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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., At Medford's old civic Center. (search)
Mrs. Wallace, who were cousins of Mrs. William R. Gray of Boston. (Register, Vol. XXI, p. 28.) The old meeting-house next had for its neighbor one whose religious tenets were quite unlike those of the people who worshipped within its walls. A French Canadian, a music teacher whose name was Noreau, had a child born to whom the name was given of Jean Baptiste Napoleon Noreau. What a thrill must have run through the frame of the Puritan building when it became aware that the child had been christened by a Roman Catholic priest! In 1825 Abner Bartlett and his family were the next tenants, and lived here many years. The history of this family is too well known for us to make further mention of it, and we only wish to add that Sarah Bartlett, widow of Abner, during the period of our Civil War, knit for the soldier boys three hundred and seven pairs of woolen socks, a feat not surpassed by the busy knitters of recent days. Mrs. Bartlett was then several years beyond four score.