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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 1: the Ante-bellum life of the author. (search)
killed in action. Irons, Ayers, Ernst, Gantt, Morris, and Burbank were killed in the Mexican War. N. Lyon, R. S. Garnett, J. F. Reynolds, R. B. Garnett, A. W. Whipple, J. M. Jones, I. B. Richardson, and J. P. Garesche fell on the fields of the late war. Of the class of 1842 few were killed in action, but several rose to distinguished positions,--Newton, Eustis, Rosecrans, Lovell, Van Dorn, Pope, Sykes, G. W. Smith, M. L. Smith, R. H. Anderson, L. McLaws, D. H. Hill, A. P. Stewart, B. S. Alexander, N. J. T. Dana, and others. But the class next after us (1843) was destined to furnish the man who was to eclipse all,--to rise to the rank of general, an office made by Congress to honor his services; who became President of the United States, and for a second term; who received the salutations of all the powers of the world in his travels as a private citizen around the earth; of noble, generous heart, a lovable character, a valued friend,--Ulysses S. Grant. I was fortunate in
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., With the cavalry on the Peninsula. (search)
rt's raid, on the 28th, joined Stoneman on similar duty, and retired with him. Colonel Farnsworth, 8th Illinois, after his active participation in covering our right wing on the 26th, and guiding trains and maintaining steadiness of lines on the 27th, guided Keyes's corps to the James River below Malvern, on the 29th, and assisted the 8th Pennsylvania in covering that corps on the 30th and 1st of July. The 2d U. S. Cavalry and McClellan Dragoons, under Major Pleasonton, escorted Colonel B. S. Alexander, of the Corps of Engineers, on the 29th, to Carter's Landing, on the James. Captains Norris and Green, of the 2d, performed scouting service in the direction of the Chickahominy and Charles City Court House, after the arrival of the regiment on the James. And so ended the first lesson of the cavalry service of the Army of the Potomac. The total losses of our cavalry reported in the Seven Days battles was 234; that of the Confederates 71, of which number 61 were credited to the
Tyler at Centreville. Proceeding to Centreville, I joined Captain Alexander (Engineers) a short distance on the road leading to Blackburn the carrying out of a demonstration. While I was awaiting Captain Alexander I encountered Matthias C. Mitchell, who was secured as a guidg general's plan to bring on a serious engagement. I directed Capt. Alexander (Engineers) to state this fact to him, which he did in writingeft. In anticipation that the stone bridge would be blown up, Capt. Alexander had been instructed to obtain a trestle bridge to replace it. there appears to have been no mine prepared under the bridge. Capt. Alexander passed over his pioneers one by one, and set them to cutting a. Snyder, to the Third Division, under Col. Heintzelman. Capt. B. S. Alexander and First Lieut. D. C. Houston, to the First Division, unde P. Woodbury is herewith annexed. Reports from Capts. Wright and Alexander and Lieut. Prime will be furnished when received. I am, very r
n seems now to be inevitable; during the whole of Monday and Tuesday it might have been taken without any resistance. The rout, overthrow, and demoralization of the whole army is complete. Even now I doubt whether any serious opposition to the entrance of the Confederate forces could be offered. While Lincoln, Scott, and the cabinet are disputing who is to blame, the city is unguarded and the enemy at hand. Gen. McClellan reached here last evening. But if he had the ability of Caesar, Alexander, or Napoleon, what can he accomplish? Will not Scott's jealousy, cabinet intrigues, and Republican interference thwart him at every step? . . . Yours truly, Edwin M. Stanton. On the 25th had been issued the order constituting the Division of the Potomac and assigning me to its command. The division consisted of the Department of Northeast Virginia, under McDowell, which comprised all the troops in front of Washington on the Pennsylvania bank of the river, and the Department of Wa
J. G. Barnard, chief-engineer; First Lieut. H. C. Abbott, topographical engineers, aide-de-camp. Brigade volunteer engineers, Brig.-Gen. Woodbury commanding: 15th N. Y. Volunteers, Col. McLeod Murphy; 50th N. Y. Volunteers, Col. C. B. Stewart. Battalion, three companies U. S. Engineers, Capt. J. C. Duane commanding; companies respectively commanded by First Lieuts. C. B. Reese, C. E. Cross, and O. E. Babcock, U. S. Engineers. The chief-engineer was ably assisted in his duties by Lieut-Col. B. S. Alexander and First Lieuts. C. R. Comstock, M. D. McAlester, and Merrill, U. S. Engineers. Capt. C. S. Stuart and Second Lieut. F. U. Farquhar, U. S. Engineers, joined after the army arrived at Fort Monroe. The necessary bridge equipage for the operations of a large army had been collected, consisting of bateaux, with the anchors and flooring material (French model), trestles, and engineers' tools, with the necessary wagons for their transportation. The small number of officers of this
be attacked. His skirmishers advanced rapidly, and soon the fire became heavy along our whole front. At two P. M. Gen. Porter asked for reinforcements. Slocum's division of the 6th corps was ordered to cross to the left bank of the river by Alexander's bridge, and proceed to his support. Gen. Porter's first call for reinforcements, through Gen. Barnard, did not reach me, nor his demand for more axes through the same officer. By three P. M. the engagement had become so severe, and the enrning of the 27th; but, as the firing in front of Gen. Porter ceased, the movement was suspended. At two P. M. Gen. Porter called for reinforcements. I ordered them at once, and at 3.25 P. M. sent him the following: Slocum is now crossing Alexander's bridge with his whole command. Enemy has commenced an infantry attack on Smith's left. I have ordered down Sumner's and Heintzelman's reserves, and you can count on the whole of Slocum's. Go on as you have begun. During the day the foll
Index. Abbott, Lieut. H. C., 124. Abercrombie, Gen. J. J., in Virginia, 240, 241 ; Fair Oaks, 379. Abert, Capt. W. S., 123. Acquia creek, Va., 106, 493-496, 500, 506, 508, 509, 529-531. Administration, unfitness, 175, 176. Alexander, Col. B. S., 119, 124. Alexandria, Va., 80, 89, 96, 239, 509-527, 536. Allen's Field, Va.--see Savage's Station. Anderson, Gen. J. R., 347, 351, 371, 374. Anderson, Gen., Richard, at Williams burg, 324, 325; South Mountain, 561, 573. Anderson. Lieut.-Col. Robert, 580. Annandale, Va., 515-519. Antietam, Md., battle of, 584-613. Arlington Heights, Va., 67, 68, 73, 80. Army, Confederate, discipline, 72 ; entrenchments, 75 ; advantages, 253 ; at Yorktown, 257, 260, 267, 272, 285-291, 311, 312, 319; Williamsburg, 324-326, 333; West Point 337 ; Hanover C. H., 369-372; Fair Oaks, 378-384 ; in Union rear, 390-393 ; Gaines's Mill, 416-418 ; Savage's Station, 426-428 ; Charles City road, 431, 432: Glendale, 430-433; Malvern Hill, 436,
y Colonel 2d regiment. James A. Cooper, originally Colonel of the 6th regiment. James G. Spears, brevetted Brigadier-General in 1862. Robert Johnson, originally Colonel of the 1st Cavalry. William B. Campbell, commissioned in 1862; resigned in 1863. Brigadier-generals, U. S. Army (full rank) Hammond, W. A., April 25, 1862. Taylor, Jos. P., Feb. 9, 1863. Brigadier-generals, U. S. Army, (by Brevet) Abercrombie, J. J., Mar. 13, 1865. Alexander, A. J., April 16, 1865. Alexander, B. S., Mar. 13, 1865. Alexander, E. B., Oct. 1865. Alvord, Ben., April 9, 1865. Arnold, Lewis G., Mar. 13, 1865. Babbitt, E. B., Mar. 13, 1865. Babcock, O. E., Mar. 13, 1865. Bache, H., Mar. 13, 1865. Badeau, Adam, Mar. 2, 1867. Barriger, J. W., Mar. 13, 1865. Beckwith, E. G., Mar. 13, 1865. Bell, George, April 9, 1865. Bingham, J. D., April 9, 1865. Blake, Geo. A. H., Mar. 13, 1865. Bomford, Jas. V., Mar. 13, 1865. Bonneville, B. L. E., Mar. 13, 1865. Bowers, Theo. S., April 9
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter XXIII (search)
temperature had been above eighty degrees in the daytime, it fell below thirty at night. I contracted a cold which developed into pneumonia, from which I did not recover for many months. It was during my convalescence that I went with Colonel B. S. Alexander to the Hawaiian Islands, under an arrangement previously made with the War Department. It was the year 1872 when I and Colonel Alexander, the senior engineer officer on the Pacific coast, who had applied to the War Department and obtaColonel Alexander, the senior engineer officer on the Pacific coast, who had applied to the War Department and obtained an order to visit the Hawaiian Islands for the purpose of reporting to the War Department, confidentially, the value of those islands to the United States for military and naval purposes, went to Hawaii with Rear-Admiral Pennock on the flag-ship California, and returned, three months later, on the war-steamer Benicia. During our stay we visited the largest island of the group,—Hawaii,—and its principal seaport,—Hilo,—and the great crater of Kilauea. We made a careful examination of the
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
Index A Abolitionist, distinguished from antislavery man, 74 Accident in war, 234 Acworth, Ga., military movements near, 130, 316 Adams, Charles F., U. S. Minister at London, 385, 392 Adjutant-general, the office of the, 422, 423, 469, 470 Advance and Retreat (Hood's), 172 Alabama, Hood's proposed movement toward, 163; Thomas proposes a campaign in, 253, 255, 256, 305; abundance of supplies in, 288; Thomas to have command over, 317 Alexander, Col. Barton S., trip to Hawaii with S., 431 Alexandria, Va., provisional government of Virginia at, 394 Allatoona, Ga., military operations near, 143, 163 American Association for the Advancement of Science, 28 Americans, patriotism and courage among, 183 American soldier, the, business methods in his movements, 145; has a mind of his own, 155; manhood and valor of, 365, 366 Amnesty, the oath of, 375, 376 Anarchy, one of the causes of, 75 Annapolis, Md., Adm. Porter becomes superintendent of Nava
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