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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, I. Across Sherman's track (December 19-24, 1864) (search)
ch bad English that we couldn't understand. Now, don't lose the poor wretch, I said to Mr. Weller, as they moved off together. No, no, miss, I won't do that, he answered in a tone of such evident sincerity that I felt Hans was safe in the care of this strange, contradictory being, who could talk so like a savage, and yet be capable of such real kindness. Before crossing the Oconee at Milledgeville we ascended an immense hill, from which there was a fine view of the town, with Gov. Brown's fortifications in the foreground and the river rolling at our feet. The Yankees had burnt the bridge, so we had to cross on a ferry. There was a long train of vehicles ahead of us, and it was nearly an hour before our turn came, so we had ample time to look about us. On our left was a field where 30,000 Yankees had camped hardly three weeks before. It was strewn with the debris they had left behind, and the poor people of the neighborhood were wandering over it, seeking for anything t
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 4 (search)
d, and others still were not able to find even standing room for themselves. Gov. Brown was on board, and Mr. Toombs introduced him to me. He looked at me with a hal short-tailed black alpaca coat that had a decidedly home-made set. He looked Joe Brown, every inch of him, and if I had met him in Jericho, I would have said, There goes Joe Brown. But when we reached Milledgeville, he heaped coals of fire on my head by offering us his carriage to drive to the hotel in. Every horse, mule, and rrow, you old rascal! This is politics, I suppose, with the s left off. Governor Brown's obstructive policy towards the end of the war, and his decided stand in o on to pay her compliments to everything and everybody opposed to Jeff Davis, Gov. Brown coming in for the lion's share. Mrs. Wardlaw, her daughter, had a good voicer I was desperately hungry. Soon after dinner Mr. Toombs came in to say that Gov. Brown had provided him with a conveyance for himself and daughters and they were t
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
e richest man in New Orleans trudged through the other day, with no coat to his back, no shoes on his feet. The town is full of celebrities, and many poor fugitives, whose necks are in danger, meet here to concert plans for escape, and I put it in my prayers every night that they may be successful. Gen. Wigfall started for the West some days ago, but his mules were stolen, and he had to return. He is frantic, they say, with rage and disappointment. Gen. Toombs left to-night, but old Governor Brown, it is said, has determined not to desert his post. I am glad he has done something to deserve respect, and hope he may get off yet, as soon as the Yankees appoint a military governor. Clement Clay is believed to be well on his way to the Trans-Mississippi, the Land of Promise now, or rather the City of Refuge from which it is hoped a door of escape may be found to Mexico or Cuba. The most terrible part of the war is now to come, the Bloody Assizes. Kirke's lambs, in the shape of Yan
Thomas C. DeLeon, Four years in Rebel capitals: an inside view of life in the southern confederacy, from birth to death., Chapter 21: the conscription and its consequences. (search)
Chapter 21: the conscription and its consequences. The more men! cry passage of the act State troops turned over appointment of Generals Longings for home Exemptions and details the substitute law Mr. Davis' wisdom vindicated Governor Joe Brown kicks State Traits of the conscripts Kentucky's attitude Tennessee's Buffaloes the Union feeling fallacy conscript camps morals of the New Ish food and money Scarcer constancy of the soldiers the extension law Repeal of the substitute act home-guards the cradle and the grave. In the midst of the gloom, weighing upon the country about the days of Shiloh, the Confederate Congress moved on a point of vital import to its cause. Weak and vacillating as that body had proved; lacking as it was in decision, to force its views on the executive, or to resist popular clamor, backed by brutum fulmen of the press-a moment had come when even the blindest of legislators could not fail to see. More men, was the cry from
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 8: Sequels of Seven Pines. (search)
plan, but balky troops will mar the strongest plans. He tries to persuade himself that he intended to join our battle on the Williamsburg road, but there was no fight in his heart after his maladroit encounter with Sedgwick's division on the afternoon of the 31st. The opportunity for enfilade fire of his artillery along the enemy's battle front, at the morning opening and all of the forenoon, was waiting him; while reports of the enemy crossing the river, reinforcing against my single contest, were demanding relief and aid. He reported sick on the 2d and left the army. When ready for duty he was assigned about Richmond and the seaboard of North Carolina. He applied to be restored to command of his division in the field, but the authorities thought his services could be used better elsewhere. He resigned his commission in the Confederate service, went to Georgia, and joined Joe Brown's militia, where he found congenial service, better suited to his ideas of vigorous warfare.
ever seen him since. My boy, Millar, says that lie saw him recently, and that he lives with another woman, and has a family by her. The old folks' family. Daniel, my brother, was sold by Sam. Campbell to a man in Clay county, and lives there yet. Mahala, my oldest sister, was given to Mr. Green White, who was married to Mary Ann Campbell. She got married after she went home with them. She had five children by her husband, and then she was sold away from them. Her husband, Joe Brown, was driven out — of the house some three or four years before she was sold; he belonged to another master, and Mr. White did not like him about his house. I know nothing about Joe; his wife was sold somewhere up in Andrew county, and I have heard nothing of her since. I do not think she has ever seen her children from that time. I know that four of them are with Mr. White yet, and that she is not there; and that, about two months after she was taken away, her oldest boy, Henry, was sol
the contest for freedom and the struggle for liberty, and I hav also thought at sich times, that if a man, a living man, had treat me in that way, if I couldent whip him, I would sue him in the big cowrts, and the little cowrts, and all other cowrts. I would sue him all over with warrants, and summonses, and subpenas, and interrogatories. He could get into jail for swindlina just as the captain of the forty thieves got into the robbers' cave. Then agin I git over it, and conclude that maybe it couldent be helped, but my deliberate opinyun are, that it is just as easy for a government to be honest as it is for a man, and it's a heap more important. If Mr. Trenhome thinks so, he'll buy Mrs. Arp a cow, and show his faith by his works. In the language of Mr. Milton: I don't want nothing but what's right. Yours trooly, bill Arp. P. S.--Mr. Editur: If you think the above will be any comfort to Joe Brown, just leave all the last part out of the paper you send to him. B. A.
received in the summer of 1863, at the Headquarters of General J. E. Johnston, Mississippi, addressed to him: to General Johnson Will you do me an favor — inquire of General Jackson for my husband P. N. Smith. he joind Balentins Caveldry last fall in Hatcha then Chalmens — then you sent him to Jackson Cavaldrey the twenty-forth of last June. you mind he cairn to you in Canten under A rest by order of Dr Baker in penoley (Panola) you sent him back to get his horse and give him A free pass. he brout me And my Boy — I was in Ward No 2 as matron under Dr right — if you can find aney thing pleas rite to me — my husband is none by Capt Brown--he rides A dark bay horse he cales stonewall Jackson — himself wares A green shirt with yelew braid on it — he has red hair small black hat tied by a string — I no that you will Laf at me. All right. I want to no And I no you will tell me all you no And do All you Can ye humble suvant Sarah Ann Smith Matron Dr J. Buffingt
Prices in Richmond.--The following advertisement appeared in the Enquirer: paper — paper.--Just received, 100 Reams of superior Brown Colored paper, suitable for envelopes or wrapping purposes. Size 24 by 38--40 lbs. to the ream. Price, $80 per ream. Apply at the Enquirer office. Richmond Markets. Oysters are selling in Richmond for $16 per gallon. Flour, $120 a $150 per barrel. Wheat, $16 to $20 per bushel. Apples, $80 per barrel. Bacon, $2.25 per pound. Butter, $5.50 per pound. Beans, $28 per bushel. Cheese, $7 per pound. Coffee, $11.50 per pound. Whisky, $85 per gallon. Sugar — Brown, $3.40; crushed, $5.50. Vinegar, $6 per gallon
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
Co. H. J. A. Reid, Zzz=Co. H. S. W. May,Co. K. Chief Mus'n C. L. Doll, Co. B. Mus'n P. A. Williams, Co. I. Jno. Williams, Co. C. C. B. Harrison, Co. I. Simeon Palvido, Co. B. A. Burnstein, Co. A. P. H. Allen, Co. H. P. T. Duke. Co. D. [41] Fourteenth Louisiana Regiment. Sergeant-Maj. Z. Imbeau,Co. B. Sergeant Jacob Bouton,Co. C. W. H. Clay,Co. K. Thomas Berry,Co. C. J. T. Hale,Co. K. Mus'n C. Adams,Co. G. Corporal Thomas Brown,Co. K. Private S. Baggett,Co. A. Joe Brown,Co. B. G. D. Bree,Co. F. P. Denna,Zzz=Co. F. J. Davis,Co. E. Sam. Drewry,Co. F. Private E. C. Eatman, Co. F. C. Gaffney, Co. I. H. Herr, Co. K. Ed. Knight, Co. A. C. F. Myers, Co. B. Dennis O'Malley, Co. I. H. Reece, Co. B. Sergeant Dan Scanlin, Co. C. Private J. Sullivan, Co. B. Mus'n H. H. Geck, Co. I. Private J. C. Taylor, Co. F. L. McFadden.Zzz=Co. F. [25] Tenth Louisiana Regiment. Private J. Lafferty, Co. A. J. Koester,Zzz=Co. A. Sergeant Mike Garrity, C