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Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
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consisting of his own and a Mississippi regiment and Maj. S. J. Murphy's battalion, and drove the enemy from the field. In the spring of 1863 Colonel Clanton raised three more regiments, the Sixth, Seventh and Ninth Alabama cavalry, and on November 13th of that year was commissioned as brigadier-general in the provisional army of the Confederate States. In 1864 he had a fierce fight with General Rousseau at Ten Islands, on the Coosa river. In this affair he lost his entire staff, Capt. Robert Abercrombie, of Florida, and Lieutenant Judkins, of Montgomery, being killed, and Captain Smith, of Dallas, and Lieutenant Hyer, of Florida, being wounded. Being ordered to Dalton, he reached there ahead of his command, and acted as aid to General Polk, at Resaca, Adairsville and Cassville. For his services in getting the artillery and stores safely across the Etowah, on the retreat from Cassville, he received the thanks of the generals of the army of Tennessee. He was subsequently placed on