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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 9 (search)
o have her released. November 22 We have information that the enemy have invaded and taken possession of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, Accomac and Northampton Counties. They invaded the two counties with a force of 8000 men, and we had only 800 to oppose them. Of course there could be no contest against such odds. They carried my tenant to Drummondtown, the county seat, and made him (I suppose) assist in raising the United States flag over the court-house. November 23 J. C. Breckinridge and Humphrey Marshall, of Kentucky, have been here; and both have been made brigadiergenerals, and assigned to duty in the West. Although the former retained his seat in the Senate of the United States for many months after the war began, no one doubts that he is now with us, and will do good service. November 24 Gen. Floyd has retreated from Cotton Hill, and the enemy threatens our western communications. Gen. Lee has been sent to Western Virginia, but it is not an adequate fi
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, X. January, 1862 (search)
d their families, as if this government was the property of the few men who happen to wield power at the present moment. Arrogance and presumption in the South must, sooner or later, have a fall. The great men who were the leaders of this revolution may be ignored, but they cannot be kept down by the smaller fry who aspire to wield the destinies of a great and patriotic people. Smith and Lovell, New York politicians and Street Commissioners, have been made major-generals, while Wise and Breckinridge are brigadiers. January 28 There must soon be collisions in the West on a large scale; but the system of lying, in vogue among the Yankees, most effectually defeats all attempts at reliable computation of numbers. They say we have 150,000 men in Tennessee and Kentucky, whereas we have not 60,000. Their own numbers they represent to be not exceeding 50,000, but I suspect they have three times that number. The shadows of events are crowding thickly upon us, and the events will spea
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 17 (search)
of passports to Gen. Winder. July 29 Pope's army, greatly reinforced, are committing shocking devastations in Culpepper and Orange Counties. His brutal orders, and his bragging proclamations, have wrought our men to such a pitch of exasperation that, when the day of battle comes, there will be, must be terrible slaughter. July 30 Both Gen. Jackson and Gen. Stuart were in the department to-day. Their commands have preceded them, and must be near Orange C. H. by this time. These war-worn heroes (neither of them over forty years of age) attracted much attention. Everybody wished to see them; and if they had lingered a few minutes longer in the hall, a crowd would have collected, cheering to the echo. This they avoided, transacting their business in the shortest possible space of time, and then escaping observation. They have yet much work to do. July 31 Gen. Breckinridge has beaten the Yankees at Baton Rouge, but without result, as we have no co-operating fleet.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XIX. October, 1862 (search)
al Government had continued in existence until independence was achieved. October 4 A splendid aurora borealis last night. Yesterday, most of the delegation in Congress from Kentucky and Tennessee petitioned the President to order Gen. Breckinridge, at Knoxville, to march to the relief of Nashville, and expel the enemy, without waiting for orders from Gen. Bragg, now in Kentucky. The President considers this an extraordinary request, and will not, I suppose, grant it. It is said Weldon; but we have no confirmation of it to-day. Loring, after all, did not send his cavalry into Pennsylvania, I presume, since nothing has been heard of it. The Charleston Mercury has some strictures on the President for not having Breckinridge in Kentucky, and Price in Missouri, this fall. They would doubtless have done good service to the cause. The President is much absorbed in the matter of appointments. Gen. Wise was again ordered down the Peninsula last Saturday; and agai
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXX. September, 1863 (search)
as in distraction from painful meditations during a season of calamity. September 23 We have nothing additional up to three P. M. to-day; but there is an untraceable rumor on the street of some undefinable disaster somewhere, and perhaps it is the invention of the enemy. We still pause for the sequel of the battle; for Rosecrans has fallen back toga strong position; and at this distance we know not whether it be practicable to flank him or to cut his communications. It is said Gen. Breckinridge commanded only 1600 men, losing 1300 of them! Gen. Cooper and the Secretary of War have not been permitted to fill up his division; the first probably having no desire to replenish the dilapidated command of an aspiring political general. A Mr. G. Preston Williams, of Eden, Chatham County, Ga., writes to the President, Sept. 7th, 1863, saying he has lost three sons in the war, freely given for independence; His fourth son is at home on furlough, but he shall not return unless the P
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXV. February, 1864 (search)
delegates, under such regulations as he may deem expedient. Eighteen car loads of coffee went up to the army to-day. I have not tasted coffee or tea for more than a year. February 5 Bright frosty morning, but warmer and hazy later in the day. From dispatches from North Carolina, it would seem that our generals are taking advantage of the fine roads, and improving the opportunity, while the enemy are considering the plan of the next campaign at Washington. February 6 Major-Gen. Breckinridge, it is said, is to command in Southwestern Virginia near the Kentucky line, relieving Major-Gen. Sam Jones. Yesterday the cabinet decided to divide the clerks into three classes. Those under eighteen and over forty-five, to have the increased compensation; those between those ages, who shall be pronounced unable for field service, also to have It; and all others the Secretaries may certify to be necessary, etc. This will cover all their cousins, nephews, and pets, and exclude m
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 39 (search)
near Richmond; shot through the head, and buried on the field. Now she learns that another brother, a cadet, just 18 years old, was killed in the battle of Gen. Breckinridge, in the valley, shot through the head; and she resolves to set out for Staunton at once, to recover his body. Her father and sister died a few months ago, ad she has just heard of her aunt's death. A lady living next door to us had two brothers wounded on Monday, and they are both here, and will recover. Gen. Breckinridge is now marching to reinforce Lee. It is said Butler will set sail to join Grant. If so, we can send Lee 20,000 more men, and Beauregard's victory will yield yesterday evening, and repulsed the enemy. It is said Ewell is now engaged in a flank movement, and the great final battle may be looked for immediately. Breckinridge is at Hanover Junction, with other troops. So the war rolls on toward this capital, and yet Lee's headquarters remain in Spottsylvania. A few days more must
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 40 (search)
hot, but with a fine breeze-southwest. All is quiet around the city. Saturday night the enemy again penetrated Gen. Breckinridge's line, and again were repulsed by the Floridians. Some of his regiments (as Mr. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy, wme on. The little garden is a little treasure. June 7 Rained in the night, clear and cool in the morning. Gen. Breckinridge's division started toward the Valley early this morning. All is quiet near the city; but firing has been heard day. It is reported that the enemy's cavalry and a corps of infantry recrossed the Pamunky this morning, either after Breckinridge, or to guard communications with the Rappahannock. There is a pause also in Georgia. Yesterday the President vay a copy of a letter from him to the President, yesterday, proposing to send 6000 more troops to Western Virginia, as Breckinridge has only 9000 and the enemy 18,000. Lieut.-Gen Holmes sends from Raleigh, N. C., a letter from Hon. T. Bragg, reve
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XL. July, 1864 (search)
contest against a half million of invaders. Our crop of wheat is abundant, and the harvest over; our communications will be all re-established in a few days, and the people being armed and drilled everywhere, the enemy's raiders will soon be checked in any locality they may select as the scene of operations. All the bridges will be defended with fortifications. Besides, Lee is gathering rapidly an army on the Potomac, and may not only menace the enemy's capital, but take it. Early and Breckinridge, Imboden and Morgan, may be at this moment inflicting more serious injury on the enemy's railroads and canals than we have sustained in Virginia. And it is certain the stores of — the Federal army in Georgia have been captured or destroyed to a very serious extent. Still, in this hour of destitution and suffering among certain classes of the people, we see no beggars in the streets. Likewise, notwithstanding the raiding parties penetrate far in the rear of our armies, there has b
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 44 (search)
in the Valley, and that his cavalry is retiring. 9 A. M. Another dispatch from Gen. Lee. The raiders' cavalry, only 250 strong, are at Brandy Station, a body of their infantry at Bealton Central Railroad. 9 1/2 A. M. Gen. Lee says Gen. Breckinridge repulsed the enemy's attack on Saltville, on Sunday, 2d inst.; it was a bloody repulse, and Gen. B. is pursuing. Gen. Beauregard has been appointed to the supervisory command of the army in Georgia, etc.; in response to the universal cng the enemy endeavored to advance between the Darbytown and Charles City Roads, but was repulsed in every attempt. The most strenuous effort was made about four P. M., after which he withdrew, leaving many dead. Our loss very slight. Gen. Breckinridge reports that a force (f the enemy came to Greenville on the 12th, and was defeated by Gen. Vaughan. Some prisoners, two stands of colors, many horses and arms were captured. The enemy lost many killed and wounded. Our loss slight. R.