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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 8 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 0 Browse Search
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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 8: (search)
e! It was very curious. It was in October, 1818. I had just arrived in Rome, coming from Germany, and was very much among the Germans,—with Niebuhr and Bunsen, Brandes and Mad. de Humboldt. Niebuhr thought of getting up the celebration, and at first intended to have it in his own palazzo; but he changed the plan, and arranged that it should be held in a large room at Brandes's lodgings, he being connected with the legation. There was nobody present but twenty or thirty Germans, except Thorwaldsen, who, being a Dane, was all one as a German, and myself, who was invited as a kind of German. Bunsen read something between a speech and a sermon; and there were prayers, that he had translated from the English Prayer-Book. Brandes read them, and there was a great sensation produced in the room. What Bunsen said was fine and touching. At the end, Niebuhr—who always reminded me of the Rev. Dr. Channing, a small man, with a great deal of soul in his face—went up to Bunsen, meaning to<
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 26 (search)
Bonaparte, Princess, 181. Borgieri, 162. Bose, Comtesse, 467. Bose, Count, 459. Bose, Countess, 459, 476. Bostock, Dr., 416. Boston, G T., born in, 1; condition of, 1800– 1815, 17-21; town-meetings, 20; comparison with Athens, 20; in 1819, 315, 316 and note. Boston Provident Institution for Savings, G T. Trustee of, 379 note. Boawell, James, 53, 55. Boswell, Junior, 58. Botta, C. G. G., 164. Bottiger, K. A., 456, 457. Bowditch, Dr., Nathaniel, 316, 371, 379, 391, 405. Brandes, C. A., 178. Brassier, M., 501. Breme, Marquis de, 161, 164. Brisbane, Sir, Thomas, 419, 422. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Fifth Meeting of. 419-424. Broglie, Due de, 128, 139, 151, 155, 253, 257 note, 263, 312, 314. Broglie, Duchesse de, 128, 131-133, 137, 138, 151, 152, 257, 314; letter from, 311. Brookline, 385. Brooks, Edward, 154, 156, 158. Brosius, Dr., 11. Brougham, Henry, Lord, 266, 279. Brown, Dr., 280 and note. Bruen, Rev. M., 364 note.
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 30 (search)
T. goes to Europe for, 311-317; gifts of books to, 318 note, 319; President of Trustees, 320; interest in, 333, 388, 351, 381, 82, 400, 409, 446, 487 and note. Boswell, James, I. 53, 55 Boswell, junior, I. 58. Botta, C. G. ., 1. 164. Bottiger, K. A., I. 456, 457. Boucheron, II. 42. Bouverie, Hon. E., I. 148, 363. Bowditch, Dr., Nathaniel, I. 816, 871, 891, 405, II. 190, 464. Bowring, Dr. (Sir John), II. 66. Bradford, Charles Frederick, letter to, Il 467 and note. Brandes, C. A., I. 178, II. 325. Brandes, Dr., Karl, II. 813, 314, 331. Brassier, M., I. 501. Breme, Marquis de, I. 161, 164. Breton, General, II. 376. Bridgeman, Laura, II. 194, 195. Bright, H. A., II. 400. Brignole, Marquis, II. 114. Brisbane, Sir, Thomas, I. 419, 422. British Association for the Advancement of Science, fifth meeting of, I. 419-424. Brodie, Professor, II. 358. Broglia di Monbello, Count, II. 91. Broglie, Albert Duc de, II. 369. Broglie, Duchesse de, I