Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for J. L. Archer or search for J. L. Archer in all documents.

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and moved to his support with the brigades of Archer, Branch, Gregg, and Pender, the last of whom wones ordered Toombs to charge the flank, while Archer, supported by Branch and Gregg, moved upon thelery, the three brigades of Gregg, Pender, and Archer attacked the enemy vigorously and drove him ovnfantry the contest became fierce and bloody. Archer and Lane repulsed those portions of the line ier a brave and obstinate resistance, gave way. Archer held his line with the First Tennessee, and wiee,Archer's,A. P. Hill's,43034 14th Tennessee,Archer's,A. P. Hill's,33134 5th Alabama battalion,Aria,Thomas's,A. P. Hill's,125668 7th Tennessee,Archer's,A. P. Hill's,22420 14th Tennessee,Archer's,Archer's,A. P. Hill's,34548 5th Alabama Battalion,Archer's,A. P. Hill's,21719 1st Tennessee,Archer's,A. P. Archer's,A. P. Hill's,21719 1st Tennessee,Archer's,A. P. Hill's,45357    109061547244 Recapitulation of the Casualties in the First and Second Corps, Archer's,A. P. Hill's,45357    109061547244 Recapitulation of the Casualties in the First and Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, in the Battle of Fredericksburgh, December, 1862. corps.division.kille[9 more...
s of J. R. Anderson, Gregg, Field, Pender, and Archer--the brigade of General Branch having been dir The division being safely over, Anderson and Archer followed. Field, Gregg, and Pender turned sho attract its attention, and keep it employed. Archer was moved up to the support of Field, and form flank, to which service he had been assigned, Archer was sent to relieve him, thus putting him (ArcArcher) on my extreme right. Anderson was formed on Branch's right, and Field again on his right, and connecting with Archer. Crenshaw and Johnson were brought into battery on the left of the road, andus contest. Braxton's artillery, accompanying Archer, had already opened. They were ordered to tureavily, but stubbornly held its own. Field and Archer met a withering storm of bullets, but pressed ad been roughly handled, and had fallen back. Archer was brought up and sent in, and, in his shirtsto the left of it. Upon the application of General Archer, the Seventh and Twenty-eighth regiments w[1 more...]
e enemy and the two brigades just named, when, Archer and Pender coming up, a general charge was madarrow valley with their dead. In this charge, Archer's brigade was subjected to a heavy fire. At tmarch. My order of march was, Thomas, Branch, Archer, Pender, Stafford, and Field. Arriving withinrigade, (General Taliaferro's right ;) Branch, Archer and Pender, as they came up, were successivelyn a wood skirting it. Branch was engaging when Archer came up, and, with Pender on the left, the enena, commanding Brigade. Report of Brigadier-General Archer. headquarters Archer's brigade, t. Respectfully, your obedient servant, J. L. Archer, Brigadier-General. P. S. I beg to rorders, I formed my brigade on the left of General Archer's, on the left of the road going from Cedauvring placed my line obliquely to that of General Archer's, and as we moved forward, came together rear, and our advance was cutting it off. General Archer and myself advanced well to the front, and[2 more...]
ades of Generals Branch, Gregg, Field, Pender, Archer, and Colonel Thomas, with the batteries of Brad then extending with a view to turn his left, Archer promptly formed on Pender's left, when a simul my part of the line was gallantly resisted by Archer and Thomas — Gregg still holding the extreme l This order was promptly carried out, Pender, Archer, Thomas, and Branch steadily advancing. Brancegg, and the second, Lane, (Branch's brigade,) Archer, and Brockenbrough, under the command of GenerGeneral Archer. The enemy had lined the opposite hills with some seventy pieces of artillery, and the gaged, and informing Archer of his danger, he (Archer) moved by the left flank, and forming on Pendeemy. This he did most gallantly, supported by Archer's brigade, of Hill's command, delivering fire d a little to the right of Generals Branch and Archer, I advanced so as to form an extension of theiond the enemy's right, and Generals Pender and Archer to form on the right of my brigade. This was [29 more...]