Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 12, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Brigham or search for Brigham in all documents.

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Brigham young's Many wives. --A Utah correspondent says: "The only passable fair women that I have seen are inmates of Brigham's harem. While driving out, some few days since, I overhauled the modern Solomon, who was going into the country on a bender, in company with a number of his concubines. The carriages, each drawn byBrigham's harem. While driving out, some few days since, I overhauled the modern Solomon, who was going into the country on a bender, in company with a number of his concubines. The carriages, each drawn by four fine horses, and accompanied by outriders and baggage wagons, formed a train half a mile long. I had a fair view of the stock, horses, and women. The former were magnificent animals; the latter from fair to middling. 'Some were fair and some were plain, And some were frightfully on the wane.' "I noticed in th 'Some were fair and some were plain, And some were frightfully on the wane.' "I noticed in the party women of forty and girls of twelve or fourteen. I have in vain endeavored to ascertain the number of Brigham's wives, but no one here knows. I doubt if the old sinner himself can tell. Men frequently marry sisters."