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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Lafayette's visit to Medford. (search)
bore the appropriate motto, Welcome to our hills and Brooks. At the close of Lafayette's reply to the speech of welcome made by Turell Tufts, the chairman of the selectmen, the procession, escorted by the Medford Light Infantry, moved on to Brooks' house. Here an opportunity was given the people, including the children, to greet the marquis. The throng entered by the front door on the south side and passed out by the east door. Later a dinner was served, twenty-five being present. Charles Brooks, who thirty years later was to become Medford's first historian, was of this privileged company. Others were General Sumner, Major Swett, Rev. Andrew Bigelow, who asked the blessing, all of Boston, Rev. George Burnap of Baltimore, Dr. Swan and Dudley Hall of Medford. George Stewart of Canada, grandson of the host, is said to have been present, and his daughter-in-law, widow of Col. John Brooks, presided at the table. The following, from the newspapers of the day, published in book f
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Some errors in Medford's histories. (search)
tory of Medford; my forebears, like those of Mr. Brooks, were among the early landholders of the plaerstand this article one should have in hand Mr. Brooks' history for reference. These quotations ar. Cradock or his agents, not by the town, as Mr. Brooks would imply, there being no town government ots, and were included in the land sold to Messrs. Brooks and Wheeler in the year 1660. Collins rnor Cradock's agent in 1634, as asserted by Mr. Brooks. Governor Cradock's grant was made March 4, 1635, one year later than the date given by Mr. Brooks. The so-called port-holes must have been orf Governor Cradock's agents. First, we have Mr. Brooks' arguments as given in his history. And then. A portion of this road (from the square to Brooks' corner) is now High street, and High street c . . . [P. 89.] Here is an admittance by Mr. Brooks that Medford was settled in 1629. After rlestown, says that Medford was not a town. Mr. Brooks good-naturedly dissents from this statement,[12 more...]
into prominence some fifty years before this entertaining story, claiming Medford as its origination, was written. Governor Brooks had known Colonel Baldwin, and, himself in advanced years, tells his young kinsman Charles about the origin of the B over the line in Upper Medford, and on it, forty or fifty rods south of the black horse tavern, was the tree the young Mr. Brooks visited. The real Samuel Thompson farm (on which was the tree grafted from the original Woodpecker tree in Wilmington) was seven miles from Mr. Brooks' home; this only two. It was very old and partly decayed, but bore fruit abundantly. He said he climbed it. He also tells about the woodpeckers' holes, which he might equally well have found on other trees. Doubtleed thirty years ago in the Winchester Record. We commend a careful perusal of this, which includes the Medford claim of Mr. Brooks, as showing how easily errors creep into public print, and if unquestioned, into public belief. Also, even refuted, th
s when Medford was wet:— Samuel Wade of Medford, married Lydia, daughter of Lieutenant Thomas Newhall of Malden. He was an innholder in whose tavern, at the sign of the Fountain in Mistick, on Monday the 27th December 1714, arose a brawl between Captain Edward Sprague and Thomas Newhall Jr. of Malden, resulting in the Captain being badly bruised about the head, thrown to the floor and barely escaped being thrown out of the window. As usual both parties seem to have been at fault. Mr. Brooks, in his history, devotes some space to the Fountain tavern and its signs, saying it was built as early as 1725. He tells of platforms built in the spreading branches of the big trees, and their connecting bridges that reached also to the house, and that these were much used in summer as places of resort for drinking punch and cordials. Tea-parties were sometimes gathered there, as though tea was of secondary importance, as it probably was. It would appear that the modern roof-garden isn
e. As we considered our information correct we did not verify it by a personal visit to the spot. We have recently done so, and find at about seventy paces below the entrance to the Metropolitan Police station the stone in question, which may or may not have been removed during the progress of the work of improvement along the line of Forest street. This stone is shaped much like the second, with a flat surface toward the pike (Forest street). The back and top are roughly curved, and the top has been fractured somewhat. The painted letters, 1 1 M<*> still show near the top with a larger M beneath them, and lower down and barely legible are 1/M<*> rudely cut in the stone, much as might have been with hammer and nail (see page 10, Brooks' History of Medford) in the hands of an amateur. This stone is in the grassy slope between Forest street and the Fellsway, upon which last the electric cars and automobiles hurry along in marked contrast to the slow travel of the old turnpike days.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., A Medford memorial—better late than never. (search)
that a former editor of the Register made note of it (Vol. IX, p. 33), reproducing the program, inscriptions and portions of the addresses then made, we should have remained in ignorance thereabout. On that occasion Medford's historian, Rev. Charles Brooks, made the address, in which he spoke of the lessons the monument would teach to posterity, when the storms of a century should have blackened its surface. He also said, Fifty years hence let the hoary-headed soldier come and kneel in praytion, none too legible, is seen but by few. Fifty years have passed, and we are writing on September 6, the anniversary day. It had been in our thought for the Historical Society to take some formal notice of this day, on the same spot where Mr. Brooks' words were spoken, and in presence of such Grand Army veterans as might be gathered for such occasion. The pressure of other important matters has precluded this, but we think it both timely and fitting to thus call attention in our columns t