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uit Court of this city, Judge John A. Meredith presiding, commenced its fall term yesterday, at the State Court House. The main point of interest was the institution of proceedings against some of the parties, including the corporation of Richmond, who have been issuing small notes, in violation of the laws of the Commonwealth. The following named gentlemen, composing the Grand Jury, were sworn: Archibald Pleasants, (foreman,) L. W. Glazebrook. Charles C. Ellett, Charles T. Wortham, Wm. Beers, Wm. F. Gray, Alfred T. Harris, Thos. M. Jones, James E. Lipscomb, Fleming Grirth, Robert Harver, Wm. H. Haxall, Mark Downcy, Thos. Boudar, Geo. W. Smith, Jas. T. Butler, Ambrose Cariton, Wm. A. Armistead, Charles Gennett, Garrett F. Watson, George T. Booker, Thos. R. Price, and Wm. K, Watts; and, having received their charge, retired from the court room, and after some time returned and presented-- An indictment against the City of Richmond for a misdemeanor — a true bill. An ind
The Daily Dispatch: February 11, 1862., [Electronic resource], Re-enlistment of volunteers.--no Coorcien. (search)
nd Jury assembled and were sworn in, after which they were charged by Mr. Daniel, Commonwealth's Attorney, on the character of the offences which they were expected to take cognizance of. Among other fit subjects of presentments he mentioned extortioners. The following is a list of the Grand Jury sworn in at this term. Geo. W. Smith, (Foreman,) Wm. H. Haxall, Wm. Palmer, John D. Quarles, C. H. Powell, Samuel P. Mitchell, Mark Downey, James T. Butler, Geo. D. Shell, Theod'k Robertson, Wm. Beers, L. W. Glazebrook, Wm. S. Donnan, G. F. Watson, Alex. H. Rutherfoord, Fleming Griffin, Alfred T. Harris, Samuel C. Greenhow, and Geo. Whitfield. The following parties were presented by the Grand Jury for misdemeanors, viz: Andrew Muller, Frank H. L. Allen, Richard Copeland, Carlos W. Ellis, Jesse White, Henry Holman, John Gentry, Wm. Henry Selden, Edward Kelley, Martin Maddux, Thos. J. Goodrich, James F. Magee, Algernon Adams, James H. Keyser, Wm. Appleyard, Stephen Page, Arthur Fergu
The Daily Dispatch: March 13, 1862., [Electronic resource], One hundred and twenty-five Dollars reward. (search)
Important election. --Our readers will bear in mind that voting on the new Constitution will commence to-day and continue for three days. We append a list of the commissioners who are to conduct the same, viz: John A. Lacy, George Bell, Luther Libby, A. Bodeker, and James Moore, Commissioners; and John M. Francisco, Conductor for the First Ward. R. R. Howlson, James H. Grant, G. A. Myers, William Beers, and Walter D. Blair, Commissioners; and Thomas U. Dudley, Conductor for the Second Ward. Thomas Boudar, Thomas M. Jones, Felix Matthews, Thomas Barham, and Charles G. Ellett, Commissioners; and James L. Bray, Conductor for the Third Ward.
Hustings Court Grand Jury. --The following gentlemen were sworn in as grand jurymen for the fall term of the Hustings Court, Judge Lyons presiding: John Purcell, foremen; G. F. Watson, George W. Smith, Miles George, Ambrose, Carlton, Wm. K. Watts, H. F. C. Baskerville, S. C. Greenhow, Edwin Wortham, Wm. Palmer, R. H. Dibrell, George T. Booker, John D. Quarles, Wm. F. Gray, George K. Crutchfield, Wm. S. Donnan, Samuel C. Tardy, N. C. Read, Wm. M. Allen, R. H. Maury, and Wm. Beers.
The Daily Dispatch: April 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], Rumored Evacuation of Newbern, N. C. (search)
Fires. --Between 11 and 12 o'clock Friday night the frame stable and carriage-house of Mr. John Frayzer, on Council Chamber Hill, near Ross street, was destroyed by fire. The frame stable of Mr. John M. Daniel, adjoining the above, was also considerably injured, but was saved from destruction by the prompt exertions of the firemen. The fire was the work of an incendiary. About the same time as the above fire smoke was seen issuing from a stable in an alley near the Medical College, which was found to proceed from some straw in the stable loft, which had been fired either by an incendiary or by a spark from the first fire. Between two and three o'clock Saturday evening the roof of the kitchen of Mr. Wm. Beers, corner of College and Broad streets, caught fire from a defective fine, but the fire was extinguished without the aid of the fire department.