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ans stood in the way. The advancing Federals were allowed to approach quite near, when that brigade poured a withering fire into the faces of Meade's men, and Early's division from the second line swept forward, and the contest in the woods was short and decisive. The enemy was quickly routed and driven out with very heavy loss, and, though largely reenforced, was pressed back and pursued to the shelter of the railroad embankment. Here he was gallantly charged by the brigades of Hoke and Atkinson, and driven across the plain to his batteries. The attack on Hill's left was repulsed by the artillery on that part of the line, against which a hot fire from twenty-four guns was directed. The repulse of the foe on our right was decisive and the attack was not renewed, but his batteries kept up an active fire at intervals, and sharpshooters skirmished along the front during the afternoon. While these events were transpiring on our right, the enemy, in formidable numbers, made repeated
269, 282. Major Robert, 352. Andersonville prison, 418, 505, 508. delegation of prisoners to Washington, 509-10. Andrew, Gov. John A., 89. Archer, General, 268, 273, 283, 297. Ariel (ship), 213. Arizona (gunboat), 199. Arkansas Modified constitution, 254. Ratification of emancipation amendment, 225. Reconstruction, 640, 642, 643. (gunboat), 192. Activities, 203-05. Armistead, General, 377. Arnold, Samuel, 417. Asboth, General, 39. Ashby, General, death, 92. Atkinson, General, 297. Atlanta, Ga. Hood's campaign for defense, 475. Sherman's order for evacuation of civilians, 476-78. Burning, 483. (ship), 172, 222. Atzevott, George A., 417. Averill, General, 444, 447, 448. B Bachman, Dr., John, report of Sherman's atrocities in South Carolina, 601-06. Bagby, Colonel, 198. Bahama (ship), 210, 211. Baker's Creek, Battle of, 341-343, 346. Baldwin, General, 25, 334, 339. Banks, General N. P., 67, 88, 89, 90, 96, 97, 114, 212, 251,253, 275,