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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 539 1 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 88 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 58 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men 54 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 54 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Book and heart: essays on literature and life 44 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 39 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book 38 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 7, 4th edition. 38 0 Browse Search
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 36 0 Browse Search
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the battle which took its name from the adjacent village of Monmouth, the American generals, except Lee, did well: Wayne especially established his fame. The army and the whole country resounded with the praises of Washington, and congress unanimously thanked him for his great good conduct and victory. Nor may history omit to record that, of the revolutionary patriots who on that day perilled life for their country, more than seven hundred black Record communicated by George H. Moore. Americans fought side by side with the white. After the battle Lee was treated from headquarters with forbearance; but in two letters to the commander-in-chief he avowed the expectation that the campaign would close the war,—that is, that the terms offered by the British commissioners would be accepted,—and demanded reparation for injustice and injury. A court-martial found him guilty of Chap. IV.} 1778. disobedience, misbehavior before the enemy, and disrespect to the commander-in-chief, and
uilt up a republic not for his own land only, but for the benefit of the human race. Moreover, the inmost mind of the American people had changed. The consciousness of a national life had dissolved the sentiment of loyalty to the crown of England. More than three years had elapsed since the shedding of blood at Lexington; and these years had done the work of a generation. In England a similar revolution had taken place. The insurgents, losing the name of rebels, began to be called Americans. Officers, returning from the war, said openly that no person of judgment conceived the least hope that the colonies could be subjected by force. Some British statesmen thought to retain a political, or at least a commercial, connection; while many were willing to give them up unconditionally. Even before the surrender of Burgoyne, Gibbon, a member of the Board of Trade, confessed that, though England had sent to America the greatest force which any European power ever ventured to trans
ot died out in the world. Early in February, 1779, Lafayette, after a short winter passage from Boston to Brest, rejoined his family and friends. His departure for America in the preceding year, against the command of his king, was atoned for by a week's exile to Paris, and confinement to the house of his father-in-law. The king then received him at Versailles with a gentle reprimand; the queen addressed him with eager curiosity: Tell us good news of our dear republicans, of our beloved Americans. I received this anecdote from Augustin Thierry, whom to name is to praise; he received it from the lips of Lafayette. His fame, his popularity, the social influence of his rank, were all employed in behalf of the United States. Accustomed to see great interests sustained by small means, he grudged the prodigality which expended on a single festival at court as much as would have equipped the American army. To clothe it, said Maurepas, he would be glad to strip Versailles. He found a
the end of 1776, he had repaired to Washington's camp as a major-general of militia; in the following February, he was transferred to the continental service, and passed the winter at Morristown. In the spring of 1777, he was completely surprised by the British, and had a narrow escape. In the summer he was sent to the north, in the belief that his influence with the New England militia would be useful; but he never took part in any battle. Wounded by a British party whom he mistook for Americans, he left the camp, having been in active service less than a year. He had not fully recovered when, on the fourth of December, 1778, he entered upon the command in Charleston. Collecting what force he could, the new commander took post on the South Carolina side of the Savannah, near Perrysburg, with a force which at first scarcely exceeded eleven hundred. As neither party ventured to cross the river, the British, who were masters of the water, detached two hundred men to Beaufort. M
ake up arms on the British side rose against their officers, and made prisoners of a hundred and six British invalids who were descending the Pedee river. A large boat from Georgetown, laden with stores for the British at Cheraw, was seized by Americans. A general revolt in the public mind against British authority invited Gates onwards. To the encouragements of others the general added his own illusions; he was confident that Cornwallis, with detached troops from his main body, was gone to d against him a party of dragoons and infantry. Even then he did not yield, until disabled by many wounds. The victory cost the British about five hundred of their best troops; their great loss, wrote Marion, is equal to a defeat. How many Americans perished on the field or surrendered is not accurately known. They saved none of their artillery, and little of their baggage. Except one hundred continental soldiers whom Gist conducted across the swamps, through which the cavalry could not
us. Some parties even crossed the Santee and carried terror to the gates of Charleston. Balfour, the commandant of Charleston, wrote home: In vain we expected loyalty and attachment from the inhabitants; they are the same stuff as compose all Americans. Balfour to Strachey, 30 Aug., 1780, in Strachey Papers, 79, 80. The British his- Chap. XVI.} 1780. torian of the war, who was then in South Carolina, relates that almost the whole country seemed upon the eve of a revolt. In the second wback by the fire of a small body of mounted men, commanded by Colonel William Richardson Davie of North Carolina. The general rode up in person, and the American party was dislodged by Webster's brigade; but not till the little band of mounted Americans, scarcely forty in number, had for several minutes kept the British army at bay. From Charlotte Cornwallis pursued his course Chap. XVI.} 1780. Sept. towards Salisbury. Meantime, the fugitives under Macdowell recounted the sorrows of thei
uth of the Ohio should belong exclusively to Spain, as the only means of retaining the numerous population which would be formed between the Ohio and the lakes; that the inhabitants of these new and immense countries, be they English or be they Americans, having the outlet of the river St. Lawrence on the one side and that of the Mississippi on the other, would be in a condition to domineer over the United States and over Spain, or to make themselves independent,—that on this point there was, t was withdrawn. But I am determined, wrote the governor, as far as my influence extends, to push the matter till it is effected, being convinced that the practice is utterly inconsistent with the principles of Christianity and humanity; and in Americans, who have almost idolized liberty, peculiarly odious and disgraceful. Of the two Jerseys, slavery had struck deeper root in the East from the original policy of its proprietaries; the humane spirit of the Chap. XVII.} 1778. Society of Friend
duce into high rank in the British army, and receive at his council table, a man who had shown himself so sordid that British officers of honor hated to serve under him, or with him, or over him. Bankrupt and escaping from his creditors, Arnold preferred claims for indemnity, and received between six and seven thousand pounds. Moreover he had the effrontery to make addresses to the American people respecting their alliance with France; to write insolent letters to Washington; to invite all Americans to desert the colors of their country like himself; to advise the breaking up of the American army by wholesale bribery. Nay, he even turned against his patron as wanting activity, assuring Germain that the American posts in the Highlands might be carried in a few days by a regular attack. No one knew better than Clinton that Andre was punished justly; yet in his private journal he aimed a stab at the fair fame of his signally humane adversary, whom he had been able to overcome neither i
exert every means I am possessed of to prevent an extension of the mischief; but I can neither foretell nor be answerable for the issue. Troops of New Jersey, whose ranks next to the Pennsylvania line included the largest proportion of foreigners, showed signs of being influenced by the bad example; but Washington interposed. The troops of New England, which had twenty regiments in the continental service, had equal reasons for discontent; but they were almost every one of them native Americans, freeholders or sons of freeholders. Chap. XIX.} 1781 Jan. In spite of their nakedness, they marched through deep snows, over mountainous roads, and suppressed the incipient revolt. The passions of the army were quieted by their patriotism; and order and discipline returned. Human patience has its limits, wrote Lafayette to his wife on the occasion; no European army would suffer the tenth part of what the American troops suffer. It takes citizens to support hunger, nakedness, toil, and
brigade. The men were used to forest warfare, and they made a brave and obstinate resistance. They would discharge their pieces, draw back behind the brow of the hill to load, and return to renew their well-directed fire. In dislodging some Americans from their post on a woody height, the ranks of the first battalion of the guards were thinned and many of their officers fell. Stedman, II. 339, 340. The brigade did not retreat till the British drew near enough to charge with the bayonet. hurried on, distributed by proclamation news of his victory, offers of pardon to repentant rebels, and promises of protection to the loyal. He was pursued by Greene, who was now eager for battle. On the morning of the twenty-eighth, the 28. Americans arrived at Ramsay's Mills, on Deep river; but Cornwallis had just a few hours before crossed the river on a temporary bridge. No longer in danger of being overtaken, he moved by way of Cross creek, now Lafayette, towards Wilmington. His rapid
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