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other Banks: in the State$174,658 68 out of the State25 519 24 value of Real estate179,533 45 Contingent Fund192,049 60 Deposits1,168 718 17 Loans to Directors.99 751 68 Dividends unclaimed4 331 00 aggregate debt due by the Bank2,689,499 60 aggregate of outstanding debt due to the Bank5,452 516 94 Dealings in exchange. bought$2,207,826 89 sold2,735,236 37 Premium realized$4,835 23 since 31st may, at Branches; since 30th June, at parent BankJuly 1.Aug. 1.Sept. 1. Inland and foreign bills of Exc'ge.$1,234,141 411,284,744 971,362,487 71 Specie366,704 10390,398 27379,872 90 Circulation1,193,818 001,252,510 501,340 270 50 Deposits1,360,854 57 1,154,691 851,126,345 77 Loans to Directors101,653 4195,538 3102,061 32 Aggregate debt due by the Bank2,800,832 242,682 305 042,697,458 82 Aggregate of outstanding debt due to the Bank5,587,837 05,376,662 575,455,567 48 This includes all bills drawn within the State and payable at any dis
he vote by which the bill had been engrossed, with a view of offering an amendment, which was read, as follows: Provided,That the Banks shall not have the benefit of this act unless they and each of them shall agree to contribute such a percentage upon their circulation, on the 30th day of March, 1861, as will secure a sum in specie sufficient to enable the State to pay its interest on the State debt, and provide a redemption fund to meet the demands that will fall due on the 1st day of July next, and on the 1st day of January and July, 1862. Mr. Seddon expressed himself as unalterably opposed to the Banks now and at all times. He did not believe that a bill could be framed that he would vote for; but as the House had indicated its intention by passing the relief bill, he thought it was wrong to attach such an amendment to it now. The Banks heretofore had been required to furnish specie for State use when it was commanded at a premium of 6 per cent. The House ref
Preparing for force. --The House, on Saturday, passed the bill authorizing the President at any time between this and the 1st of July to borrow $25,000,000 on the credit of the United States.
The Daily Dispatch: February 13, 1861., [Electronic resource], Sudden death of the Hon. J. A. Rockwell, of Connecticut. (search)
e, which is now $20,579,410, will amount to $21,000,000; and that the present tax bill will produce $270,000; there will then be a deficit of $68,000 to meet the expenses estimated by the Auditor, and a deficit of $100,000 to meet the actual expenditures of the city for the next year, even if the Council shall practice the most rigid economy; and to provide for this sum by taxation will require an increase of the taxes to fully thirty-five per cent. There is $50,000 of debt due the 1st day of July, and $12,000 due the 1st of January next. The estimates for the improvement of James River are $12,114.21; for the completion of the Alms-house $37,237.61, and for the Water-Works $7,941.93; making together $119,293.75. Of this sum we are required by the charter to provide for the payment of $21,000, being one per cent. on the amount of the city debt. The committee, as stated yesterday, think that in the present condition of the country, a sale of the city bonds to meet the payment of
We understand that the City Alms-House will be entirely completed and ready for occupancy by the 1st of July. By it the facilities for properly managing and taking care of the different classes of destitute persons who may seek shelter within its walls, is greatly increased. The male and female paupers will be kept separate, and the Superintendent, if he chooses, can make a distinction even in the degree of comfort attainable by those who seek such a refuge ex necessitate, and those who willingly ask the shelter of its protecting roof while abundantly able to earn an honest livelihood, if so inclined. If labor is held up to the gaze of some of the inmates of the present "Poor-House," though stalwart and able of body, they would fly from the premises instanter. The project of uniting a work-house to the City Jail, which sometime since culminated in the expenditure of a considerable amount of city funds, terminated in a complete fizzle, so far as the ends sought to be obtained
ess Anne that his oft-repeated sentiment of fighting in the Union was received by his people with a thrill of joy. They were, however, sound on the question of State-Rights; but their locality did not favor the owning of slave property. The terminus of the underground railroad was opposite his county, and he had heard a man boasting that he was one of the engineers, and that he had liberated many slaves. He (Mr. H.) was in favor of presenting an ultimatum to the North, to last until the 1st of July, when, if it were refused, let the State go out, and take the Constitution with her. Mr. Wise regretted that his sentiment of fighting in the Union had been the cause of making any in the Northwest willing to submit to the wrongs which they now suffer.--He went on to show, from the Constitution of the United States, that his position of fighting in the Union was right. When this State is ready to declare that she is in such imminent danger of invasion as will admit of no delay, then
From Washington. Washington, March 29.--During the late Executive session of the Senate about 400 nominations were confirmed, nearly fifty of which were sent in by the President yesterday. Gen. Wm. Kickey was elected Assistant Secretary of the Senate, and not Secretary, as stated. Asbury Dickens retains the latter position. The appropriation for building the seven steam sloops will not be available until after the 1st of July. The events in the South are occupying the Administration to-day. G. W. Lane, recently confirmed as Judge for Alabama, will, it is said, endeavor to hold his Court at Athens. The receipts into the Treasury last week were about $600,000. The nett balance on hand was upwards of a million and a half dollars.
ary of State that, if the United States should interfere in the matter, their Governments will will keep hands off. It is argued in high official circles here that the best policy for the Administration is to inaugurate a war with Spain or Mexico, or both, as the best means for averting internal strife. A difficulty is said to exist in regard to the appropriation for the construction of the seven new steam sloops. It is that the money was appropriated for the fiscal year ending 1st of July next, and that it cannot be used until on and after that time. This is one of the reasons why an extra session of Congress cannot be prevented. The Administration is crippled in a similar manner by other appropriations. Instructions were to-day given to all the heads of Bureaus in several of the departments not to hold any further official communication with any persons residing in the seceded States. The Secretary of War has been locked in his private room all day, refusing t
draft. From some informality in the correspondence, they were led to suspect the character of the bonds, and on making the necessary inquiries, ascertained them to be forgeries. In the meantime, Barbour alias Elliott, drew for $1,000 on account, but the brokers allowed his draft to "go by," and yesterday the gentleman himself appeared in their office highly indignant, but was promptly taken into custody by the two detectives, who had been notified of the affair. He protested that he had received the bonde in good faith from perfectly responsible parties, but was taken to headquarters and detained for examination. The forged bonds are lithographed and well executed; the paper, however, of a lighter color than the genuine, and the signature of U. R. C. Drinkard, upon the coupons, is very unlike the genuine. They are all dated "Richmond, Va.,July 1, '51,' and made payable in this city. It is supposed that large quantities of them have been thrown upon the market.--N. Y. Express.
of the 4th Article of the Present Constitution, and insert the following in lieu thereof: Taxation shall be equal and uniform throughout the Commonwealth, and all property shall be taxed in proportion to its value, which shall be ascertained in such manner as may be prescribed by law; but any property may be exempted from taxation by the vote of a majority of the whole number of members elected to each House of the General Assembly. This Ordinance shall take effect on the first day of July next, when ratified by a majority of the votes of the people of this Commonwealth, cast at a poll to be taken thereon on the fourth Thursday in May next, in pursuance of a Schedule hereafter to be enacted. Done in Convention, in the city of Richmond, on the twenty sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and in the eighty-fifth year of the Commonwealth of Virginia. A true copy. Jno. L. Eubank, Secretary of the Convention. [Sched