Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Baylor or search for Baylor in all documents.

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letter from Arizona the Austin Gazette gathers the particulars of the late difficulty between Col. Baylor and Mr. R. P. Kelley, editor of the Mousilla Times, in which the latter was seriously, if not fatally, wounded. The details given are as follows: Baylor called to Kelly as he was passing his quarters, saying he wished to speak with him. Kelly said yes, and started towards him, drawing a bowie-knife from his bosom as he approached. Baylor, seeing this, stepped inside his door and seized a gun, with which, on the advance and attack of Kelly, he knocked the latter down, without attemn seized Kelly and demanded that he should give up his bowie-knife; to which he replied "never." Baylor then shot him with his repeater, the bald entering his cheek and severing the "main artery" of the neck. Baylor was tried before the civil authorities and triumphantly acquitted. The difficulty grew out of severe strictures made at different times, by the editor, in the Times, on the Colone