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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 7 3 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 4 0 Browse Search
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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 1: organization of the regiment. (search)
. Captain, Jonathan F. Plympton, of Boston; First Lieut., Christopher C. Sampson, of Boston; Second Lieut., William L. Palmer, of Salem. Company K. Tiger Fire Zouaves, of Boston; Captain, Ansel D. Wass; First Lieut., Eugene Kelty; Second Lieut., Edward P. Bishop. The recruits of the different companies, when they arrived at Lynnfield, caused many amusing things to occur. As yet unskilled in all the soldiers' arts, untaught in all, save the native courage of their race, these country boys8. James H. Rice. 9. Levi Shaw, Quartermaster. 10. John C. Chadwick, Adjt. 11. David Lee. Second Lieutenants. 1. John P. Reynolds, Jr. 2. Isaac H. Boyd. 3. James G. C. Dodge. 4. William L. Palmer. 5. Dudley (C. Mumford. 6. Edward P. Bishop. 7. James T. Lurvey. 8. Samuel S. Prime. 9. George M. Barry. 10. Wm. H. LeCain. Col. Hinks will promulgate this order. By command of His Excellency, John A. Andrew, Gov. & Com. In Chief, Wm. Schouler, Adjt. Gen. The regiment
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 3: in camp at Meridian Hill. (search)
the men thought the rebels were crossing the river, but as no such movements were ever witnessed, it came to be believed that these pleasant excursions were part of the necessary drill, there not being enough hours of daylight to permit of the desired instructions. The enlisted men, however, were not the only ones who had to work, as the line officers were being constantly drilled also. The regimental band of 24 pieces, under bandmaster John A. Spofford, and a squad of recruits under Lieut. Bishop, of Company K, reached Camp Benton on September 27, 1861, and then the music became a feature of regimental life. On the 15th of October a detail of 25 men from Company I, under Sergt. Harris, were ordered to Edward's Ferry to report to the Officer of the Day at that point. Two old scows had been discovered, sunk deep in the waters of the canal. This detail from the Nineteenth Massachusetts was ordered to raise them, bail them out and caulk the seams. In the late afternoon, they we
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 6: removal to Muddy Branch. (search)
ilson and Second Lieut. William H. LeCain of Co. H., with First Lieut. S. D. Hovey of Co. G. were honorably discharged. First Lieut. Charles M. Merritt was promoted to be Captain of Company A, and Second Lieut. Isaac H. Boyd was commissioned First Lieutenant in that Company. In Company D, Sergeant Major Samuel Baxter was made Second Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant John P. Reynolds was made First Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant and transferred from Company D to G. In Co. K. Second Lieut. Edward P. Bishop was promoted to First Lieutenant, and First Sergeant Lysander Hume was advanced to Second Lieutenant. First Lieut. Henry A. Hale of Co. H. was transferred to Co. I, while bandmaster John A. Spofford, with musicians R. W. Stevens, W. C. M. Howe, E. F. Spofford and J. M. Hine resigned and were discharged. Lewis Rimback, of Boston, was appointed as the new bandmaster. Instead of staying all winter in Camp Benton as had been expected, the regiment was ordered, on December 4,
ant General of Dana's Brigade, and First Lieut. Moncena Dunn, of Company D, returned from recruiting duty in Massachusetts, together with First Lieut. James H. Rice, of Company F. In Company C, Capt. J. Scott Todd resigned, and First Lieut. George W. Bachelder was made Captain, Second Lieut. J. G. C. Dodge, of Company F being made First Lieutenant and transferred to fill the vacancy. Capt. James D. Russell, of Company D, was detailed for special duty on the fortifications and First Lieut. Edward P. Bishop, of Company K, was detailed as Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Brig. Gen. Dana. Sergt. William H. Hill, of Company F, was promoted to be Second Lieutenant, vice Dodge, promoted and transferred. Taken from a soldier's letter to his family at home.April 23rd, 1862. Tomorrow we go out again on our regular siege, —that is, to lay in the woods, behind our artillery and listen to their noise all day and at intervals during the night. It is a one-sided affair, this siege, so far, fo