolution called for the expulsion of Mr. Wigfall, for what he had said on the floor of the Senate.--The Constitution enabled the Senate to protect itself by conferring the power of expulsion, by a two-thirds
From Washington. Washington, March 11. --An official letter from Maj. Anderson, received Saturday, says he had only fifteen days subsistence and wood. The question has therefore arisen with the Administration whether reinforcement shall be attempted or the fort abandoned. The latter course, it is thought, will be adopted from inevitable necessity, by the advice of General Scott. There is, however, a conflict of opinion among the Republicans on this question. No conclusion has beenn Cabinet council. The Cumberland and Pocahontas have, according to official advices, left Vera Cruz for Norfolk, and the Powhatan is on her way to New York, leaving only the Macedonian at Vera Cruz. [second Dispatch.] Washington,March 11, P. M.--Reports continue to prevail respecting the contemplated evacuation of Fort Sumter. They may be true; but it is certain that the President up to eight o'clock to-night has given no such order. Prominent gentlemen, however, say they have
Southern Congress. Montgomery, March 11. --The permanent Constitution was adopted to-day. It is kept secret, but members of Congress state that among its provisions are the following:--That the President serves six years; Executive appointments under the grade of Cabinet officers hold office during good behavior, and may be removed for causes assigned in writing; the Slave trade is prohibited; Cabinet officers are not prohibited from holding seats in Congress. An act was passed authorizing issuing of $1,000,000 Treasury notes. The Appropriation bill for current expenses was passed. The Secretary of the Treasury finds no difficulty in negotiation of the $15,000,000 loan, as far as needed, at present.
The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], Condition of the Federal Army in Texas. (search)
The Offices. Washington, March 11 --The Senate, in Executive session to-day, confirmed Robert Payne, District Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio. The President has also sent in the nominations (which were referred) of Lt. Gov. Goodrich, Collector of the port of Boston; Geo. W. McClelland, Secretary of the Massachusetts State Republican Committee, Assistant Postmaster General; Archibald Williams, of Ill., District Judge of Kansas, and Dole, of Ill. , Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
The late Defalcation. Washington, March 11. --The case of Wm. H. Russell, in connection with the Indian Trust Bond Defalcation, which was argued last week in the Criminal Court, was decided to-day. His plea in abatement under the statute of 1858, was sustained, and he was discharged. Ex-Secretary Floyd, indicted for complicity in the same affair, appeared, and gave security in the sum of $10,000 to appear for trial.
The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], The truth about "Sam Patch"--his last leap. (search)
Wreck, &c. Norfolk, March 11. --The ship Victory, which went ashore on Currituck beach, went to pieces Saturday during the storm. The ship and cargo are a total loss. The schr.Thos. E. Pratt is ashore at Currituck.
The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], Reception of Gen. Twiggs in New Orleans. (search)
Repeal of a personal Liberty bill. Boston, March 11. --A dispatch from Maine says the Senate to-day passed a bill repealing the Personal Liberty Bill by a vote of 17 to 10.
The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], Street cars to be Propelled by steam in St. Louis. (search)
Northern Markets. Baltimore, March 11. --Flour dull — Howard and Ohio $5.12; City Mills $5. Wheat steady — Red $1.25@ 1.28; White $1.40@1.65. Corn active — Mixed 53@57. Mess Pork $17. Lard 19 ¼. Coffee active — Rio 12¼@13¼. Whiskey dull at 18¼ New York, March 11. --Noon.--Stocks active and higher — N. Y. Centrals 79; Va. 6's 79; Mo 6's 67¼ U. S. Treasury 12's 103½. P. M. --Cotton firm — Upland and Middling 11½. Flour heavy — Southern $5.20 @5.60. Wheal has a declMarch 11. --Noon.--Stocks active and higher — N. Y. Centrals 79; Va. 6's 79; Mo 6's 67¼ U. S. Treasury 12's 103½. P. M. --Cotton firm — Upland and Middling 11½. Flour heavy — Southern $5.20 @5.60. Wheal has a declining tendency — Mixed $1.58½@$1.68; new Southern white $1.66@$1.67. Pork heavy — Mess $17.12; Prime $12.50. Lard heavy--9½ @10½c. Whiskey steady--17½@17½ cts.--Sugar steady — Muscovado 4½@5½c. Coffee steady — Sales of 4000 bags at 11 ½@13½c. Turpentine heavy at 36 Rosin heavy at $1.25. Rice quiet. Stocks higher — New York Centr
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