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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men 8 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 2, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 19 (search)
glishman, would be admired at the court of St. James. Sir, said the sturdy American, she is admired even on Litchfield Hill. There is no occasion for any petty prejudice against European science or art or literature or manners; all nations can learn of each other, and we as the younger nation have more to learn, in many ways, than to teach. The nations of Europe are the elder sons of Time; but the youngest-born are also sons. It was not mere imitation that gave us Morse's telegraph, or Bell's telephone, or Emerson's books, or Lowell's speeches, or the American trotting horse, or those illustrated magazines that are printed for two continents. I heard the most eminent of English electricians say, a few years ago, that he had learned more of the possible applications of electricity during his first fortnight in this country than in his whole life before. When I spoke to Mr. Darwin of the Peabody Museum at Yale College, he said, Huxley tells me that there is more to be learned fr
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 41 (search)
I quote the opinions of these gentlemen because they are experts, and not easily to be misled as to the quality of goods, or to be carried away by sympathy. Their verdict may be taken as establishing the fact that a woman has succeeded in taking the lead of all others in the Eastern States in a most difficult branch of manufacture, and this by her own energies. It is easy to say that a woman thus successful must be a very exceptional woman. No doubt; just as all great inventors, such as Bell or Edison, are very exceptional men. It is quite probable that she may have inherited from lier father, who preceded her in the mill, some special talent for machinery. It is often so with men, since talent is often hereditary and even cumulative, what is mere taste in a father sometimes becoming a distinct gift in the son, and being called genius in the grandson. But talent or even genius alone makes a mere amateur; she had also the courage to plan and the will to carry out, and with such
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 51 (search)
, and you will see some woman fail in something, never fear. One critic goes so far as to say that all high creative work still remains out of the reach of woman. Romola does not seem to such a critic to be high creative work, probably; that phrase should be reserved for men — for little Twiggs, perhaps, with his fine realistic study, The Trippings of Tom Popinjay. What a flood of light all this throws on the reasons why such very able women write under masculine names! George Sand, Currer Bell, George Eliot, are but the type of many others. They wrote in that way not because they wished to be men, but because they wished for an unbiassed judgment as artists; and in each case they got it. When it came, and in the form of triumphant success, all women were benefited by it, and were so much nearer to a time when no such experiment of disguise would be needed. The mere fact that women take men's names in writing, while no man takes a woman's, shows that an advantage is gained by
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, Index. (search)
45. Audrey, 102. Auerbach, Berthold, quoted, 14. aunts, maiden, 38. Austen, Jane, quoted, 113. Also 156, 157, 160, 194. Authorship, difficulties of, 151, 202. B. Babies, exacting demands of, 41. Badeau, General, Adam, quoted, 103, 128. Bancroft, H. H., 225. Barnum, P. T., 108. Barton, Clara, 20. Baeudelaire, Charles, 302. Baxter, Richard, 34. Beach, S. N., quoted, 143. Beaconsfield, Lord, quoted, 271. Beethoven, L. yon, 252. Bell, A. G., 99, 209. Bell, Currer. See Brontie, Charlotte. Bickerdyke, Mother, 20. Birds at midsummer, 304. Birthday, secret of the, 176. Bismarck, Prince, 309. Black sergeant, prayer of, 79. Black, William, quoted, 168. Blake, William, 180. Blanc, Louis, 129. Blood, Lydia, 102. Bonaparte, Napoleon, 247. Bonheur, Rosa, 250, 252, 261, 263. Bossuet, J. B., 87. Bourbons, decline of, 107. breaking and bending, 121. Bremer, Fredrika, quoted, 14. Brinton, Dr. D. G., quoted, 286. Broute, Charl
The Daily Dispatch: July 2, 1861., [Electronic resource], Death of Charlotte Bronte's father. (search)
Death of Charlotte Bronte's father. --The Rev. Patrick Bronte, the rather of the popular authoress, "Currer Bell," died at the parsonage in Haworth, on the 7th of June.--He was born in the year 1777, and was consequently 84 years old at the time of his death. He died comparatively alone, passing from earth as he had lived in it. A cold, gloomy, unsympathizing man, he had the reputation of being, and will be remembered as, the father of one of the rarest families that were ever born to man. His name dies with him, but the fame achieved by the suffering, long patient, persevering, spirital "Currer Acton, and Ellis Bell," is imperishable.