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llection, Vol. III. IN the year 1816, General Brooks having been declared governor by the two b to breakfast at eight. While at our meal General Brooks saw through the window a tall old gentlemadistinguished themselves on that occasion, General Brooks asked Colonel Bancroft to take a cup of cands. To the remarks of Captain Bancroft, Colonel Brooks replied (they still shaking hands heartilyth as much speed as he came up. There now, Colonel Brooks, said General Learned, I dare say you likopinion of its expediency. In reading Governor Brooks' story, as thus related by his auditor, w artisans of long ago. The History of Medford (Brooks, p. 393) says: There was a mill a short ditill occupied. [1855.] We can but wish that Mr. Brooks had been more explicit in the latter sentencfails to throw any light on the matter. Did Mr. Brooks mean that some remains of a tide-mill still mill's outflow. It is now sixty years since Mr. Brooks wrote his history of Medford and he was then[4 more...]
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17., Governor Brooks engine company. (search)
Governor Brooks engine company. FROM the formation of the Medford Amicable Fire Society to our motor-driven fire apparatus is a far cry. Midway between, the BroBrooks' History of Medford was written. On page 475 are some sound ideas that, later adopted, make our fire department efficient. By the courtesy of its chief engineers anniversary on June 6, 1850, which was the ninety-eighth of the birth of Governor Brooks, in the following manner, To meet at the Engine House at 10 o'clock Prakers, Mr. Usher proceeded with a review of the life and public service of Governor Brooks, emphasizing his many excellent traits of character and urging the auditor discipline and obedience to authority drawn by Mr. Usher from the life of Governor Brooks, a year had not elapsed when there was a walk out of the company, which thin the Medford Highway Department. It is the four wheels, spire and bottom of the tub, on which is placed a tool box. Is it that of the old Governor Brooks engine?
But we fancy he would take exception to the recent statement of a Boston daily that Jonathan Brooks was the founder of the Brooks family in America, and that Governor Brooks was born, lived and died in this house, as was also stated by the same Journalist who was given the subject to cover. Upon being told, prior to its publicati all, but was a drinking-place for cattle, unique but useful, and an arrangement not often seen. Will some one find for us the boundary lines agreed upon by Caleb Brooks, John Hall, Thomas Willis, Stephen Willis and John Whitmore of Medford, in 1680, or locate the points named? From a great tree in the orchard, to a black oaomas Willis, Stephen Willis and John Whitmore of Medford, in 1680, or locate the points named? From a great tree in the orchard, to a black oak tree * * * to a stake standing up in the land between Brooks and Francis * * * to a little black oak * * * to an old stub in clay land * * * to a little black oak bush near the river.
Medford artillery. ONE organization, of military character, at one time existed that has never found place in Medford annals, though its time fell just previous to the revision of Brooks' history by Mr. Usher. We refer to the Magoun Battery. In the preparation of this sketch the writer has consulted the records of the selectmen, the published annual reports of the town officers, records at the State House, and the files of Medford and Boston papers. He has also conversed with numerous citizens, some of whom were members of the company, but has been unable to find any trace of the records made by its clerk. The existence of the company grew out of no military exigency, but from the old-style noisy celebration of Independence Day, which required a salute fired at morning, noon and night. In 1870 and 1871 this was by George Nichols' old gun (as we are told), each time at an expense of $50. In 1872 (see town report) the payment was to Mr. Nichols, $55.50, 3 salutes, 37 guns e
ain. The Boston & Lowell was also an infant. Chartered in 1829, and six years in building, it had been ten years in operation when the Medford Branch was projected. By the latter's construction Medford had easy access to Boston, with its own terminal at Medford square, then called the market-place. It would have been better if that committee had looked more clearly after the interests of the town than it did, and not have permitted a grade crossing of old Ship street. Of the Branch, Brooks' History says, It was readily finished and proves to be a productive and convenient road—and it was, in its infantile days. At the present time it is a problem to the managers, and a small factor in passenger transit. Of its early days the Register has secured items of interest, mostly from townsman Francis A. Wait, from whom we quote:— About 1845 a large, fine dwelling house, owned by the heirs of Ebenezer Hall, stood where the B. & M. R. R. Depot on Main street, Medford, stands tod
istick . . . In the year 1659 Thomas Broughton sold to Edward Collins two water mills on Mistick river now in the possession of Thomas Eames in said Broughton's behalf . . . There were two mills under one roof, a corn and a fulling mill. In the following year (1660) Edward Collins sold to Thomas Brooks and Timothy Wheeler 400 acres of land . . . also one-fourth part of the mill on Mistick river lately in the possession of Thomas Broughton . . . In the year 1666 Edward Collins sold to Caleb Brooks one-fourth part, and to Timothy Wheeler three-fourths parts of the corn mills on Mistick river . . . now in the occupation and improvement of Thomas Fillebrown, and all houses, land, dams and waterways to the same pertaining or in any way appertaining or in any way belonging, also all tools and implements. . . . Excepting and only reserving my rights, interests and claims to the wares on said river for fishing, with liberty to fish as formerly has been wont in and about said mill. In the
Again there are charges for soling Madam and Daughter shos. The only item of Colonel Royall's personal use was soling your pumps 2s 6d. A different sort of pump was mending your pump box four pence; this time the word mending is used. Probably Jo, peter, plato and the others got water more easily from the Royall well because of this mending of the pump by this ancient Medford cobbler, who also mended bridle and chaze harness several times. The list of Col. Royall's twelve slaves in Brooks' history gives six of these names, but does not include Belinda. Hagar, Mira, Nancy and Betsy may have been the negro woman and garls of the old account. His charges for making shoes for Thomas——your wife and garl was 3£ 10s, the largest amount entered. A pair for calep was 2£ 10s. Simon Bradshaw had a pair for yourselfe 3£ 5s, a pair for your Negro man 2£ 10s. James Perry was charged with a pair for yourselfe, 2£ 18s, a pair for your woman 1£ 10s, a pair for your garl 1£ 4s, wh
ence. With the thought of making record of those of Medford, I prepared a series of articles thereon some thirteen years since, which were published in the Medford Mercury, followed in later years by others, in all eleven or twelve. The earliest record we have of any meeting-house bell in Medford is in 1740, when an effort was made to purchase a bell that Mr. Dolbear had for sale. Mr. Dolbear was a Boston merchant at Dock square. Nothing seems to have come of this, however. Historian Brooks mentions the fact that the town had a stock of bricks, but as these were not sold the bell was not bought. He records that some liberal gentlemen provided a bell in 1744. The ringer was paid five pounds for a year's service. This bell was on the second meeting-house beside Marrabel's brook. The bell was placed in a turret or cupola that surmounted the pyramidal roof, and the bellrope hung in the middle of the house in the alley, just as it does today in the old Hingham meeting-house, bu