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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 22: capture of Winchester. (search)
le or two before it reaches town; the Valley pike coming in on the south and uniting with the Cedar Creek pike between Kernstown and Winchester, Kernstown being about two miles from the town; the Romney or Northwestern pike coming in on the west side; the Pughtown road coming in on the northwest; the Martinsburg pike coming in on the north, and uniting with the direct Charlestown and Harper's Ferry roads, three or four miles from town; and the Berryville road coming in on the east. Lieutenant Barton of the 2nd Virginia Regiment, Walker's brigade, Johnson's division, who had been raised in the neighborhood, was furnished me as a guide, and Brown's battalion of reserve artillery, under Captain Dance, was ordered to accompany my division in addition to Jones'. Having received my orders, and leaving all my wagons, except the regimental ordnance and medical wagons, at Cedarville on the Front Royal road, I diverged from that road at a little place called Ninevah and reached the Val
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
388, 392, 394 B. & 0. R. R., 135, 136, 163, 326, 332, 333, 340, 368, 382, 383, 391, 402, 414, 455, 456, 460, 461 Banks' Ford, 208, 212, 229, 231, 233 Banks, General (U. S. A.), 75, 92, 101, 103, 112, 156, 157, 475 Barksdale, Colonel, 19, 20, 23, 25 Barksdale, General, 147, 149, 195, 196, 198, 200, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 218, 219, 221-25, 228, 232-34, 404 Barlow, General, 268 Barnett's Ford, 93 Bartlett's Mill, 318, 319, 320, 321, 324 Barton, Lieutenant, 240 Bartonsville, 241, 242, 368, 369 Bartow, General, 31, 32 Bath County, 459 Battle, General, 346, 422, 450 Baylor, Lieutenant, 461 Bealton, 307 Beauregard, General, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34; 35, 38, 44, 46, 47, 51, 52, 341 Beaver Dam Creek, 361, 362 Beckham, Lieutenant, 22, 25, 26, 38 Bedford City, 372, 374 Bedford County, 378 Bee, General, 31, 32, 37 Belle Grove, 437, 441 Benning, Colonel, 81, 82 Berk
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, IV. July, 1861 (search)
e (in which he fell, his letter being received after the announcement of his death), urging the appointment of his gallant young friend Lamar to a lieutenancy. I noted these facts on the back of his letter, with the Secretary's approbation, and also that the request had been granted, and placed the letter, perhaps the last he ever wrote, in the archives for preservation. July 25 Bartow's body has arrived, and lies in state at the Capitol. Among the chief mourners was his young friend Barton, who loved him as a son loves his father. From Lamar I learned some interesting particulars of the battle. He said when Bartow's horse was killed, he, Lamar, was sent to another part of the field for another, and also to order up certain regiments, Bartow then being in command of a brigade. Lamar galloped through a hot cross-fire to the regiments and delivered the order, but got no horse. He galloped back, however, through the terrible fire, with the intention of giving his own horse to
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
rsburg struck. Col. Whiting complains of blockade running at Wilmington. false alarm. Grant still before Vicksburg. June 1 Nothing decisive from Vicksburg. It is said Northern papers have been received, of the 29th May, stating that their Gen. Grant had been killed, and Vicksburg (though at first prematurely announced) captured. We are not ready to believe the latter announcement. Mr. Lyons has been beaten for Congress by Mr. Wickham. It is said the brigade commanded by Gen. Barton, in the battle near Vicksburg, broke and ran twice. If that be so, and their conduct be imitated by other brigades, good-by to the Mississippi Valley! Our people everywhere are alive to the expected raid of the enemy's cavalry, and are organizing the men of non-conscript age for defense. One of our pickets whistled a horse, drinking in the Rappahannock, and belonging to Hooker's army, over to our side of the river. It was a very fine horse, and the Federal Gen. Patrick sent a fl
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
e Rapidan to Bull Run was not a glorious one, although Meade did run to the fortifications at Centreville. He may possibly have had a counter-plot, which is not yet developed. Our papers are rejoicing over thousands of prisoners picked up; but Captain Warner, who furnishes the prisoners their rations, assures me that they have not yet arrived; while our papers acknowledge we lost 1000 men, killed and wounded, besides several guns. The Secretary of War received a dispatch to-day from Gen. Barton, Kinston, N. C., stating that a number of Federal regiments were embarking for (he thinks) South Carolina. This, the Secretary, of course, sends to Gen. Beauregard, but doubts, however, the destination of the troops. He thinks they are to menace Richmond again, and says there are indications of this purpose on the York River. Is Hooker really there? The public knows nothing, as yet, of what is going on down that river. What if Meade retreated to entice Lee away from Richmond, having
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 39 (search)
ia, I suppose, all others being in the field. It is reported that the attack on Drewry's Bluff, or rather on our forces posted there for its defense, has begun. Barton's brigade marched thither to-day. It is said the enemy have 40,000 men on the south side of James Riverwe, 20,000. There is now some excitement and trepidating up from Petersburg, in the enemy's rear, with 13,000 men. So, at this hour, the prospects are glorious. Gen. Pickett has been relieved-indisposition. Brig.-Gen. Barton has also been relieved, for some cause arising out of the failure to capture the raiders on this side the river. Gens. Bragg and Pemberton made an inspecshine all day, but cool. Troops have been marching through the city all day from the south side. I presume others take their places arriving from the South. Barton's brigade had but 700 out of 2000 that went into battle last Monday. Our wounded amount to 2000; perhaps the enemy's loss was not so large. Col. Northrop is
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 44 (search)
y. The particulars of the fight have not yet been received. Every male between seventeen and fifty-five is now required to have a pass, from Gen. Kemper or Gen. Barton, to walk the streets, even to church. The militia are all out, except those hidden in the back rooms of their shops-extortioners; and the city is very quiet. s orders, and despotically hurried off without being permitted even to send a message to their families. Thousands were entrapped, by being directed to call at Gen. Barton's headquarters, an immense warehouse, and receive passes; but no Gen. Barton was there-or if there, not visible; and all the anxious seekers found themselves inGen. Barton was there-or if there, not visible; and all the anxious seekers found themselves in prison, only to be liberated as they were incorporated into companies, and marched to the front. From the age of fifteen to fifty-five, all were seized by that order — no matter what papers they bore, or what the condition of their families-and hurried to the field, where there was no battle. No wonder there are many deserters —
Lincoln's laconic despatch capturing Lee's supplies delighted Engineers the Confederates' last effort a flag of truce General Geary's last ditch absurdity meeting of Grant and Lee the surrender estimate of General Grant. The first report of the battle of Sailor's Creek that General Grant received was, as already stated, an oral message carried by Colonel Price, of my staff. Near midnight I sent a despatch giving the names of the generals captured. These were Ewell, Kershaw, Barton, Corse, Dubose, and Custis Lee. In the same despatch I wrote: If the thing is pressed, I think that Lee will surrender. When Mr. Lincoln, at City Point, received this word from General Grant, who was transmitting every item of news to the President, he telegraphed Grant the laconic message: Let the thing be pressed. The morning of the 7th we moved out at a very early hour, Crook's division marching toward Farmville in direct pursuit, while Merritt and Mackenzie were ordered to Prince Edwar
June 17, 1863. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that since mailing my despatch, No. 316, I have received further details of the capture of the Atlanta, sent, through the kindness of Colonel Barton, by telegraph from Fort Pulaski. The Atlanta, Captain William Webb, came down this morning, via Wilmington River, to attack our vessels in Warsaw Sound, accompanied by two wooden steamers, filled, it is said, with persons as spectators. Tsecured by Engineer J. G. Young, and the vessel backed off into deep water, when she was brought to an anchor. The wounded, sixteen in number, were removed to the steamer Island City, which had been kindly brought over from Fort Pulaski by Colonel Barton, United States army. The officers of the vessel were sent to the tug Oleander, and a portion of the crew to the United States steamer Cimerone, for transportation to Port Royal. The Atlanta was found to have mounted two six-inch and two s
ttysburgh. On Monday, July sixth, I left Washington for Baltimore to meet yourself and Mr. Knapp. Upon consultation, it was deemed advisable that I should proceed at once to Gettysburgh. In company, therefore, with Mr. Bullard, Mr. Murray, Mr. Barton, and two Germans, sent to our aid by Mr. Hitz, of Washington, I left Baltimore on Monday evening, upon a freight-train, containing two loaded cars for the Commission. Heavy trains, heavy grades, delays of all kinds, prevented us from reachinhool-house, and the presence of Messrs. Johnson, Biddle, Edgerly, Hoag, Gall Paige, and Hovey, (relief agents,) at our storehouse in the town. The lodge established, I left it in change of Mr. O. C. Bullard, who was assisted by Mr. Murray and Mr. Barton, and the Germans from Washington, and reported to Dr. Bellows. The next day our store-house was given up to the Provost-Marshal, and another room on Baltimore street was by his permission taken. The latter place, the store of Messrs. Fahnes
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