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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.53 (search)
of troops there were the chartered steamers Adelaide, Commander H. S. Stellwagen, and George Peabody, Lieutenant R. B. Lowry, and the tug Fanny, Lieutenant Pierce Crosby. Upon these were embarked detachments of infantry from the 9th and 20th New York Volunteers, the Union Coast Guard, and a company of the 2d U. S. Artillery,--in all numbering about 880 men. Both the forts were under command of Major W. S. G. Andrews, the North Carolina troops being under Colonel Wm. F. Martin. Flag-Officer Samuel Barron, C. S. N., who was charged with the defense of this coast, arrived during the attack, and, taking command, was included in the capitulation, of which he says in his report made on board the Minnesota: During the first hour the shells of the ships fell short, we only firing occasionally to ascertain whether our shots would reach them, and wishing to reserve our very limited supply of ammunition until the vessels might find it necessary to come nearer in; but they, after some pr