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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A review of the First two days operations at Gettysburg and a reply to General Longstreet by General Fitz. Lee. (search)
ark. In reference to the numbers of the First corps, after it had fallen back from in front of the town, and reformed on Cemetery Hill, I have seen a statement in Bates' Battle of Gettysburg, page 82, fixing them at 2,450 men; but as to the correctness of this estimate, I cannot speak with any certainty. As to the Eleventh corpeary's divisions of the Twelfth corps, under Slocum-numbering together by return of June 30th, 8,056. The number collected in the First corps amounted to 2,450-(Bates, page 82, and also Doubleday's, its com mander's, testimony). Of the Eleventh, (see Hancock,) 1,200. Estimating Buford's cavalry at about 2,500, we would have a Favalry, viz., Buford's, Kilpatrick's, and Gregg's — the two last reaching the field after Buford left. The First corps went into battle on the 2d with 2,450 men (Bates' History of Gettysburg, page 52, and Doubleday's testirony — who commanded it after Reynolds' death-page 309, Committee on the Conduct of the War); the Second corp
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Remarks on the numerical strength of both armies at Gettysburg (search)
ampaign north of the Potomac, furnished to me by the archives of the United States War Department, this army contained 167 regiments of infantry, and not 163, as Dr. Bates has alleged ; and 167 multiplied by 360 and 313 would give us respectively 60,120 infantry men present, and 52,271 present for duty. These 167 regiments of infal corps, &c. present, 5,500; present for duty, 4,785. Total present, 105,000; present for duty, 91.250. The number of regiments of infantry was, according to Dr. Bates's table, 242, which, by a remarkable coincidence, gives an average of 361 men present per regiment, within one man the same average as in Early's division. The mere skeletons, and before the time of Grant very few of these were consolidated. The figures given by Meade and Butterfield, do not show, as has been alleged by Dr. Bates, all the men borne upon the rolls, nor, I think, as Confederate writers have asserted, only the men present for duty on the battlefield, but all the men who at t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Steuart's brigade at the battle of Gettysburg.--a narrative by Rev. Randolph H. McKim, D. D., late First Lieutenant and Aide-de-camp, Confederate army. (search)
rd North Carolina were the chief sufferers. Bates (author of The History of the Battle of Gettysached they were stricken down and disappeared.-Bates' Gettysburg, page 139. This is one of his manill itself, to the north of Spangler's Spring. Bates says: Passing over the abandoned breastworks fner's taken. The position thus so hardly Bates himself, on another page (147), makes an admishim to take Meade's entire line in reverse. Bates is of the same opinion: Had he known the advanperiod of rest, again returned to the front. --Bates, page 142. No such refreshing rest had our bred with unparalleled tenacity and vehemence. --Bates, page 142. Later in the morning he says: The ome distance at right angles to his main line.-Bates' Gettysburg, page 139. Moreover, there was a d following account of this memorable charge in Bates' book (page 144): Suddenly the quiet was brokeur fire. It was indeed dreadful to witness. --Bates' Gettysburg, page 145. These fearful losse