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d, and staff officers, and the Adjutant and acting Quartermaster General will give all the aid and assistance in their power. Major-Generals Sutton, Morse, and Andrews will cause this order to be promulgated throughout their respective divisions. By command of His Excellency John A. Andrew, Governor and Commander-in-chief. Wiat route impracticable. A meeting was held in the Governor's room on the 2d of February, and was adjourned to the 6th, at which Major-Generals Sutton, Morse, and Andrews, of the State militia; Colonel Thayer, U. S. A.; the Adjutant-General of the State; the aides-de-camp of His Excellency; and others, were present. Colonel Henr in the State House, at which were present some of the chief officers of the militia: also, General Thayer, of the United-States Engineers, and Messrs. Gordon and Andrews, ex-United-States-army officers, both major-generals of volunteers in the late war. I recorded the replies, and drew up a memorandum of the items of clothing, equ
een revolvers. He explained his design to go by way of Annapolis, and took upon himself the sole responsibility. Taking up one of the revolvers, he, invited every officer who was willing to accompany him to signify it by accepting a revolver. The pistols were all instantly appropriated. A Memorial of Plan and Reasons for Proceeding to Annapolis, written that evening by General Butler, was received by Governor Andrew, enclosed in a letter from Major P. Adams Ames, an officer of Major-General Andrews's staff of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, who happened to be in Philadelphia at the time. This paper was as follows:β€” I have detailed Captain Devereux and Captain Briggs, with their commands, supplied with one day's rations and twenty rounds of ammunition, to take possession of the ferry-boat at Havre-de-Grace for the benefit of this expedition. This I have done with the concurrence of the present master of transportation. The Eighth Regiment will remain at quarters,
Major Ladd, who is referred to above, was an officer on the staff of Major-General Sutton; and Major Ames, also mentioned, was an officer on the staff of Major-General Andrews, of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. They had been detailed on special duty at New York and Philadelphia. April 22.β€”The Governor telegraphs to the their use for the defence of the coast. The guns are to be four bronze six-pounders. Writes to the Secretary of War a letter introducing Wilder Dwight and George L. Andrews, who were going to Washington to get authority to raise a regiment of volunteers for the war. He had written to the Secretary on the 17th on the subject, butr Gordon, who will command the regiment, is a gentleman of careful military education and large executive ability; and it will be officered by such gentlemen as Mr. Andrews and Mr. Dwight, gentlemen of the best standing in Massachusetts. Writes to the Commander of the Charlestown Navy Yard, Allow me to advise and urge you to hold
s, at Readville. Mr. Stone was elected colonel. The latter part of December, it received orders to report to Brigadier-General Andrews at New York, who had been left in command by General Banks, to take charge of the transportation for the remain Oaks, Va., was elected colonel. It received marching orders on the twenty-first day of November, to report to Brigadier-General Andrews at New York. It remained in camp at Long Island several days, awaiting transportation to New Orleans. The F 1865, and discharged at expiration of service, July 21, 1865. Seventh, Colonel, formerly Lieutenant-Colonel, George L. Andrews, of the Second Regiment. Educated at West Point; modest, firm, and methodical; a scholarly soldier, and an honest,ntlemen for a brigade, and he would be an excellent chief-of-staff for a major-general commanding an army corps. Colonel Andrews was appointed brigadier before this letter was written; the date of his commission being Nov. 9, 1862. Eighth,
possible, get some expression of the views of other gentlemen; also, from General Meigs, if possible, touching the whole question of the best use and application of the million grant, with a view to the speediest and most efficient service to be rendered by such an expenditure. The Massachusetts Twenty-ninth Regiment, having been ordered to join the Army of the Tennessee, received a very warm and cordial reception in Cincinnati, an account of which was transmitted to the Governor by Mr. Andrews, superintendent of the Soldiers' Home in that city; to which the Governor replied on the 1st of April, in which he says,β€” I trust, as you suggest, that a proper State pride might have been gratified, had I witnessed the march of the Twenty-ninth through Cincinnati. But the pride in the fact that they were Massachusetts men could have no proportion to the pride in the fact that they were United States soldiers. On the same day, the Governor wrote a long letter to the Secretary o
or to suppress all insubordination. We give them in the order in which they were issued. The afternoon of July 14, Major Charles W. Wilder, commanding the First Battalion Light Dragoons, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, was ordered to have the companies in his command assemble at their armories forthwith, and await orders. Lieutenant-Colonel C. C. Holmes, commanding the First Company of Cadets, received like orders. He was to apply to the Master of Ordnance for ammunition. Major-General Andrews, of the First Division, with his staff, was to report immediately to the State House. Brigadier-General R. A. Peirce, in command of Readville Camp, was ordered to send in the men belonging to the Second Regiment Heavy Artillery, then being recruited at Readville, under command of Colonel Frankle, who were to report at headquarters, State House, on arriving at Boston. General Peirce was to turn over to Colonel Frankle such arms and ammunition as he could spare from camp. Colonel
Burnside reviewsthe troops at Readville letter to the Christian Watchman General Andrews Surgeon-General Dale Confederate money letter from Generalgordon battltes,β€” I desire permission earnestly to recommend to you that Brigadier-General George L. Andrews, commanding the Corps d'afrique in Louisiana, be promoted to the rank of major-general. The command is so extensive and important, and General Andrews has been so identified with the undertaking of organizing colored troops in t, I have no doubt, do honor to the appointment to a higher grade; in fact, General Andrews has for a long time been performing the duties of a major-general, having it of great importance to the undertaking of raising colored troops, that General Andrews, who has thus far conducted it, should not be superseded by the accidental presence of an officer of superior rank. General Andrews, here spoken of, was one of the first volunteer officers in the war, having been commissioned lieutenan