Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 15, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Bragg or search for Bragg in all documents.

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Review of Bragg's last campaign. Beginning with the evacuation of Chattanooga in Septembeeedful preparation has been secured to us by Gen. Bragg and his brave army, and it will be our own fould not be too hasty to criticise either in Gen. Bragg or Gen. Lee. Upon his arrival before Chk at Knoxville. Indeed, it is the belief of Gen. Bragg and intelligent officers generally, that but to the assistance of Burnside, and this led Gen. Bragg to order Cleburne's and Buckner's corps to tt wing and our depot at Chickamauga to force Gen. Bragg to withdraw a portion of his forces from Looby daylight; and in consequence of this fact Gen. Bragg decided to mass his troops on Missionary Ridnd is now, that it would have been better if Gen. Bragg had carried out his original intention and rr less than 85,000 men, exclusive of cavalry. Bragg's did not number half so many. This immense sd and wounded, and three flags. On the 29th Gen. Bragg, at his own request, was relieved of the com[3 more...]
t Cabell Breckinridge, staff officers of Gen. Breckinridge; and Major Winchester, Gen. Bates's A. A. General, are among them. The two escaped officers, who were carried to the rear when captured, says: The Yankees expected to capture Gen. Bragg and his army that night, (the 30th of November,) as an immense column was parked around our left before the attack was made in front. They say that they met a second line after dark, which hindered their getting to Chickamauga bridge and stat 30th of November,) as an immense column was parked around our left before the attack was made in front. They say that they met a second line after dark, which hindered their getting to Chickamauga bridge and station. They boast of cutting off Longstreet and of having sent heavy reinforcements to Burnside. The Yankees admitted a repulse at Ringgold, and that, fearing another Chickamauga, they retired. The slaughter of Federal was very great along the line leading to Bragg's headquarters.