Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 27, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Breckinridge or search for Breckinridge in all documents.

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ts, and their sacred honor. To arms ! must be the watch word from this day henceforth. Every man in the country should be prepared for the emergency. Gen. Breckinridge at Russellville. From the Russellville (Ky.) correspondence of the Nashville; Union and American, under date of November 18, we take the following extract: Breckinridge's brigade, which left Bowling Green yesterday morning, arrived here this evening, and are encamped a short distance from town, where they will remain until after the adjournment of the Convention. Crittenden is reported about thirty miles west of here, with a force of 8,000 men marching on this place for thel without any foundation; although, to avoid any mishap, the sending of a force to check and repel his advance, if any was made, was not thought improper. General Breckinridge accompanied his brigade here, and will probably take a seat in the Convention at its session this evening. Seizure of Arms and Munitions of war in Mi