Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for E. P. Brown or search for E. P. Brown in all documents.

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a wife and one child. Wm. C. Bannister, for many years and accountant in the Exchange Bank, and one of our best citizens. He leaves a large family. Geo. B. Jones, a prominent druggist of Petersburg, and a most excellent man. John Crowder, of this city, a noble youth. George R. Conway, of Prince George. Wm. Daniels, of Prince George, a youth. He was killed by a bayonet thrust through the breast, and his head was severely mutilated with the butt of a musket. E. P. Brown, of Sturdivant's battery, from Albemarle. Wounded. Henry A. Blanks, of this city, seriously in body and arm. Dr. Wm. Bellingham, of Petersburg, a prominent dentist, severely in side. Wm. Howard, a clerk at the bookstore of Richard Riches. Wm A. Meanley, of this city, shot in three places severely. Robt. A. Martin, of the firm of Martin, Tannahill & Co, shot in the arm. Wm T. McCandlish, merchant of this city, shot in the hand, and a prisoner. Richard
A strange Incident. --A correspondent of the Athens Banner says: "A Mrs. Brown, of Randolph county, went with her sister to Americas, last winter, to meet a brother whom they were expecting home from the army. After the cars came down, and while they were looking for their brother among the crowd, Mrs. Brown observed a coffMrs. Brown observed a coffin in the baggage car, and remarked, on pointing it out to her sister, 'If that were my brother, I believe it would kill me.' Her sister then asked the name of the deceased, of a soldier who had charge of the coffin, and, to her horror, found that it was really her brother. In an instant Mrs. Brown dropped down on the platform anhat were my brother, I believe it would kill me.' Her sister then asked the name of the deceased, of a soldier who had charge of the coffin, and, to her horror, found that it was really her brother. In an instant Mrs. Brown dropped down on the platform and died, and her poor sister had to carry home two corpses instead of one.
From North Georgia. Atlanta, June 10. --The enemy developed in force yesterday in our front at Ackworth and on our extreme right cast of the railroad towards Roseville. There was partial skirmishing in the afternoon in front of Hood's corps. Prisoners report the bridge at Etowah rebuilt by the Yankees and trains running to Ackworth. Sherman avoids any effort to bring on an engagement out of his breastworks. Captured Yankees say he has orders not to risk a general engagement. Gov. Brown returned from the front yesterday, where he has been with Gen. Johnston.