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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 10 2 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.1 (search)
ming force of cavalry and artillery under the Federal General August V. Kautz, at the Rives Farm, in Prince George county, and some reminiscences of prison life, it is foreign to my purpose to give anything more than a skeleton outline of conditions existing and leading up to the events of that day, which marked an epoch never to be forgotten in the annals of the city of Petersburg. To do more would be a work of supererogation, as the subject has been fully and exhaustively treated by Colonel Archer, in an address delivered before the A. P. Hill Camp of Confederate Veterans on the 6th of June, 1889, and published in Mr. George S. Bernard's book of War Talks of Confederate Veterans. To Mr. Bernard's industrious researches I am also indebted for some extracts I have made use of from the published Records of the Rebellion. When, on the 5th of May, 1864, the disturbing news was brought to the city of Petersburg that a formidable army, with General Benjamin F. Butler as its commander
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Day for fighting. (search)
ntirely unconscious of the impending danger, not a cloud appearing on our military horizon, the morning of Thursday, the 9th of June, 1864, found us setting about our usual avocations, when suddenly the camp was aroused by the advent of a courier with the startling news that a heavy body of cavalry, accompanied by artillery, was rapidly approaching by the Jerusalem Road, and only then a few miles distant. The camp was immediately in commotion, and by the orders of our commandant, Colonel Fletcher H. Archer, the men quickly fell into their places. As they were forming, Captain Jas. E. Wolfe handed me a list of the members of my company who were absent, and directed me to proceed with all possible expedition into the town and summons them to report at once to the front. As I left the camp on my mission there was an ominous note in the beating of the long roll sounding in my ears, which told me that earnest work was on hand. The crisis had arrived, and our mettle was to be put to the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reinforcements wanted. (search)
retreated on being fired into. However, the fiery ordeal had yet to come. It was apparent that our commandant, Major Fletcher H. Archer, had nevertheless, the utmost we could hope to accomplish was to hold our position until reinforcements arrived.hich Wales Hurt was leading when I met him, as before related. In order to prevent the recurrence of this break, Young Archer with a few volunteers went out and patched up the dismantled fence as well as they could. This was done in full view andod of some of the noblest and purest of the citizens of Petersburg. The fight had now assumed such a character that Major Archer ordered us to fall back. I had scarcely gotten twenty yards from the breastworks when I received a shot in my right w across the field from our left, I took refuge in a little ditch near by. The tide of the battle swept by. I caught Major Archer's eye for a moment as he stood to the last, giving orders. Events succeeded each other rapidly and in a few minutes a