Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 18, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Brannon or search for Brannon in all documents.

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mposing taxes for the support of Government" being the order of the day, it was, on motion of Mr. Brannon, taken up. Mr. Beanson moved to amend the 11th section, imposing a tax of two per centum" Mr. Robertson opposed the striking out at some length. The motion was agreed to. Mr. Brannon moved to further amend the bill by inserting the following as an independent section: Oneof. The motion was advocated by Messrs. Fragter, Coghill, and Quesenberry, and opposed by Messrs. Brannon, Newton, and Isbell. Mr. Lynch subsequently withdrew the motion, which was renewed by its in the said law mentioned, there shall be a tax of--." The amendment was opposed by Messrs. Brannon, Wilet, and Quesenberry, and finally withdrawn. On motion of Mr. Brannon, the 32d and Mr. Brannon, the 32d and 38d sections, in relation to distilleries, were stricken out; in lien of the first of which he then moved to insert the following: "On every license to distill ardent spirits from fruit, vegeta