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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
st chose, as you know, the first teacher, Henry Davison, and the committee for the west chose Caleb Brooks, probably a nephew of the committeeman, a son of his brother Ebenezer. Where these schools wg this time have been found. Those known are 1719, Henry Davison. 1720, Henry Davison, Caleb Brooks. 1728, [Ammi R.] Cutter, Harvard, class of 1725(?) 1729, [Henry] Gibbs, Harvard, class be divided as the School Committee shall think most proper signed Samuel Swan j. Fitch Hall, Caleb Brooks, Joseph P. Hall, Jona Brooks, Committee. April 1, 1805, it was voted not to accept the repBrooks, Committee. April 1, 1805, it was voted not to accept the report of the Committee, to have the School house enlarged and hire another teacher to instruct half the scholars. A petition signed by Nathan Adams and fourteen others was presented, the selectmen aski 7th That one of these womens schools be kept at the westerly part of the town somewhere near Brooks corner so called. 8th That one other woman's school be kept at the school house by the meetin
ea was kept to help establish the authority of Parliament. Every town resented the tax and took action against it. In November, 1774, a warrant was issued to the voters of Medford to meet and decide what action, if any, should be taken in regard to the selling and drinking of East India tea. At this meeting they voted that we will not use any East India Teas in our Families till the Acts be Repealed—and also appointed a committee consisting of Benjamin Hall, Deacon Kidder, Deacon Warren, Caleb Brooks, and others, to post in some public place the names of those found selling or using tea in their families. Later we find that the town, being informed that severall ships were already arrived in Boston with large quantities (of tea) on board and severall more daily expected, therefore, to Prevent the many formidable evils consequent upon the Success of this alarming & subtle attempts to rivet the Chains of oppression, they Resolved 1st That it is the incumbent duty of all free B
m Antigua a number of slaves and in 1737 petitioned that the duty on them be abated, but no further action than to lay it on the table was taken. He probably had at least fifteen at a time, and the slave-quarters, so-called, have become an object of considerable historical interest. The entire number of persons holding slaves in the last half of the 18th century probably did not exceed thirty, the town records giving, indirectly, the names of twenty. Partial list of slaveholders: Capt. Caleb Brooks, Ebenezer Brooks, Samuel Brooks, Capt. Thomas Brooks,—Bishop,—Brown, Mary Bradshaw, Andrew Hall, Jonathan Hall, Jr., Stephen Hall, Benj. Hall, Hugh Floyd, Jacob Polly, Zachariah Pool, Isaac Royall, Dr. Simon Tufts, Rev. Mr. Turrell, Stephen Willis, Deacon Benj. Willis, Francis Whitmore. Not that our ancestors believed it wrong; the names of Rev. Mr. Turrell and Deacon Benj. Willis would refute that. But economically it was unprofitable, and its ultimate extinction was doubtless the ex