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Doc. 47: the battle of Helena. Report of Lieutenant-General Holmes. little Rock, August 14, 1863. Brigadier-General W. R. Boggs, Chief of Staff, Department Trans-Mississippi, Shreveport, Louisiana: General: I have the honor to submit to the Lieutenant-General commanding the following report of the attack made by me upon Helena, on the fourth of July, 1863: In the month of June, 1862, the Federal forces under General Curtis, from the attempted invasion of Arkansas betook themselves to the city of Helena, and there fortified. Since that time it has been constantly and heavily garrisoned by Federal troops. The possession of this place has been of immense advantage to the enemy. From it, they have threatened at all times an invasion of Arkansas, thereby rendering it necessary that troops should be held in position to repel such invasion. From it they have controlled the trade and sentiments of a large and important scope of country. It has been to them a most importa
t, A. A. G. Upon the foregoing report was the following endorsement: Headquartes District Western Louisiana, Alexandria, July 17, 1863. Respecfully forwarded for the information of the Lieutenant-General commanding, with the remark, that the boats of which General Taylor speaks in the P. S., met the enemy's gunboats at the mouth of the Atchafalaya, and returned safely to this post E. Surget, A. A. G. headquarters District Western Louisiana, Lafourche, July 13, 1863 Brigadier-General W. R. Boggs, Chief of Staff: General: I have the honor to announce a brilliant success gained by a portion of my forces under the command of Brigadier-General Green, over Weitzel and Dwight. The enemy, over four thousand strong, advanced to-day, six miles from Donaldsville, where he was met by General Green, with his own and a part of Major's brigade (in all twelve hundred men), and driven from the field, with a loss of about five hundred in killed and wounded, some three hundred prisone