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ry road to Joshua Brooks' land. 24-10-1680. Agreement between Caleb Brooks on the one part, and John Hall, Thomas & Stephen Willis, John Whly planted by John Whitmore being in the line between the abovesaid Brooks & Whitmore and so upon another great black Oak tree being in said line as is above mentioned between said Brooks and Whitmore, and from that in a straight line to a stake standing up in the line between said BBrooks and Stephen & John Francis' 2 a. of Clay land, then from said stake to a little black oak, and from that to an old shed within a rod of said Brooks' Meadow, then from said shed to a little black Oak bush by the River, upon a straight line, said Shed is the S. or S. W. corner oflose to the River which is the line on the E. or S. E. between said Brooks and Francis. This landing place is upon the land of Stephen & Johnounds thus agreed upon. The old shed that was within a rod of said Brooks' meadow but on the corner of the Francis' two acres of clayland has
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., At Medford's old civic Center (continued). (search)
but gave up the project as it was not favored by his wife. Our family had been patrons of Dr. Swan, and my mother was given a case containing many small glass vials filled with what seemed to be tiny sugar plums to us children. As they were not medicated no harm resulted to us by playing with them. Nathaniel Hall, who lived in the Secomb house, had a later residence on his farm in the house now the farmhouse on the Lawrence estate. He was son of Willis Hall, and married Joanna Cotton Brooks. Their son, Peter Chardon Hall, married Ann Rose, daughter of Joseph and Ann Rose Swan, and lived on the old place. My memory of this old house goes back to the time when I went there to visit my school friend, gentle Jennie Hall, who moved from Medford, and died early of consumption. There were several other daughters in this family. Little did I think then, as a young school girl, what interesting facts concerning this place were to come to me in later years. (Register, Vol. XVI, p
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Medford Municipal publications. (search)
o the neglect of other. For the year 1890 the book is of over six hundred pages, the valuation list occupying one-third. That year and the next the town had six voting precincts for elections, the precursor of what was coming. The census of 1890 gave 11,790 as Medford's population. In 1885 a petition was presented to the General Court from inhabitants of West Medford, asking that a division of the town be made, and that the western portion be incorporated as a new town under the name of Brooks. Medford had then a population of 9,041. The petitioners at this hearing set forth that they were opposed to a city form of government and desired separation in order to retain the management of their prudential affairs in the hands of the many, and not delegate all their rights and privileges to the control of a few. The hearings before the legislative committee, to whom it was referred, together with arguments of counsel, form interesting reading, published as it was in separate volumes