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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 9 1 Browse Search
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that Bayard's cavalry reached there from Front Royal. Ordering these to take the advance, Fremont followed after Jackson with quite a display of vigor. McDowell held one division of his troops at Front Royal and started another, under Shields, up the valley of the South Fork, to co-operate with Fremont in his pursuit of Jackson. The latter concluding, from what he could learn, that a Federal force was moving up the Luray or South Fork valley, dispatched a small body of cavalry under Captain Boswell, of the engineers, by way of New Market, to burn the three remaining bridges across the South Fork, thus destroying the possibility of a junction between Fremont and Shields either at New Market or near Luray, owing to the swollen condition of the South Fork as well as of the other streams in the valley, in consequence of the heavy and almost continuous rains that characterized that season. Jackson's strategy had now brought all the Federal forces in the Valley or on either side of i
ch him, Lee ordered from Richmond the divisions of Walker, McLaws and D. H. Hill, which had been held there for prudential reasons, and sought a conference with Jackson, to which the latter, a little later, called in his chief engineer, Lieut. James Keith Boswell, for information concerning the roads leading behind the Rappahannock mountains to the line of the Manassas Gap railroad and to Pope's rear, with which he was familiar; Lee and Jackson having devised a plan of campaign by which Jackson e scene of their victories of the preceding spring; but, when a short distance beyond Amissville, their course was turned from the northwest to the northeast, they looked questioningly one to the other, as to whither they were going, led by Lieutenant Boswell and portions of the noted Black Horse cavalry through their Fauquier home-land. Jackson pressed steadily forward, through the long August day, without halt, until he had covered 25 miles and reached the vicinity of Salem, on the Manassas
owing obstacles in the way of his advance, so he promptly turned back and rode at a trot toward his own command. As he approached Hill's newly formed line of battle, some one called out, A Yankee cavalry charge, for such was suggested by the sudden appearance of Jackson and the score or more that accompanied him, coming through the darkness of the forest; when, without orders, the Eighteenth North Carolina fired a volley, of ounce musket balls, which desperately wounded Jackson, killed Captain Boswell, his chief engineer, and one of his escort. Jackson's condition required that he be taken at once from the field to the hospital near the Old Wilderness tavern, and the command devolved on A. P. Hill, who was soon after wounded in the firing that the Federals opened after Hill's men had fired on Jackson. Rodes now succeeded to the command of the Second corps, but declined to take the responsibility, and upon consultation, Stuart, who was guarding the rear against the Federal cavalry
Mumford, William P., major; Norton, George F., major; Palmer, William H., major; Skinner, Frederick G., major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Williams, Lewis B., Jr., colonel. First Infantry regiment State Line: Berkley, Henry M., lieutenant-colonel; Nighbert, James A., major; Radford, Richard C. W., colonel. First Militia regiment, Seventh brigade: Albert, H. St. George, colonel; Lutz, Levi P., major; Sipe, Emanuel, lieutenant-colonel. First regiment Reserves: Averett, C. E., major; Boswell, T. T., major, lieutenant-colonel; Farinholt, Benjamin L., lieutenantcol-onel, colonel. First regiment State Reserves, second-class militia: Danforth, John B., colonel; Spencer, Thomas J., lieutenant-colonel First Kanawha regiment Infantry (became the Twenty-second regiment, which see). Second Heavy Artillery regiment (Home Artillery, or Virginia Home Artillery. Became Twenty-second battalion Virginia Infantry, May 23, 1862): Burwell, W. P., major; Pannill, Joseph, lieutenant-colo