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opinion that an insolent demand for the immediate surrender of Fort Sumter could not meet their approval, and that if Maj. Anderson remained there provisions must be furnished him, and his letters must not be subjected to espionage. In the opin the desirable courtesies would be extended. Mr. Holt's letter to Gov. Pickens, threatening to stop the mails if Major Anderson was not allowed free access to his correspondence, and the urgent suggestion of Messrs. Davis, Hunter, and others, thhe desired effect. Information to-day states that he has all the expected privileges. The following letter from Major Anderson, in reply to one addressed to him by C. G. Childs, communicating to him, as chairman, a resolution unanimously adopte safely guide us through the stormy sea in which we are now adrift. I am, sir, very respectfully your ob't serv't, Robert Anderson, Major U. S. A. C. G. Childs, Esq., Chr'n. &c., Philadelphia. Financial condition of South Carolina. A Le
The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1861., [Electronic resource], The capture of the New Orleans Barracks. (search)
ut. Hall of theArmy. One of the reporters gathered the following from Lieut. Hall, in an interview had with him while at New York on a visit to a sick relative. He says Fort Sumter did not fire on Fort Moultrie or Morris' Island, because Maj. Anderson did not know that reinforcements had been sent in the Star of the West. He could only just discover a large vessel through the fog, it being impossible to ascertain her character or to learn her object or mission; it would have taken five orlost. Nothing would have been gained but the immediate opening of a civil war, the loss of the ship and the lives of those on board. The men were all at the loaded guns, with matches lighted, expecting the word every minute to fire; but Major Anderson, after a struggle with his feelings, withheld the order to fire. He says the inhabitants of Charleston, and indeed of the whole State of South Carolina, have pledged all they have in the world — property, honor, lives — to maintain the indep
concur therein: Resolved, by the General Assembly of Virginia. That if all efforts to reconcile the unhappy differences existing between the two sections of the country shall prove to be abortive, then, in the opinion of the General Assembly, every consideration of honor and interest demands that Virginia should unite her destiny with the slaveholding States of the South. Mr. Hackley moved to lay on the table and print. Mr. Robertson, of Richmond, sustained the motion. Mr. Anderson advocated the immediate adoption of the resolution. He spoke of the wrongs inflicted on the South, and alluded to the fact that the whole North were now arming for her further subjugation. Mr. Myers, called for the reading of the resolution, and remarked that he would vote against laying it on the table, and in favor of its adoption. On Saturday last he voted against the resolution which was adopted, containing somewhat similar principles. He voted against it in a small minority,
growing forth, according to the plan of Mr. Hunter, that of Mr. Phillips, they would return.-- at of this there is no hope, Meantime, war is close at hand. Sooner or later. Forts Sumter and Pickens will have to be taken. There is no avoiding it. Neither Buchanan nor Lincoln will surrender them. The only chance of escaping immediate hostilities is in the truce proposed by the Southern Senators to Gov. Pickens. But the end will be the same. And if it be true that Lieut. Talbot, Major Anderson's messenger, has returned with orders to the Charlestonians to be erecting batteries around the harbor, we may look for bloodshed in a few days. It will 500 or 1,000 lives to take Fort Sumter, but the cost will be no more now than six weeks . It must be done. A powerful effort was made in the Senate yesterday to get Kansas in. It failed. But the departure of the Georgia and Alabama Senators settles the business. Some say that Kansas is admitted, the Republicans will come to ter
The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1861., [Electronic resource], The capture of the New Orleans Barracks. (search)
he worst. Well informed gentlemen tell me that there is an understanding between our Government and that the United States, and between our Government and Maj. Anderson, and that the status shall not be altered on either side. This may be so, for I certainly do not profess to know the secrets of our men in power; but I venture to make a prediction, on my own responsibility, that Fort Sumter will either be surrendered or taken forcibly in less than ten days. The fact is, Maj. Anderson and his command are our prisoners now. I predict another thing, and mark it — and I wish old "Hasty Plate of Soup" to mark it, also — that if Major Anderson sheds oneMajor Anderson sheds one drop of blood on the soil of South Carolina, or in the harbor of Charleston, neither he or his command will ever come out that fort alive.--I do not get my notions from headquarters; I get them from those who have the brunt to bear. Another falsehood has gone the rounds of the abolition papers: That we are without food We n
From Charleston. Charleston, S. C.,, Jan. 21. --The four U. S. soldiers from Fort Sumter, in this city as witnesses in a murder case, attempted to escape Saturday morning, by leaping from the window of the Grand Jury room. They were recaptured and escorted by a file of soldiers to a boat, and sent back to Fort Sumter. Gov. Pickens, on Sunday, sent Maj. Anderson fresh marketing, with his compliments; but the latter, while courteously acknowledging the act, declined to receive them until he can hear from the Government at Washington.