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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 7 (search)
ley had complained to him, instead of taking the law into his own hands. Charley told him that the protection of his mother was a duty that he would delegate to no man living while he had the strength to perform it. I'll knock down any man that dares to insult her, he said, whether he is a runaway-nigger or a Yankee major-general, without asking your permission or anybody else's. My life isn't worth much now, anyway, and I couldn't lose it in a better cause than defending my blind mother. Bravo, Charley! I hope the Yankees will get their fill of the blessed nigger before they are done with him. They have placed our people in the most humiliating position it is possible to devise, where we are obliged either to submit to the insolence of our own servants or appeal to our Northern masters for protection, as if we were slaves ourselves-and that is just what they are trying to make of us. Oh, it is abominable! June 23, Friday We are going to form a dancing club for grown peo
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
w long the Yankees will let well enough alone. The servants who are still with us are lazy, but not insolent, though the teachings of French and Wild will no doubt soon make them so. Mammy says that Dr. French told them in one of his speeches that some of them would be called upon to rule over the land hereafter — a pretty strong hint at negro suffrage. Capt. Cooley is reported as saying: Damn French! I had trouble enough with the negroes before he came, and now they are as mad as he is. Bravo! little Yank; I really begin to respect you. July 24, Monday We had a dancing party at Dr. Robertson's in the evening. Most of the young men go to parties fully armed. The parlor mantelpiece at the bank was covered with pistols brought there by our escorts, and one of our amusements, between dances, was to examine them and learn to cock them. Some of them were very pretty, with silver and ivory mountings. Garnett made us go and return by back streets in order to avoid, as much as
e surgeon-general and Dr. Jones to afford him the best medical aid. It was not in the power of the surgeons, however, to give him relief, which, they informed him, could only be obtained by rest. The situation of Texas at this time was very critical. Confidential communications to the President, from Matamoras, through Mr. John Ricord, confirmed for the most part by Colonel Seguin at San Antonio, reported with certainty the enemy's force, January 26th: in Matamoras, 2,855 men; and with Bravo, at Saltillo, 2,500 men; amounting, including detachments, to 5,500 soldiers, with 28 cannon and two mortars. This force was augmented, until, in March, it was estimated at 8,000 Mexicans and a large body of Indian auxiliaries, who occupied the country between the Nueces and the Rio Grande. A combined attack by sea and land was intended; and a naval blockade was, in fact, established, which inflicted several severe blows on the republic by the capture of vessels and supplies. But, though
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 10 (search)
verely upon the assumption of power by the military commander of the department. Gen. Winder came in during the day, and denied having promised to procure a passport for Stone from Gen. Huger. December 14 Nothing. December 15 The President's private secretary, Capt. Josselyn, was in to-day. He had no news. December 16 We hear to-day that the loyal men of Kentucky have met in convention and adopted an ordinance of secession and union with our Confederacy. December 17 Bravo, Col. Edward Johnson! He was attacked by 5000 Yankees on the Alleghany Mountains, and he has beaten them with 1200 men. They say Johnson is an energetic man, and swears like a trooper; and instead of a sword, he goes into battle with a stout cane in his hand, with which he belabors any skulking miscreant found dodging in the hour of danger. December 18 Men escaped from the Eastern Shore of Virginia report that Mr. Custis had landed there, and remains quiet. December 19 Judge Per
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
in great commotion, making contemptuous remarks, with, threats of violence, and one cried out, Shoot him! The wife and daughter of Slidell joined in vehement protests, and the latter struck Fairfax in the face, according to the testimony of Capt. Williams, who told the story of this cabin scene in an after-dinner speech at Plymouth. Some of the public papers, he said, have described her as having slapped Mr. Fairfax's face. [Here his audience cried out, Served him right if she did, and Bravo. ] She did strike Mr. Fairfax, he continued, and the audience gave cheers in her honor. But she did not do it. with the vulgarity of gesture which has been attributed to her. Miss Slidell was with her father in the cabin, with her arm encircling his neck, and she wished to be taken to prison with her father. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Fairfax attempted to get into the cabin — I do not say forcibly, for I do not say a word against Mr. Fairfax, so far as his manner is concerned — he attempted to get
iches in the shade of the buggy; my horse was eating and resting, and I was forced to give him half an hour or more before I mounted, and meantime tried to make out the plan of battle, but all was obscure and dark. Suddenly up rode an officer, with a crowd of soldiers after him, from the village. We've whipped them on all points! he shouted. We've taken their batteries, and they're all retreating! Such an uproar as followed! The spectators and men cheered again and again, amid cries of Bravo! Bully for us! Didn't I tell you so? and guttural hochs from the Deutschland folk, and loud hurroors from the Irish. Soon afterward my horse was brought up to the hill, and my friend and the gentleman I have already mentioned set out to walk toward the front — the latter to rejoin his regiment, if possible, the former to get a closer view of the proceedings. As I turned down into the narrow road or lane already mentioned, there was a forward movement among the large four-wheeled tilt wa
h, they all have come; from every calling, from every profession, from every sect, whether of religion or politics, whether of belief or unbelief, they all have come, under the impulse of a new inspiration. And whatever misfortune, if misfortune should come, might befall our flag or our arms, either at Washington, or Baltimore, or Philadelphia, or New York, we of New England will rally behind the Berkshire Hill and make the Switzerland of New England the rampart of our liberties. (Cries of Bravo, and tremendous cheering.) But neither in New York, nor Philadelphia, nor Washington, will our armies suffer defeat. We went down to Bull Run, as I had the honor to remark in conversation with a gentleman to-day, a congregation of town meetings without a leader. (Laughter.) Wheresoever we march again we march as an army, disciplined, drilled, thoroughly banded, and ably commanded, the men knowing who their commanders are. And we will not be content much longer with defending Washington und
l of my heart, I beg you to believe that I am sincere in all that I shall say. (Bravo, and hear, hear.) This compliment was never looked for by me. ( We believe it, her Britannic Majesty's navy should hug as honor such an act to their souls. (Bravo, and repeated applause.) Now, gentlemen, I approach a subject with great diffidir intended movements. (Sensation; Hear, hear; and That never came out before; Bravo. ) I again say that I am going to approach a subject with great diffidence. I infamy, having been her father's guest not ten days before. ( Disgraceful, and Bravo for Miss Slidell. ) No words of mine shall pass my lips on a political point I s having slapped Mr. Fairfax's face. (Cries of Serve him right if she did, and Bravo. ) She did strike Mr. Fairfax. ( Loud cheers for her then. ) She did strike Mr.solution for it--(laughter)--I said to them, Back, you----cowardly poltroons. ( Bravo, and Capital. ) I need not ask you, gentlemen, if I am acquitted of bullying.
rificed their lives for the country. Gen. De Kalb fell at Camden, covered with no less than eight wounds. Gen. Sigel had a right to expect to be supported by his countrymen. He was, there was no question, one of the ablest and best leaders of the army. The Germans in Missouri had been persecuted ever since the breaking out of the rebellion, because they had remained true to the Union. Without them Governor Jackson would have succeeded in wrenching the State of Missouri from the Union. (Bravo.) The speaker alluded to the slave question and slaves as contrabands, taking a radical view of the question. They should demand for Gen. Sigel such a position, in which he could be properly placed, to the advantage of the country, while this war is carried on. Mr. Weil Von Gernsbach was the next speaker, who gave an exposition of the bright military and private career of Gen. Sigel. He criticised, in a very sarcastic manner, the measures of certain military leaders and government offic
on, have been very active. They have made a complete circuit of the enemy twice, capturing and destroying several hundred wagons loaded with munitions and supplies, the enemy's stores at La Vergne and Nolinsville, about a thousand head of horses and mules, besides killing a number of the Yankees, including a brigadier-general, and taking several hundred prisoners. On Wednesday, they rendered great service in picking up and securing prisoners, and the captures of artillery, etc., then made. Bravo for Wheeler and Wharton, and their gallant cavaliers. They reported yesterday and this evening that the movements of the enemy in the rear, his trains, etc., were indicative of a speedy retreat; but no such indications appear on his front lines. On the contrary, his intrenching goes on, and his advance across the river to-day might be construed into a purpose to stay where he is until rested, preparatory to continuing his journey to Bridgeport and Chattanooga. As addendum I must mention
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