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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Recollections of the Twiggs surrender. (search)
out to engage, he made use of these words: I fear the liberties of our country will be buried in the tomb of a great nation. --editors. During the next two days the Rangers were drinking and shouting about the streets, recklessly shooting any one who happened to displease them. From this time on, Union men were in danger, and Northerners sent their families away. Some who were outspoken were imprisoned and barely escaped with their lives; among them, Charles Anderson, brother of Robert Anderson. On the 26th of February a dozen men of the State troops were stationed on guard over the offices of the disbursing officers, and the occupants were ordered to leave, but forbidden to take away papers or effects, though allowed to keep the keys to their safes. Colonel Waite had now arrived and assumed command, and the secessionist commissioners made a second demand for a statement of the amount of indebtedness and funds on hand and required a promise from each officer that he woul
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., From Moultrie to Sumter. (search)
olutionary time of which the father of Major Robert Anderson had been a defender. The sand had dried orders; he had to obey or leave the army. Anderson was a Union man and, in the incipiency, was p Surgeon S. W. Crawford. Capt. J. G. Foster. Anderson and his officers. Process reproduction ofe his men back. It became evident, as I told Anderson, that we could not defend the fort, because tin their manner. The problem was solved when Anderson walked up to me and said: Captain, in twenty ur arrived with the rest of the men. Meantime Anderson had crossed in one of the engineer boats. Asre deceived by the celerity and secrecy of Major Anderson's movement. Lieutenant Davis and some othlittle boys. Mrs. Foster was already there. Anderson thought there was going to be trouble, so he oached so near that Moultrie opened fire. Major Anderson would not allow us to return the fire, so firing under like circumstances. I think Major Anderson had received an intimation that the Star o[20 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Inside Sumter: in 1861. (search)
artillery defense, and mounting guns in them, Anderson closed the rest. This was the work of many dn Washington that fourteen days previously Major Anderson had spiked the guns and burned the carriagff, the officers in the center. Presently Major Anderson, with Chaplain Harris of Fort Moultrie, whBeauregard, perhaps with the hope of tying Major Anderson's hands in the expected fight with that flno signal to that effect was intended. Major Anderson had given orders that only the casemate baf his danger. He supposed, no doubt, that Major Anderson had determined to open his barbette batterelieved that the vigor of his fire induced Major Anderson to change his mind. But the contest was mcrecy to each other; and it is doubtful if Major Anderson ever knew how that ten-inch gun came to beo carry the fire into the powder chamber. Major Anderson, his head erect as if on parade, called thce. Once inside, the bearer asked to see Major Anderson. The major was soon on the spot and opene[15 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first step in the War. (search)
complete, and on April 11th he demanded of Major Anderson the evacuation of Fort Sumter. He offered same aides bore a second communication to Major Anderson, based on the above instructions, which wanstration on their part against his flag. Major Anderson made every possible effort to retain the aad it and, finding it unsatisfactory, gave Major Anderson this notification: Francis W. Pickens, Gsted through an embrasure and conducted to Major Anderson. Our mission being made known to him, he ained to General Beauregard, and requested Major Anderson to reduce to writing his understanding withe casemates, almost causing suffocation. Major Anderson, his officers, and men were blackened by sovering during the impressive ceremonies. Major Anderson and his command left the harbor, bearing wed again over Sumter, by Major (then General) Anderson, on April 14th, 1865, the day President Lincoln was shot. Of Major Anderson's former officers, Generals Abner Doubleday and Norman J. Hall and C[14 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Notes on the surrender of Fort Sumter. (search)
hisolm, Colonel, C. S. A. Very soon after Major Robert Anderson moved with his command into Fort Sumter fromee with the demand for its surrender, and heard Major Anderson say in conversation with us, I shall await the g nearly two hours for a reply, we sent word to Major Anderson that our orders did not admit of our waiting an authority from General Beauregard, called upon Major Anderson to surrender. Major Anderson did not realize tMajor Anderson did not realize the unauthorized nature of Wigfall's mission until the arrival of Captain Stephen D. Lee, William Porcher Milesthe one General Simons was authorized to make. Major Anderson was about to renew the action, when Major Davidhe fort, which were virtually almost anything that Anderson might ask, in order that we might get possession bson. I have always been of the opinion that Major Anderson should not have surrendered when he did. The fieamer furnished by General Beauregard to transport Anderson's men to the fleet. My duty often required that I
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., War preparations in the North. (search)
o be borne only in preference to yielding what was to us the very groundwork of our republicanism, the right to enforce a fair interpretation of the Constitution through the election of President and Congress. The next day we learned that Major Anderson had surrendered, and the telegraphic news from all the Northern States showed plain evidence of a popular outburst of loyalty to the Union, following a brief moment of dismay. That was the period when the flag-The Flag-flew out to the wind f Captain George B. McClellan was requested by Governor Dennison to come to Columbus for consultation, and, by the governor's request, I met him at the railway station and took him to the State House. I think Mr. Lars Anderson (brother of Major Robert Anderson) and Mr. L'Hommedieu of Cincinnati were with him. The intimation had been given me that he would probably be made major-general of the Ohio contingent, and this, naturally, made me scan him closely. He was rather under the medium height,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., In command in Missouri. (search)
from Washington he would send five regiments made up of river boatmen, well adapted for the Mississippi expedition. In answer to my request they were ordered to me. But the order was changed, and instead of joining me they were sent to General Robert Anderson, then in command at Louisville. The same day I asked Senator Latham, at Washington, to aid my application for three thousand men from California, to be placed at El Paso, to operate against Texas troops moving into Arkansas. On the 5thhe counties of Kentucky between the Mississippi and Tennessee rivers, as well as those along the latter and the Cumberland, are strongly secessionist, it becomes imperatively necessary to have the cooperation of the loyal Union forces under Generals Anderson and Nelson, as well as of those already encamped opposite Louisville, under Colonel Rousseau. I have reenforced, yesterday, Paducah with two regiments, and will continue to strengthen the position with men and artillery. As soon as Genera
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Holding Kentucky for the Union. (search)
ral of volunteers. It is to be put into the hands of General Anderson, and delivered to General Buckner or not, at the discretion of General Anderson. Of course it is to remain a secret unless and until the commission is delivered. This letter bvernment. The governor was reduced to a nullity. General Robert Anderson who was assigned on May 28th to command the Departe was abundant ground for apprehension without that. General Anderson was in command, but he was without troops. The only erve a few regiments for Kentucky, and in response to General Anderson's appeal he hurried them forward. Anderson had learnAnderson had learned of Buckner's intended advance the day it was made, and the non-arrival of the regular train from the south showed him thaigadier-General W. T. Sherman, who had shortly before, at Anderson's request, been assigned to duty with him. On arriving ate farm-house. From a photograph taken in 1887. succeeded Anderson, who had been relieved by General Scott in these terms, t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Shiloh reviewed. (search)
Terrill directed an enfilading fire upon the Confederate batteries playing fiercely upon McCook, and they were soon silenced. General Sherman ascribes that result to the action of two pieces of artillery to which he says he gave personal direction, but it is probable that he mistook the principal cause. A Confederate view of the contest in front of Nelson and Crittenden is seen in the report of Colonel Trabue, whose brigade at a certain stage of the battle (about 1 o'clock) was moved with Anderson's brigade to their right, in front of Crittenden. The report describes the conflict at this point as terrific, the ground being crossed and recrossed four times in the course of it. I refer to it, chiefly because in some accounts of the battle it has erroneously been identified with McCook's front, where Trabue's brigade was first engaged. Without going further into details in which the official reports abound, it may be sufficient to add briefly, that at 4 o'clock the flag of the Unio
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 12.46 (search)
Union Legislature of Kentucky. The United States Government had about 34,000 volunteers and about 6000 Kentucky Home Guards assembled in the State under General Robert Anderson, of Fort Sumter fame, who had with him such enterprising corps commanders as Sherman, Thomas, and Nelson. the Confederacy had some four thousand ill-awo brigades, on the right, and Ruggles's, of three brigades, on the left. The brigades were, in order from right to left, as follows: Chalmers, Jackson, Gibson, Anderson, Pond. This second line was 10,731 strong. The Third line, or reserve, was composed of the first corps, under Polk, and three brigades under Breckinridge. Poleatch's Federal brigades, as well as Hildebrand's, were demolished and heard of no more. Buckland retreated and took position with McClernand. In these attacks Anderson's and Pond's Confederate brigades joined with great vigor and severe loss, but with unequal fortune. The former had one success after another; the latter suffe